Quadruple split

Chapter 1031 Library

After that, the elders and aunties exchanged a few polite words with Pastor Hei Fan, whom they met for the first time today. The specific content was nothing more than, 'Young man, we have all heard about your deeds and feel that you will become a great person in the future.' Take good care of His Highness Wangyu, etc. Anyway, there is nothing particularly worth mentioning.

This relatively formulaic friendship between landlords is basically a process. After all, Mo Tan and Yu Chen are just trainees who have no say in this exchange meeting and will not even formally participate in various meetings. Black is almost regarded as the future leader of the Sun Sect, so the three deans were not particularly enthusiastic. After being polite, they said that the permission has been settled long ago. It is a rare trip for you, so go and have a good time. .

Then we went to find a place to play cards with Sprada and Tom.

In theory, those accompanying students who should have been courteous to Mo Tan, Yu Chen and Feiyali in order to have a good start in the Holy Religion Union after graduation, because of someone who had just been in the round The impulsive operations were all kept silent. The boys did not dare to look at the little saint of dawn even if they had no wrong thoughts in their hearts. The girls were not under so much pressure, but no one took the initiative to break the slightly depressing atmosphere. .

In this way, the group of people passed through the nearest archway in eerie silence and entered the [Academy City Comprehensive Library].

The next second, Mo Tan's eyes only felt blurred, and then he suddenly became enlightened——

The land is flat, the houses are neat, there are fertile fields, beautiful ponds, mulberry trees... Sorry, there are none of these, but the magnificent hall in front of them covers an area as large as possible, and the building height is at least measured in kilometers, which really makes Mo Tan and Yu Chen have special feelings. They had the illusion that they were the Wuling fisherman in Jin Taiyuan. The impact of this library hall on the two of them was no less than the first time they came to the Thousand Lights Dome in the City of Light. Shocking.

The ground is paved with sound-absorbing steel that is dark blue and sparkles with dots of stars. It is full of vigorous and powerful enchantment carvings. There are at least more than sixty teleportation arrays operating efficiently and silently around it, wearing various clothes. Students in various uniforms walked hurriedly among them. Countless bookshelves with perfect specifications formed an almost endless 'wall', which was neatly filled with various types of practical books. From mid-air, Judging from the arcane light curtain that constantly flashes at a certain comfortable frequency and speaks at least seven commonly used languages ​​at the same time, most of them can be classified as learning reference books in various fields.

It is worth mentioning that the 'various fields' here are not simple categories such as [Magic], [Magic], and [Engineering], but include all academic and non-academic fields, even if some students major in 'Nikaqiu's living habits' can be confusing.

Take the 'wall' closest to Mo Tan, for example, the 'Practical Application of Low-Level Fire Spells in Life' sub-column alone occupies an area of ​​at least sixty square meters!

In this dizzyingly spacious space, there are semicircular workstations every fifty meters, with two or three staff members wearing uniform brown short robes sitting upright behind them.

"Except for a few external applicants, most of them are senior students in Academy City~"

As Mo Tan and Yu Chen's eyes continued to move, a certain lizard man paladin from Anfilo Theological Seminary continued to introduce in a magnetic voice, providing basic knowledge about the comprehensive library to the two of them, perhaps because Arriving at his home stadium, this sixth-grader, who spends five months of every year working here as a work-study student, gradually relaxed and said in a brisk tone: "And those long tables between the workstations can be used as we please. There are places suitable for individual and group discussions. Because of the sound-absorbing steel under our feet and some mystical factors, we don’t need to deliberately lower the volume. As long as we don’t make too much noise, it won’t affect others.”

Mo Tan and Yu Chen nodded like chickens pecking at rice. Not to mention the latter's usual quiet and gentle temperament, Mo Tan, who no longer thought about bad things, also returned to his original painting style. The more he looked at it, the more he looked like a person. The friendly guy next door or the classmate sitting next to you.

Only then did everyone relax a little.

"This is the first hall. Through the red and blue teleportation arrays on both sides, you can also move directly to the slightly smaller second and third halls. However, small is only relative. Since the day it was built, the comprehensive book collection The museum has been constantly being expanded by various space-anchoring magics...ah, of course, there are also magical spells and other means in related fields."

The little flower elf girl who was scared by Mo Tan also bravely introduced it, and said with a somewhat reserved look: "To this day, the real area of ​​the library is actually comparable to the entire inner ring area, and along with the content The increase is likely to become even greater in the future.”

Mo Tan took a breath of cold air. As a 'learned scholar' with three identities in this game, he knew very well how difficult it is to expand space at this level in practice, so he was professionally surprised: " That’s really… amazing!”

"Yeah, that's great!"

Although Yu Chen didn't understand, he pecked the rice sharply and sighed in a low voice: "If now... uh, there is a place like this in our hometown, I will never let my mother come over."

Mo Tan smiled and shrugged: "I understand. After all, reference books are very compatible with most parents."

"As for reference books, they are basically concentrated in the three main halls. There are the most people here and the lowest permission requirements. As long as it is related to academic matters, even junior students like me can come here through normal applications. read."

A dwarf priest who looked to be in his forties, but was actually only fourteen years old, shyly stroked his beard, pointed at the orange badge on his collar that symbolized [Second Grade - Prefect], and smiled. Said: "Because the inner city has always been semi-enclosed, each college has a magic circle that can directly access the three main halls of this library. Although it is very troublesome to obtain permission."

"oh oh!"

Mo Tan and Yu Chen continued to peck at the rice. This kind of daily life in the academy in another world felt very fresh to both of them.

Another dwarf young man dressed as a Templar from the Justice Sect was not to be outdone. He jumped on his feet and added: "But these three main halls are only a small part of this library. They are the first area with basically no threshold. There are also a total of twenty-five areas of different types. Generally speaking, only those in fifth grade and above, with sufficient credits, or recommended by professional teachers can go to those places to read."

"Starting from the 26th area to the 35th area is the deep area."

A beast elf girl who couldn't tell the difference between the college and the sect she belonged to because she was wearing a law enforcement uniform pushed up her glasses and said softly: "Except for the male student union presidents, female student union presidents of each college and cadres of some large public organizations, most students You must have at least a vice-dean-level permit to enter, and if you want to borrow books from inside, you have to go through the procedures for at least two months."

Yuchen shrank his neck subconsciously: "You look so awesome, just like the cold storage where corpses were kept in my school... ah!"

Her Royal Highness the Saint, who had successfully attracted everyone's attention, realized that she had said the wrong thing. She immediately let out a short exclamation, cast a pitiful look at Mo Tan for help, and also sent a 'QAQ' in the message. '.

The latter watched his nose with his eyes, his nose with his mouth, and his mouth with his heart. In order to make Cole's actions smoother when he might play 'himself' in the future, he reluctantly refused to reply to Chen's news.

"Ahaha, it's actually not very powerful. Wangyu, let me tell you, because of our status as a joint Holy Religion delegation, Academy City specifically granted us several special permissions after receiving the application."

Feiyali changed the topic in a very loyal manner. She smiled and took out two disc-like things and stuffed them into the two of them. She said with a smile: "As long as we take this, we can go anywhere from the first area to the second area." Reading in the thirty-fifth zone, and you can even bring people with you!”

Mo Tan also spoke tactfully and seamlessly: "Oh haha, just open them all? It's so awesome!"

"No, no, actually not all are open."

Although she reluctantly changed the topic, Feiyali still cheerfully explained to Mo Tan who had some misunderstanding: "In addition to the basic area of ​​the three main halls and the middle area numbered 2 to 25, this library Besides the deep areas numbered 26 to 35, there is also the so-called 'forbidden book area'!"

Mo Tan and Yu Chen were stunned at the same time, and repeated in unison: "Restricted book area?"

"Numbers 36 to 45 are collectively known as the restricted book area."

The beast elf girl wearing the uniform of the law enforcement team nodded slightly and explained: "The knowledge stored in it... well, there are many contents that are not knowledge that are said to be very dangerous, and there are even some that can absorb souls or directly No student can enter the collection of books that lead to an alien plane unless they obtain special permission. Of course, although I heard that there are many powerful books in it, basically no one would be aware of that kind of dangerous place. interest."

Fiyali grinned, took out a light red disc-shaped pass as if to show off, and smiled: "As official members of the delegation, when going through the formalities, Mr. Tom, Mr. Sprada and I all got one. The special pass allows you to enter areas 36, 37, and 38. It’s a pity that this thing can only be used by yourself, otherwise you can definitely sell it... uh, rent it at a good price."

【Done. 】

Mo Tan wailed deep in his heart, feeling deeply regretful for hearing the news.

The reason is very simple, that is, even though he has no interest in the forbidden book area at all, as a very, very self-aware person, Mo Tan can guarantee that when his mental state drifts into chaos When "neutral", the person named "Tan Mo" in the realm of innocence will definitely be interested in that place, and he will be extremely interested!

Even if there are dangers, even if he is exhausted, and even if there is not enough time in every sense, Mo Tan still knows that 'he' will definitely find a way to sneak into the mysterious forbidden book area, and it is completely impossible to retreat.

It would be nice if I could lose my memory...

While sighing deeply in his heart, Mo Tan slowly broke the silence caused by the topic of the forbidden book area, smiled and asked the fellow travelers around him: "Then please take us around a little bit, but After all, this is our first time in a place like this, and we don’t know where to start. If possible, could you please give me some help?”

"Hmm, why don't we go see the things that you are usually more interested in~"

Yu Chen, who was holding Mo Tan's arm, also smiled at everyone and said with a smile, "Can I please help you?"

Immediately, the eyes of these fellow travelers, who had been carefully selected by the three deans, all brightened up, and they kept exchanging excited and happy glances.

And Fiyali, who had originally planned to propose this, also laughed with satisfaction.

The matter is actually not complicated. Putting aside the initial welcome meeting, if you just want Mo Tan and others to visit the library, there are already such a large number of receptionists, not to mention the twenty or so accompanying people. Well, you don’t even need a tour guide at all, so you have to think about it a little bit, and then think about Feiyali’s meaningful words before, "And you can also take people with you." You can easily come to a conclusion.

That's right - these people are actually here to read.

Although no one wants to go to the forbidden book area, which sounds weird, but as a top student among the top students in Academy City, although the reference books in the three main halls are large and sufficient, it is still difficult to satisfy these elites, and In most cases, it is difficult to apply for permits in the middle zone...especially in the deep zone. Even if it can be done, it will take a lot of time and energy, and the price/performance ratio is really low.

In fact, among the accompanying personnel present, no one has the authority to read in the deep area at will.

Under this premise, it is self-evident what Mo Tan and Yu Chen represent because they are specially granted all permissions in front of the restricted book area because of their status as trainees of the delegation, and they can even bring people.

Although there is no thick-skinned person in this group, Mo Tan, who is very 'understanding' in most situations, has already seen the purpose of the big guys and doesn't mind being a favor at all, so he directly gave the steps. , said the words with the subtext of 'Wherever you want to see, I will take you there'.

The equally smart Yu Chen also made the same choice at the same time.

"Hey, I can obviously collect some Shunfeng book money..."

Feiyali shook her head, murmured something in a low voice, then clapped her hands gently, and said with a smile: "Then, please help us plan a tour route~"

twenty five minutes later

"Hello, may I ask..."

Mo Tan looked hesitantly at the old man in front of him who was immersed in studying, and asked with some confusion: "Is this District 31? I seem to have gotten separated from my companions during the teleportation process."


"Ah? Isn't it?"

"This is District 39."

"District 30 or so?"

"Area 39, fourth floor of the forbidden book area."

Chapter 1024: End

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