Quadruple split

Chapter 1013 Return

Academy City, Central District, God knows where the hell

"So, even though I want to go back to where I stayed before the server is shut down today, I can remember that it is the [Favorite] Hotel at No. 11 Milhouse Avenue..."

Mo Tan, who turned out of the alley, sighed deeply, raised his head and glanced at the dawn in the horizon. His eyes were filled with sadness, and the corners of his mouth curled up with a hint of self-abasement. He covered his face with a dry smile and wailed in a low voice. Said: "But how can I find my destination in just ten minutes! By the way, where is this place! Can anyone come and save me?"

"Huh? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere in your body?"

"No, it's not a physical problem at all."

"Is that because you're hungry? Do you want me to treat you to dinner?"

"I have no appetite at all now..."

"If you have no appetite...could it be sexual desire? Even if I were to do that kind of work, I wouldn't easily agree to help you."

"What's this mess...ah, ah?"

Mo Tan twitched the corner of his mouth, then his eyes suddenly widened, and he suddenly turned around to look at the blond girl who had appeared behind him at some point, staring at the latter's misty light blue eyes and exclaimed: " By the way, Luna, why are you here?"

Luna tightened her thin silver-gray robe, and after a few seconds she answered slowly: "Because President Fullondale finally helped me get a trainee spot, so I am here.

"No no no!"

Mo Tan waved his hand vigorously and pointed to the floor tiles under his feet: "I mean, why do you appear in a place like this at this time?"

"Take a walk and do some shopping."

Luna answered calmly and said very seriously: "President Fullondale said he would reimburse me for my expenses here, so I want to buy some extremely expensive materials that I don't usually have a chance to use."

Mo Tanqian laughed: "I don't think this is what the president meant by 'reimbursement'..."

"Maybe, I don't know."

The girl whose mind was always wandering between countless channels shook her head indifferently, and then cast a curious look at Mo Tan: "Then, why did you just say that you wanted someone to save you?"

Mo Tan smiled shamefully and rubbed the tip of his nose: "You heard it all."

"Yeah, I heard that."

Luna nodded vigorously and said curiously: "So it really has something to do with sexual desire..."

"No! No!"

Mo Tan denied the girl's hypothesis in a hoarse voice, pressed the latter's thin shoulders with force, and said seriously: "I'm just lost! Just lost! I don't have the needs you imagined!"

"No need at all?"

Luna frowned and said softly: "That is also an unhealthy sign, so is it really a physical problem... If you are willing, I can try to help prepare some potions that are easy to sell. I didn't have any money back then. When I eat, I just sell those..."


Mo Tan, who was about to cry, gritted his teeth and interrupted Luna, going straight to the point: "So do you know where 11 Milhouse Avenue is? If you know, can you help guide me? By the way, I really He is very healthy and very healthy in all aspects, so please stop making those random guesses!"

"Well, good health is more important than anything else."

Luna was not dissatisfied at all when the topic was interrupted, but nodded slowly: "I probably know how to get to that place, and I can take you there, but then again..."

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, and asked with some confusion: "What?"

"I remember I should have given you a wayfinding disk before, um, go this way."

Luna walked forward to lead the way for Mo Tan, and said casually in her unique ethereal voice: "Isn't that thing easy to use?"

"It's not easy to use? Are you kidding? Is there any alchemy tool in this world that is more useful than that?!"

Mo Tan waved his arms exaggeratedly and said in a loud voice: "To be honest, your roulette wheel is definitely my fault... Well, I mean the most convenient, most considerate, and most considerate thing I have ever seen in my life. A useful alchemy tool! If possible, I even want to pass it on as a family heirloom from generation to generation! But this is my first time in Academy City, and I haven’t had time to memorize the map yet. I can’t even remember it now. I don’t know where to go, so even if I know the direction, I still can’t find the place…”


Luna just nodded lightly and didn't say much. However, if you look carefully, you can find that the corners of her mouth were slightly curved at some point. Although it was very difficult to detect, it was still there. Tiny arc.

In this way, under the leadership of the kind-hearted passerby Luna Jiang, Mo Tan, who was actually not far from his destination, successfully appeared in front of the [Favorite] Hotel in less than ten minutes and breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Want to come in and sit down?"

Mo Tan smiled and extended an invitation to his benefactor, smiling: "Although I just came back, they already booked a room for me yesterday."

Luna hesitated for a moment, and when she was about to speak, her expression suddenly changed slightly. She shook her head and said, "No, I have something else to do. Let's talk about it later. Goodbye."

After saying that, without waiting for Mo Tan's reaction, he left in a hurry.

"Did she suddenly remember something important? Well, it doesn't seem impossible based on her memory."

Mo Tan, who didn't miss the details of the girl's expression, scratched his hair, murmured in a low voice, and then walked into the well-decorated hotel in front of him without thinking too much.

As a person with a lot of secrets, whether under the 'Lawful Good' personality or now with the 'Absolute Neutral' personality, Mo Tan will not easily explore things that others want to deliberately hide, so although it is obvious He could tell that something was slightly wrong with Luna just now, but he had no intention of going into it at all.

If you explain it carefully, on the one hand it's because of 'Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you', and on the other hand it's because of the chill that Yu Chen inadvertently exuded when he was chatting in the Law Enforcement Team compound as 'Mo' It still stimulates him all the time.

‘Actually, someone’s femininity is not bad at all~’

Although Mo Tan felt fine at the time, after taking the initiative to switch his personality to 'absolute neutrality', the moment he recalled those words, he suddenly felt that his whole being was not good.

All in all, for one reason or another, he entered the hotel directly without realizing how strange Luna's expression was at that moment.

In fact, strictly speaking, it cannot be regarded as "weird", but the fleeting serious expression on the girl's face at that time can be said to be completely different from the stream of consciousness style that Luna usually displays!

one minute later

"It should be nearby... just nearby..."

Clutching tightly the beer cork necklace that never left her body, Luna Lynch was standing on a street across from Milhouse Avenue and murmuring, her light blue eyes rarely bright, At this moment, she was scanning the surrounding ground at a very high frequency. With the help of the two amplifying crystals in her palm, the girl's dynamic vision and thought speed were temporarily greatly improved. Although the side effects were also quite strong, She couldn't care less now!

Although it is not yet seven o'clock in the morning, Academy City has already woken up. Most of the shops have been opened. The number of pedestrians on the street has gradually begun to increase, and the noisy and bustling crowd around is moving towards Luna at a terrifying speed. Increasing the difficulty, if this continues, in ten minutes at most, she will miss the breath she is looking for, and it is very likely that she will never find it again!

"Let me help you...I just want to help you..."

Luna resisted the increasingly intense dizziness, closed her eyes and tried to complete the locking through mental power instead of vision. This was not a complicated task. If it were Futaba, it would not even take a second to complete the work, but For Luna, an alchemist who only has the mental power of an intermediate mage, it is definitely not an easy task even with the two crystals specifically used to increase her power.

Fine beads of sweat instantly covered the girl's smooth forehead. Her delicate and petite body was trembling. Two more unhealthy flowers gradually appeared on her pale and pretty face that was already slightly sick. blush.

【Not even close...】

The girl struggled to lift her legs, which were as if they were filled with lead, and staggered two steps in a certain direction. Then her vision suddenly went dark. She lost her balance and fell to the ground, hitting her head. On the base of the magic crystal lamp next to him, a large bloody mouth suddenly appeared on his forehead.

And it was precisely because of this knock that Luna, who had overexhausted her mental strength and fell into a coma, suddenly regained consciousness at this moment, and amidst the exclamations of passers-by, she raised her little hand with blood on her face and reached out to the person in front of her. Although it is cleaned every day, the gravel road is definitely not very clean.

【Caught! 】

A haggard smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. The alchemist girl, who had been deprived of sleep all year round, tilted her head and fell into a deep sleep.

"Hey! Someone's passed out here!"

"Oh my God, what's going on? This girl's face is covered in blood!"

"Which college is she from? Look which college she is from! You must hurry up and contact her tutor!"

"No, she's not wearing a uniform. Come quickly and ask a girl to check if this girl has anything that can prove her identity. I'm a rude man and I don't want to touch her."

"Give way! Give way! I am from Jiulv Theological Seminary. I will stop her bleeding first!"

"Is there a druid? If there is no druid, the old Chinese medicine doctor can do it. She looks so bad. Is she poisoned?"

A moment later, Luna was surrounded by a group of enthusiastic passers-by. In view of the fact that there is almost no such thing as porcelain in the world of innocence, and the atmosphere here in Academy City is quite strong, the major colleges never show up. She was stingy in terms of credits for 'good people and good deeds', and the girl was cute and beautiful, so Luna received care from all aspects almost immediately, and was rescued in less than a minute after running into the street. Properly taken care of.

The words are divided into two parts. After briefly mentioning a few things about Luna, let us go back to a few minutes ago to see what happened to Mo Tan who walked into [Favorite].

Well, actually nothing happened. Wearing a Dawn Sect priest robe, he smoothly let the two Templar security guards at the door in.

Then he walked straight to the front desk, briefly explained the situation to the waitress from the Plenty Sect, and after proving his identity as the "Black Brahma" of the Dawn Sect, he got something from the other party's slightly weird smile. A room card.

【Is there something dirty on my face? 】

Mo Tan, who was a little hairy from laughing, subconsciously raised his hand to wipe his face, and then slowly stepped onto the steps leading to the third floor. His room was probably 308. What does it mean... No, it was just an ordinary room. It's just a number, without any deep content at all.

Because there was only one road, Mo Tan did not get lost, but arrived at the third floor very smoothly, and then started counting from the door of Room 301, which was nearest to him, all the way to Room 308.

The game time at this moment is AM06:53, and there are still 7 minutes before the server is shut down, so Mo Tan feels that the time left for him is quite generous. After all, he only needs to log off immediately after entering the room. As for being away for such a long time You can leave your excuses until you go offline.

So without any hesitation, he immediately took out the room card and scanned it in front of the magical restriction next to the door handle. After a 'click', he calmly pushed the door open and entered.

And then……

Mo Tan couldn't take it anymore.

"Why are you back so late?"

Yuchen, who was on the bed, pulled the quilt covering her legs, turned over the holy book in her hand, and asked in her waxy voice without raising her head.

【? ! 】

Mo Tan, who almost went into a state of shutdown the moment he saw Yu Chen, stood at the door and was stunned for about half a minute, then subconsciously looked down at the room card in his hand, and in the next second he backed out very seriously. Half a step later, he left the room and slammed the door with a bang.

The next second, he looked up with a stiff face and found that it was indeed [308] written on the door.

In the third second, Mo Tan took a deep breath and slapped himself hard. While feeling disgusted that he could still hallucinate in the game, he swiped his card again and opened the door.

In the fourth second, the girl on the bed wrinkled her nose and asked Mo Tan, who appeared in front of her again, "What are you doing?"

In the fifth second, Mo Tan went out, closed the door, and confirmed the room card and room number for the third time.

At the ninth second, Mo Tan, whose mind was in confusion, pushed the door open for the third time.

At the tenth second, Yuchen, who was wearing snow-white pajamas and slippers, grabbed Mo Tan's collar and dragged him into the room. He closed the door with his backhand and poked the latter's cheek with a smile: "Stop playing. You didn’t go to the wrong room~"


"By the way, I didn't go to the wrong room either."


"That is to say, for some reason or another, I may have to live with you in the next few days."


"Well, although it's already dawn, welcome back~ Do you want some black tea?"

Chapter 1006: End

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