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In the blink of an eye, seventeen months have passed since the decisive battle.

In the present world, the residents of Karakura Town seem to have no idea what happened a year ago, and they still lead a dull and peaceful life every day.

Kurosaki Ichigo also found peace. Although he knew that something must be happening around him, he could no longer feel anything.

Reiatsu, hollows, death gods, ghosts, it seemed as if everything before was just a dream.


""Hi, Ichigo-chan."

Although I really want to think that my previous life was just a dream, I can't ignore the person in front of me.

""Sister Nanami, why are you here?"

Ichigo looked at the person in front of him helplessly. It was Nanami.

"You forgot, I am now the god of death in Karakura Town."

Tan Nanami smiled happily, and she finally got the captain to agree to let her come to Karakura Town to carry out the mission.

It is precisely because of Tan Nanami's garrison here that Karakura Town is much more peaceful than before.

As a place of great spiritual power, the number of Hollows in Karakura Town is unmatched by other cities.

However, Tan Nanami is too scary. Most Hollows are crushed to death by the huge spiritual pressure as soon as they come out of the black cavity before they get close.

Even if they occasionally encounter two fish that slip through the net, a ghost will fly from nowhere and blow them into pieces in the first place.

It can be said that since Tan Nanami took office in Karakura Town, this city is about to become a forbidden area for Hollows.


Ichigo quickly made a gesture to silence her. He had never expected that Nanami would say the word"death god" so directly. He quickly looked around and was relieved to see that no one was paying attention to this place.

"What's wrong?"

Qi Shi pretended not to understand and asked,"Is there anything you can't say? Am I really dead?"..."

""Nana, have you eaten? Well, I have to go to work, so I'll leave now."

Ichigo couldn't chat with her happily any longer, so he turned and ran away.

Behind him, Nanami looked at the direction Ichigo left and didn't chase him. She just looked at the corner of the Shinigami agent certificate sticking out of his pocket with a thoughtful expression.

""Hey, big sister, what are you looking at? Didn't Ichigo leave?"

After a while, a cocky boy next to him urged impatiently:"Go home, it's almost time for dinner."

He is Jinta, the little boy in Urahara Kisuke's family. He has grown up a lot now.

From the conversation between the two, it can be learned that the station of Kagamichi in the real world seems to be in Urahara Store....

Well, it was Kisuke that bastard who betrayed her. When Kagami came to the human world angrily, he beat up Kisuke.

Of course, he didn't go too far, he just kicked Kisuke hard, making him scream.

Finally, Kagami threatened him, saying that during the time he was stationed in the human world, he planned to live in their house, and he had to take care of his food, accommodation, and pocket money....

Tanaka Nanami has no intention of going out to make money on her own.

Kisuke was helpless. He couldn't reason with this elder sister. He was really in the wrong. Kisuke had good intentions and wanted Tanaka to join the Zero Squad. It was not only a protection for the spirit, but also an affirmation of Tanaka Nanami's strength.

But who would have thought that Tanaka Nanami didn't care about the glory of the Zero Squad at all, and didn't want to go to the Zero Squad. He thought it was boring there, and preferred to stay in the human world, where he could play around and see pretty girls. How interesting.

Later, Kisuke still gave in. The key point was that he really couldn't beat Tanaka Nanami, and Tanaka Nanami knew everything he knew, even Benihime's Bankai. Kisuke was really convinced.

In this way, Tanaka Nanami settled down in the human world.

But Tanaka Nanami didn't come to find Ichigo casually today.

"I saw it."

Looking at Ginjō Kūgo who finally"accidentally met" Ichigo not far away, Nanami smiled.

"What did you see?"

Shin Tai didn't know what the real thing was.

"Shut up."

Qishi turned around and scolded rudely,"Didn't we agree before we came out that you were not allowed to talk? What? Are you willing to gamble and refuse to admit defeat?"


He turned his head away unwillingly, but still muttered softly,"You are obviously a person with a poor sense of direction, why are you so proud?"


Qishi was so angry that he laughed. He grabbed Jin Tai by the collar and found a nearby alley to go into. After a while, he heard Jin Tai screaming from inside:"My legs and my arms are broken!"...


"Jinta's limbs have been removed again."

When Nanami dragged Jinta on the ground and finally returned to Urahara's store, everyone else had finished dinner.

At this time, Xiaoyu ran over as if she had been prepared for it, and quickly helped Jinta fix his legs and arms.

"That guy."

Jin Tai cried to everyone with tears in his eyes:"She really dragged me all the way back, and got lost several times...."


Qishi blushed, rolled his eyes in annoyance and said in defense:"I just have a few interesting people I want to meet."


Kisuke became interested:"Is it the guy who has been hanging around Ichigo these days? That's 'reiatsu', right?"

Except for Ichigo, everyone else felt the reiatsu of Ginjo Kugo and the others.

Although they mastered the Fullbring, in this world, the source of the power of the Fullbring is also reiatsu, but it is different from the reiatsu of the god of death.

"Yeah, probably, it seems so."

Nanami muttered vaguely.

"Speaking of which."

Nanami didn't seem to want to talk about this matter any more, and changed the subject:"The relationship between Xiaoyu and Jinta has become better than before."

Because of Nanami's words, Xiaoyu���Jinta suddenly blushed.

Seventeen months have passed since the final battle, a full year and a half.

Now, not only is Ichigo a senior high school student, but he is also about to become a college student. Xiaoyu and Jinta have also grown up a lot.

"How about it, you finally understand Xiaoyu's good points, right?"

鑢七实 continued to tease the two.

"Hello..."You are so long-winded."

How could Jin Tai be a match for Nanami? With a red face, he shouted in shame,"You old loli are too sinister. Xiaoyu and I are very pure."


Nanami squinted her eyes and smiled:"Hey, Sizhi just came to provoke me again, Jinta, it seems that you are braver than Aizen."

Jinta finally regained his sanity, wondering how he provoked her again.

This elder sister Nanami is very black-bellied. She is allowed to tease others and not to refute them, otherwise she will be punished.

Anyway, she is the most powerful, and others can't beat her, so naturally they can only let her do whatever she wants.

"Jinta, run." Xiao

Yu didn't care about being shy anymore, and quickly covered Jinta and asked him to run. Nanami pretended to chase him, and suddenly, a noisy sound came from Urahara's store.

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