The next day, Seireitei was in complete chaos

"Captain Aizen actually betrayed us?"

"Captain Ichimaru also betrayed?"

"And our Captain Tosen."

Among them, the people of the 3rd, 5th and 9th divisions were particularly panicked.

Because it was their captain who betrayed them.

And what was even more outrageous was that Aizen actually wiped out all the 46th chambers. This was too scary.

"Why did this happen? Were they threatened?"

Hinamori Momo, who was training in the Fourth Division, was still holding on to hope. She pulled Toushirou's sleeve and begged,"Toushirou, please help Captain Aizen. He must have been coerced by someone."

"Are you implying that Aizen is threatened by me? Because I defeated him easily before.

Suddenly, Nanami walked in from outside, followed by Rukia....

Yesterday, when Aizen and the other two were taken to Hueco Mundo by the Anti-Membranes, the captain-general called an emergency meeting again after letting the Fourth Division take over the aftermath.

This time, even Nanami Kaku was called, and she was the main person in this meeting.

At the beginning, the captain-general asked everyone about the purpose of Aizen and others.

There must be some reason for their sudden rebellion. Why did they rebel? What was the purpose of the rebellion.

Yoruichi was also called by the captain-general.

As the former head of the Shifengyuan family, one of the four great nobles, and this time she showed goodwill, the captain-general can still turn a blind eye now that the Forty-Six Chambers have been completely destroyed.

Besides, Yoruichi was only expelled, not wanted.

Then Yoruichi told Urahara Kisuke's thoughts and told him about the information about the Hougyoku.

Now they only know that Aizen wants to reach a state beyond the Shinigami and the Hollows through the Hougyoku. As for his next goal, they can only investigate it again.

Then the captain-general asked Nanami Kaku about Aizen's strength and his ability of Kageka Shuiyue.

They had previously besieged and mistook Nanami for Aizen, so they naturally suspected that Aizen had concealed the true ability of Kyoka Suigetsu.

"He can completely hypnotize the five senses. As long as you have seen his Shikai Zanpakutō, you will complete the ritual and will be under his control forever."

Takashi Nanami told her everything.

Although she also has Kyoka Suigetsu, she does not rely on her ability, so it doesn't matter if others know her true ability.

And now no one knows that she has Kyoka Suigetsu, only Aizen knows it, and everyone thinks she found out through the battle with Aizen.

In fact, Takashi Nanami is not short of Kyoka Suigetsu, she has other Zanpakutō....

They talked about Aizen for an entire afternoon until it was getting dark, and the captain finally disbanded the emergency meeting.


Just as the meeting was about to end, Shunsui suddenly stood up and said,"In view of Nanami's superb fighting ability and the current situation of Seireitei, I, as the captain of the 8th Division, recommend Nanami to be the captain candidate."


Ukitake also came out to respond to Shunsui's proposal. He did recognize the strength of Nanami. He was a powerful force that could handle the siege of five captains including the captain-general with ease.


Suddenly, Dong Shilang also spoke up to agree that Nanami Kaku should be the captain candidate. Among the people present, no one knew the horror of his sister better than him.

"I agree too."

Unohana Retsu also cast a vote with a smile.

Originally, as long as two captains recommended her, and then she was assessed by the captain-general, she could become a formal captain.

Now, four captains have recommended Nanami in succession. If two more people recommend her, and the remaining three captains don't object, she doesn't need the captain-general's assessment and can be directly promoted.

As long as she is jointly recommended by six or more captains and recognized by three or more other captains among the remaining seven captains, she can directly become a captain.

With the defection of Aizen and the three captains, and Byakuya's illness, there are only nine captains present.

"I also agree that she should be the captain, but only if I can test her."

Zaraki said with murderous intent, and complained to Nanami:"I didn't expect you to hide so deeply. Since you are a friend of Yachiryu, you should fight me."

"What kind of logic is this?"

Everyone in the room was confused. Zaraki was too belligerent.


But who would have thought that Nanami actually accepted Zaraki's invitation to fight.

"But I have a condition."

Before Geng Mu could be happy, he heard Nanami said,"If you win, I will be the captain, if you lose, I will not be the captain, how about that? I can't bear to leave my brother."

"Tsk, you are just afraid that others won't lead the way for you, you are such a directionally challenged person. And if you follow me, you don't need to deal with team affairs, you lazy bastard."

Dong Shilang bluntly exposed Nanami's real thoughts. She treated Dong Shilang as a navigation dog.

Another thing is that if she followed Dong Shilang, she didn't need to complete any work. She just needed to bask in the sun leisurely all day, and then follow Rangiku to attend the gathering of the Female Death God Association every few days. It was so wonderful. She really didn't want to be a captain. It was so annoying.


Nanami glared at Dong Shilang awkwardly. This guy was too disrespectful to her. He actually said that she was a person with a poor sense of direction.

"Don't mess around."

Soi-Fong couldn't stand it anymore and said coldly,"I also agree to let Nanami become the captain. Well, with the recommendation of six captains, she can take the position directly."

"You bastard."

Qishi didn't expect that someone would recommend her. Doesn't he think too highly of her?

"I just kicked your Yoruichi, please stop being so petty and forgive me."

Nana is begging for mercy, she is really not fit to be the captain

"No need to say more."

The captain said:"I now announce that the captain's inauguration ceremony will be held in seven days. Nanami, what you need to consider now is which of the three squads you want to join."

"Let's disperse."

Without giving Qishi a chance to refute, the meeting was hastily disbanded.


Everyone was congratulating Nanami, and most of them were sincere. After all, for many people, being the captain is a great honor.

"What is there to congratulate?"

Yan Qishi seemed distressed.

"Oh, Captain Ukitake."

Suddenly, Nanami came over, holding Ukitake.

""What's wrong? Captain Tanaka?"

Ukitake joked with a smile, and now he called Tanaka the captain.

Tanaka smiled bitterly and asked,"Is there really no room for maneuver?"

Ukitake is the only good guy here, and the others can't be trusted. As for Toushirou, he is too young and doesn't know some things as well as she does. After all, she has seen the god of death before....

"Of course.

Ukitake showed an apologetic expression and said,"You can see the current situation. The whole Soul Society is in a state of panic, so Shunsui and I decided to ask you to come and boost morale."

Although three captains left and only one came, the number is much smaller.

However, Nanami's strength is enough to beat five alone.

"I see."

Qi Shi knew that once she showed her strength, the captain would definitely make plans for her, and the current situation really needed a new captain to stabilize the morale of the troops.


Then, Captain Ukitake, give me Rukia from your squad, or I won't agree.


Ukitake looked at Nanami with a smile on his face. Isn't this too much? Besides, that's a person, not an object.

"Don't worry."

Nanami saw Ukitake's difficulty and said to herself:"I will convince Rukia myself."

Then to this day, Nanami and Rukia walked together.

But before she had time to convince Rukia, when she came to the Fourth Division to visit Byakuya and Ichigo, she suddenly heard Hinamori Momo's words on the way, and then she rushed in.

"You green tea, I really should teach you a lesson, come on, don't be a vice captain anymore, come to the ninth squad and be the third seat for me."

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