In fact, when Kotetsu Yuin used Tentei Kura, Nanami Kaku was already close to the double killing platform.

Then when Yuin finished talking about their discovery in the 46th room, before the captain and his men made it clear that they wanted to stop, Nanami Kaku arrived.

Nanami Kaku was delayed on the way, and she accidentally found Ise Nanao who had fainted in the flower bed. She was worried that she would meet other perverts, so she simply held her in her arms and brought her here together....

Another three or two seconds passed, and Qishi had no idea where to go along the mountain path to Shuangqitai. When she finally reached the bottom of Shuangqitai, she stepped on the instant step and ran straight up from the outside of the steep cliff.


Finally, Qishi fell to the outside of the cliff of Shuangjitai.

"Aizen Sosuke."

He shouted loudly to the front and continued to rush forward without stopping.

"How did she catch up with me?"

Ichimaru Gin opened his eyes and was really shocked by the speed of Nanami.

They were able to reach the Double Killing Platform so quickly because they used the ghost way"Thousand Anti-White Snake" that they had set up in advance. Could it be that Nanami had seen through all this?

No way? Could it be that she was the final boss?

"It's you?!"

Aizen was also startled. At this time, he was holding Rukia, who was weak.

"Give me back Rukia."

Nanami was still holding the unconscious Nanao in her arms, but now she was furious and asked Aizen for Rukia back, and she had already rushed over.

"I'll give it back to you then." When

Aizen saw Nanami rushing in front of him in an instant, he subconsciously threw Rukia to the other side. Anyway, he had already obtained the Hougyoku hidden in Rukia's body, so she was naturally useless.


Nanami snorted coldly, and instead of attacking Aizen who was right in front of him, he turned around and chased after her, catching Rukia firmly in his arms before she fell to the ground.

""I'm sorry, Rukia, I seem to be late."

Only then did Nanami finally stop and apologize to Rukia in his arms,"I got lost and went to the 46th room, and saved Toushirou there, and then I followed Aizen's spiritual pressure all the way here. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting." Rukia looked at Nanami deeply with emotion. She didn't expect that she would actually come to save her, and from her tone, she even went to the 46th room for her....

"How could I deserve so many of you to save me regardless of your own safety?"

Rukia's eyes were tearful. In her heart, she always felt that she deserved to die. It was not worth it for others to bleed to save her. Not only did she mess up the life of the innocent Kurosaki Ichigo, but she also watched him die without saving him. So she deserved to die here.

"What nonsense are you talking about."

Not far away, Ichigo, covered in blood and wounds, barely stood there. When he heard Rukia's words, he couldn't help but scolded her without turning his head:"It has come to this point and you still want to die? Then you have to wait until we rescue you before you die."

Rukia was speechless. She didn't say that she wanted to die, but that she was not worthy of them saving her.

But before she could say anything else, Nanami suddenly came over and scared her.


Just when Nanami was about to touch Rukia's mouth, Ise Nanao groaned at an inopportune moment, moved in discomfort, and slowly opened her eyes.

Nanami was originally a petite girl, about the same size as Rukia, or maybe a little taller.

As a result, she not only held Rukia in her arms, but also held the taller Nanao on the other side. This was really too much of a stretch.

"Why am I here?"

Nanao looked at Nanami with a confused look on her face, then looked at Rukia, and then made a look of sudden enlightenment, pointing at the two people who were about to get close together:"So this is really the relationship between you two?"

"Cough, cough, cough..."

A dry cough brought Rukia back to her senses. It was the voice of her very familiar elder brother, who was so angry at the scene that he was about to vomit blood.

"Let me go first."

Rukia quickly broke free from Tanaka Nanami's arms and ran to Byakuya Kuchiki who was lying on the ground.

Looking at Rukia who was asking Byakuya about his well-being, Tanaka Nanami didn't listen to Byakuya's narration, but after putting Nanao down, he turned and looked to the other side.

On the double killing stage today, in addition to Tanaka Nanami, Rukia, Ise Nanao, Kurosaki Ichigo and Kuchiki Byakuya, there are also Inoue Orihime, Chad Yasutora, Ishida Uryu and Shiba Ganju and his group, in addition to them, of course, there are Aizen and his three companions.

By the way, there seemed to be two vice-captains lying over there, as well as two subordinates of Ukitake Jushiro.

At this time, Aizen, Ichimaru Gin and Tosen Kaname were standing there silently, watching the farce here with cold eyes.

"You are very confident. You have never sneaked away when I was too busy to pay attention to you."

Taka Nanami slowly pulled out her Zanpakuto, which had been in the state of mirror flower and water moon. However, unlike Aizen's mirror flower and water moon, her Zanpakuto had a green handle full of spring colors, and even the blade was decorated with some green leaves, which looked very beautiful.

Of course, these were deliberately changed by Taka Nanami, not the changes in the Zanpakuto itself. Now she doesn't want others to know the scary truth that she can copy other people's Zanpakuto.

"Do you think you can win with just three people?"

Arriving in front of Aizen and the other two, Nanami asked them with a smile.

"What? You dare to offend three captains?"

Tousen didn't know that Nanami once chopped Aizen off with one blow, and he still looked down on her.


Nanami smiled, turned his head and said to Ichigo who was moving towards him step by step:"Ichigo, could you please stay away from me? Otherwise, I'm afraid I might hurt you."


Ichigo was stunned. He was already a captain. He had just fought with Byakuya and became the final winner. However, Nanami was only the third seat of the 10th Division. Why did he say that?

Nanami saw Ichigo still standing there, and didn't say much. He just smiled at him.���


Without any warning, Nanami disappeared.


The next second, the place where she had just stood suddenly exploded, leaving not only a huge deep pit, but also some flying small stones that caused great trouble to Ichigo.

"So fast."

Dong Xianyao was shocked only at this moment. The speed of Qi Shi was so fast that he didn't react at all. In a blink of an eye, he was already flying into the sky. He was kicked away by Qi Shi.

""God-killing Spear, Unstepping Continuous Blade."

Gin Ichimaru, who was also kicked high up, directly chose Bankai and used the strongest move in this state.

Not only the two of them, Aizen was also chopped away by Tanaka Nanami again. At that time, Tanaka Nanami's sword was aimed at him. Fortunately, Aizen was not a soft persimmon, so he blocked the fatal blow in time. It's a pity that Aizen's strength is not enough. Even though he was prepared to hold the sword with both hands this time, he was still chopped away.

Looking at Tanaka Nanami again, she didn't even look at Gin Ichimaru's attack, because even the speed of the God-killing Spear couldn't catch up with her pace. She stepped on the instant step and caught up with Aizen in an instant.


Blood splattered everywhere, and Dongxian raised his head and cried out in pain.

"Very loyal."

Nana didn't expect Tosen to rush over, or maybe she noticed but didn't care, anyway, it doesn't matter who she kills.

"Aizen, who will block your sword next time?"

Take the sword and throw it behind you. The captain of the 9th division fell to the ground on the double killing platform. It can be said that he was killed instantly. For a moment

, everyone present was shocked by Nanami's ferocity.

"She is so strong?"

Even the captain, Kyoraku Shunsui, Ukitake Jushiro, who had just caught up, and Shifeng Yoruichi and Soi-Feng who were about to come up, were all amazed.

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