This time the captain's meeting was mainly to discuss the issue of Aizen's murder, and then there was an additional piece of news that Kenpachi Zaraki was defeated.

There was nothing much to say after that. The captain-general just asked everyone to patrol more often after returning, and not to rely on ordinary team members to solve the travel disasters.

Even a captain died, it is conceivable that those travel disasters are simply not something that people below the captain can deal with.

After waiting for the captain's meeting to end, Toushirou asked Nanami where Nanami had been on the way back to the Tenth Division with Tanaka and Rangiku. Nanami did not hesitate and took out Yachiryu to shield himself from the bullets. Fortunately, Yachiryu was not nearby, and was guarding Zaraki who had been brought here in the Fourth Division's barracks, otherwise he would definitely be sad.

Well, Tanaka had already thought of a countermeasure. If Yachiryu really dared to come and question her why he put the blame on her, she would use the fact that Yachiryu left her behind to deal with it.

"Be careful next time."

Suddenly, on the way back, Toushirou warned Nanami and Rangiku

"What happened?"

Rangiku froze, and then quickly asked Toushirou, with a bad feeling in her heart.

Moreover, when she rushed to the First Team to find the whereabouts of Nanami Kaku, she had already heard about Hinamori Momo's attack on Ichimaru Gin. With her understanding of Toushirou, she naturally guessed that Toushirou must be unhappy with Ichimaru Gin.


Toushirou shook his head.

Some things can only be said briefly, and he has no evidence now, so he is unwilling to say more.

Some things can only be told to Nanami, and even Rangiku and Hinamori Momo cannot be told....

That afternoon

"Something happened."

Bad news came.

"Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi of the 12th Division encountered the Quincy, Ishida Uryuu, who was in the disaster. Captain Kurotsuchi was defeated by the opponent and is recovering at this time."

"Even Captain Ni was defeated."

Dong Shilang frowned as he listened to the report.


That night, another piece of news came:"The travel disaster Ishida Uryu was defeated by the captain of the 9th Division, Tosen Kaname."

Dong Shilang nodded.

"Report: Vice Captain Asai Renji of the 6th Division, who was imprisoned in the 6th Division barracks, defected. Captain Kuchiki Byakuya announced the dismissal of Asai Renji."

"Report: The 5th Division Vice Captain Momo Hinamori, who was imprisoned in the 5th Division barracks, has defected."

"Report: Kira Izuru, the vice-captain of the third division who was detained in the third division barracks, has defected."

In the next two days, news kept coming in, and it can be said that the entire Soul Society was about to lose its former tranquility.

No one expected that so many things would happen in these two days.

Since the Hakone Incident, first the gatekeeper Shidanbo who guarded the West White Road Gate was defeated, and then there was the situation where Ichimaru Gin secretly released his Zanpakutō and let Hakone go.

Then there was the most famous Aizen murder case.

In front of the Aizen incident, the defeat of Madarame Ikkaku and Ayase Gawa Yumichika was naturally not a problem.

And after that, even the so-called strongest Zaraki Kenpachi and Kurotsuchi Mayuri were both defeated, and now there has been a collective escape of the vice-captains who were temporarily detained. What happened to the Soul Society?

"The weather is going to change."

In Dong Shilang's room, Nanami stayed there quietly without going to the roof to bask in the sun.


Dong Shilang nodded with admiration. All the things that Nanami had mentioned before had come true.

"What should we do?"

Turning back, Dong Shilang looked at Qi Shi and asked,"Can you tell me your plan?"

Now that it has come to this, Dong Shilang wants to have a frank talk with Qi Shi, wanting to know if she has anything to participate in this.

"As long as Rukia doesn't die and you don't get hurt, that's enough."

Nanami stood up and walked in front of Toushirou, rubbing his head lovingly.

This brother is not loved in vain, not only does he trust her very much, but he still cares about her thoughts until now.

Toushirou shook his head unhappily, turned his head to look out the window, but muttered to himself in his heart.

Since Nanami specifically mentioned that he didn't want him to get hurt, that means, is there anyone who wants to plot against him?

"Could it be Gin Ichimaru?"

Frowning tightly again, Toushirou cast his suspicion on Gin Ichimaru, thinking that he was the most suspicious, and even Aizen's death was related to him.

"It's a pity that there is no evidence."

Toushirou sighed secretly.

Now he was just speculating. Not only would no one believe him, but he would also get into trouble. It would be better not to tell even Kagami Nanami, for fear that she would worry. After all, he was the captain.

Then on the morning of the third day after Zaraki and Ichigo's battle, Yachiru ran to the 10th Division with a smile to find Kagami Nanami, completely ignoring the fact that today was the execution date of Rukia.


As soon as I entered the room, I heard Yachiru shouting unrestrainedly:"Our 10th Division has captured a traveler, do you want to come and see the excitement?"


Nanami looked at Toushirou with some apology.

"You go ahead."

Dong Shilang waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to worry about this place, and that there was nothing to discuss with Yachiryu staying here.

"All right then."

Takashi Nanami had no choice but to nod and follow Yachiru away.

But before leaving, he turned around and glanced at Toushirou in the room.

"I hope nothing will happen."

Retracting her gaze, Tanaka followed Yachiru's urging.

The reason she followed Yachiru was because Tanaka knew that Zaraki and the others were definitely going to find Ichigo at Shuangjitai, and she was going to go with them to Shuangjitai to save Rukia.

Even if she didn't have to do anything, Ichigo would have saved Rukia, but who would miss such a good opportunity to show off?

She had never had the chance to visit Rukia before, and she didn't want to miss it again.

But Toushirou really worried her.

"She finally left."

What Nanami didn't know was that Dong Shilang had been waiting for her to leave, because he had some doubts and needed to go to Room 46.

"Who is that Big Tits Mom Inoue?"

After arriving at the 11th Division, Nanami recognized that the travel disaster that Yachiru mentioned was Inoue Orihime.

""Eh? What does nanny mean?"

Inoue laughed awkwardly. Even if she didn't know what a nanny was, she should have been able to tell that it wasn't a good word.

"Don't worry about the details."

Nanami casually changed the subject, then turned to Zaraki and asked:"Um, Captain Zaraki, are you planning to take revenge?"

"That's right."

Zaraki looked at Nanami, not asking her how she knew what he was thinking, but curious about what she meant by that:"Why? Do you have any objection?"

"Not really."

Nanami waved his hand and said directly:"It's just that I also want to help those travelers save Rukia, so I would like to trouble you to take me with you when you go to find Ichigo."


Yachiru looked at Nanami in surprise.

"It's okay."

Tan Nanami knew what she was going to say, and said with a smile:"Toushirou will not be dragged down by me, and if the Soul Society can no longer accommodate me, I will elope with Rukia."

She laughed heartlessly, but Yachiru was so worried that he looked like he was about to cry, and Inoue was even more embarrassed. He didn't expect that Rukia and Tan Nanami had such a relationship.

"Stop talking nonsense and get going."

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