After defeating Kenpachi Zaraki, Ichigo Kurosaki had actually reached his limit and could only barely stand.

And when Yachiru jumped down from above, he gritted his teeth and held on, watching Yachiru's every move vigilantly.

But who would have thought that Yachiru did not intend to take the opportunity to attack Ichigo, but while barely supporting Kenpachi Zaraki, he suddenly bent down, bowed to Ichigo, and said,"Thank you so much."

Ichigo was confused and thought to himself, are they enemies? Otherwise, why did she come to thank him after he had chopped Kenpachi so badly?

After standing up, Yachiru explained to Ichigo,"Kenpachi hasn't fought so happily for a long time. It's all because of you, Kenpachi. Just don't die."

After that, Yachiru carried Zaraki and left.

It can be seen that for Yachiru, Zaraki is more important. She even forgot that there was someone who came upstairs with her.

"They are all weirdos."

Looking at Ichigo again, he laughed bitterly and complained, but he still couldn't hold on and fell down.

"Tsk tsk."

Nanami then landed on the ground, slowly walked over to Ichigo, squatted down, tapped the back of Ichigo's head with his hand, and asked,"How is it? Are you not dead?""

"Not yet, but soon."

Ichigo muttered in annoyance, and then he fainted decisively.

In fact, he had been seriously injured by Zaraki a long time ago. It was the knife at the beginning that only temporarily stopped the bleeding. Now that the battle was over, even it was broken again.

"It's really tangled."

Nanami sighed:"Should I help you with the treatment? But if people find out, it will cause trouble for Dong Shilang."

She didn't say it would cause trouble for herself, because she was not afraid, she just didn't want to cause trouble for Dong Shilang

"Then I won't bother you."

Suddenly, a black kitten jumped in front of Nanami, stood there and said in human language:"If you don't want to use him to exchange for credit, please let me handle him."


Kanami looked at Koneko with interest, and naturally knew that her real identity was the former captain of the second division, Shihouin Yoruichi, and also the former head of the Shihouin family, one of the four great nobles, and also served as the former commander-in-chief of the secret mobile and the commander of the first division of the criminal army.

In addition, it seems that Yoruichi also has the title of Shunshin Yoruichi, which makes Kaanami want to compete with her, mainly to see what is the difference between Shunshin Yoruichi's instant step and ordinary instant steps.

""Forget it."

But in the end, Qishi gave up the idea. He thought that he would have a chance to watch it anyway, so he should not make things complicated now.

"I'll leave it to you then."

Nanami readily handed Ichigo over to Yoruichi.

"Thank you."

Yoichi nodded to Tanaka Nanami, but she was in no hurry to carry Ichigo away, but continued to stand there and look at Tanaka Nanami.

This was because if Yoruichi wanted to carry Ichigo away, in order to prevent Ichigo's injuries from being aggravated, the best way would be to restore to a human body, which would be much more convenient.

No, it should be the body of a god of death.

But Tanaka Nanami was reluctant to leave, which made her a little afraid.

Now she didn't want people to know that she was back, otherwise there would be no need to deliberately turn into a cat.

"Do you have anything else to do?"

Seeing that Nanami had no intention of leaving, Ye Yi finally became a little impatient and could only ask Nanami, in fact, he was trying to drive her away, hoping that if she had nothing to do, she would leave quickly.


Nanami put his hand in front of his mouth with a tangled look on his face, and put his index finger at the corner of his mouth, and asked Yoruichi in confusion:"Which way did Yachiru go just now?"

"Sorry, I came too late to see it."

Ye Yi said the truth, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

"So, where did we come from in the first place


"How would I know?"

Ye Yi looked at Nanami with a frown on his face, thinking, could this person be the legendary person with poor sense of direction?

"To be honest, I seem to be lost."

Qi Shi could only say that she was in an awkward situation. It was not that she was unwilling to leave, but that she did not know where to go.

"I guessed it."

Ye Yi covered his eyes with one of his front paws, pretending that he couldn't bear to look.

"Can you take me home?"

Nanami didn't intend to let Yoruichi go, and pitifully asked for help from Yoruichi:"If no one takes me home, Toushirou said I might even get lost in the human world."

"What an exaggerated attribute."

Yoichi couldn't help but secretly complain in his heart. He could actually get lost from the Soul Society to the real world. It was also a skill.

Not to mention how big the Soul Society was, the Soul Society alone was not small. If you didn't open the gate on purpose, it would be very difficult to find the boundary between the Soul Society and the real world and cross over. It was as difficult as going to heaven.

"I'm really sorry, miss, I really don't have time to take you home."

Yoruichi no longer had the patience to tangle with Nanami. The main reason was that she felt that Ichigo's condition was getting worse and worse, and his life was in danger at any time. She didn't want him to really die from bleeding. That would be too tragic, right?

He didn't die in the battle with Kenpachi Zaraki, but died of bleeding after finally winning the battle. This would become a joke if it was told to others.

At that moment, the little black cat suddenly changed, and turned into a black beauty in front of Nanami, and her figure was very hot.


Naka Nanami was stunned, and felt her nose was hot. She subconsciously wiped the tip of Jingying's nose with her hand, and then she found that she was bleeding from her nose.

It's not Nanami's fault, it's Yoruichi who is not wearing anything.

Of course, it's not Yoruichi's fault, after all, she has been moving like a cat, it's normal for her to be naked.

Yoruichi looked at Nanami strangely, she just felt that she looked like those perverts in the world, who became so stupid when they saw a beautiful woman.

But Nanami herself is an absolute She is a beauty, but her type is different from hers.

If Yoruichi is a sexy, mature, hot girl, then Nanami is a petite and beautiful girl. It is hard to tell who is better in terms of looks, it just depends on what type you like. Nanami's dressing style is very much like that of a Yamato Nadeshiko, that is, she wears a long skirt with long sleeves, which is not really a yukata, but looks like a young lady from an aristocratic family.

No wonder Yoruichi called Nanami a young lady just now, she really thought she was the daughter of some aristocratic family.


Feeling increasingly uncomfortable, Yoruichi didn't want to stay under Nanami's gaze any longer, so she quickly picked up the unconscious Ichigo and carried him on her shoulders, then she disappeared with a flash step.

"Sure enough, it's really fierce."

Qi Shi was still savoring it secretly, and her nosebleed didn't stop for a long time. It really made people worry that she would bleed to death first.

(PS: Well, I'll add an update for Yaoyao's thighs. I have been supporting her so much, and I can't repay her enough.Well, that's an extra chapter.)

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