
Bai Yu let out a meaningless groan of pain, and suddenly felt a piercing cold coming from all around.

"Is this what death feels like?"

Suddenly, a pleasant voice that sounded completely like a girl's sounded in his mind.

"What happened?"

Bai Yu was startled, but he didn't really jump up, and he couldn't speak. He could only keep thinking frantically in his heart:"Could it be that the irresponsible fairy sister threw me directly to the underworld in a rage? Did I encounter a ghost?"

"Ghost? What an interesting idea."

The voice sounded in Bai Yu's mind again, but it sounded weaker than before. Although it was interesting, it didn't look interesting from her calm tone.

"But, if I were to say it, I would indeed soon become a ghost."

Without waiting for Bai Yu to speak, the voice continued,"Why did you appear in my body?"


Bai Yu was stunned, and started thinking quickly, and subconsciously asked:"Your body? What do you mean?""


The voice replied casually, then fell silent again.


Bai Yu was even more anxious this time.

He had guessed something. It should be that the fairy sister successfully sent him to this unknown world. But for some reason, he seemed to appear in the body of a girl, and she looked like she was dying. Could it be that the fairy sister made a mistake?

Uh...Of course, it was not a mistake, but his fairy sister was deliberately taking revenge on him, intending to let him come here to die, and then go back to choose a new world and throw him back.

Who told him to always mention"your responsibility, your responsibility"?

But what she didn't expect was...

"I'm going to die."

When Bai Yu was getting anxious, the voice reappeared after a while and said in his mind:"No matter who you are, no matter why you are here, I think your purpose should be in vain, right?"

"Don’t do this."

Bai Yu shouted madly,"I have just come to this long-awaited world, don’t let me die without even being able to breathe a breath of air in this world!"


Bai Yu's words seemed to touch a chord in the heart of the owner of the voice.

"think...Live? Just like me before, I just don't want to die, even my father is worried about it."

"However, since I am already dead and you want to live so much, I don't blame you for suddenly breaking into my body...."

The voice suddenly said a lot of words that Bai Yu couldn't understand, and then he heard the voice say:"Unknown boy, the only thing I can do for you is to turn the 'I' who has fulfilled my wish into the power of 'you'."

"But in this way, you who are so fragile will not be able to preserve your true appearance, and you will only be able to live in my appearance from now on."

"But don't worry, because I will voluntarily give up everything that belongs to me, so you are still you, I just don't know if you are willing."

This is really a silver lining. Bai Yu had no choice but to nod his head repeatedly, otherwise he would die again.

"I do."

Bai Yu said his choice.

The voice didn't waste any words, and Bai Yu immediately felt a warm breath rushing towards him.

Really, he should have been a ghost at this time. After all, his current state was like a soul that had traveled to this world, but he had the bad luck to meet the original owner before he could"reincarnate". However

, after he said"I do", it was as if he suddenly jumped into a hot spring when he had a body.

No, it should be said that he jumped into boiling hot water.

"It's so hot...It's so hot!..., help!..."

One second he felt warm and comfortable, but the next second Bai Yu kept calling for help, as if he was a wild boar being slaughtered.

"Stop making noise."

Even that voice showed some fluctuations, and said angrily:"Now is the critical moment, if your interruption makes our souls all vanish into ashes, I won't care."


Bai Yu quickly gritted his teeth and endured it.

It was not because of his willpower, but because the temperature of the power had risen to a new level. He had never endured such torture before and could no longer make a sound. In the end, he could not even maintain his sanity and passed out.

"Did you fail?"

The next moment after Bai Yu fainted, the voice muttered in disappointment:"You have obtained all my power, but you are not sane. How unlucky!"

"Although my body has reached its limit, if it is your desire to live, 'she' should be able to let you live another year or two, right?"

"Forget it, since this is your fate, there is no need for me to worry about you"

"I'm giving you all my soul power, and I'm leaving now."

"Goodbye, this world, and...younger brother"

When Bai Yu woke up again, he felt a splitting headache.

Wait, what the hell is this? Is it a headache or a heartache?

In fact, it is both a headache and a heartache.

The reason for the headache is that when Bai Yu was unconscious, one memory after another suddenly appeared and was forcibly engraved into his consciousness.

That was the life of the previous voice. Although she said that it would not affect Bai Yu's existence, her memories were still received by Bai Yu.

Then, after Bai Yu personally experienced the life of that girl, he couldn't help but feel heartbroken for her life.

"Qishi, I didn't expect to meet you in this way."

With a wry smile, Bai Yu wiped the corners of his eyes with his hands, but his hands were filled with tears.

"It's such a sad life, but your ending is wonderful and beautiful."

Still sighing for the girl who will never appear again, Bai Yu suddenly made a decision:"Since I can only live in your appearance from now on, it's better to do this. From today on, I will inherit your name."

"In other words, from now on, I will no longer be Bai Yu, but will be called Nanami!!!"

(PS: Originally, I should still be called Bai Yu, but my naming style is always criticized by everyone, so I had no choice but to choose"Soul-traveling")

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