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Some more details still need to be worked out slowly, and now the urgent thing is to figure out how to form an alliance as soon as possible.

The first is the issue of the strength of each village. In the end, a rough conclusion was reached. If the five major ninja villages and the five major countries, as well as all the small villages and small countries, a total of 80,000 troops can be formed.

After that, they have to be allocated according to the fighting habits of the ninjas, such as those who are good at close combat, those who are good at medium-range combat, and those who are good at long-range combat.

In short, it is very troublesome to just form this ninja coalition, not to mention the voices in the village.

Many ninjas were surprised when they suddenly said that they wanted to form a ninja coalition.

Not to mention the more ancient First and Second World Wars of the Ninja World, just the Third World War of the Ninja World has produced countless grievances, and these hatreds are not easy to resolve.

But now, these hostile villages are all going to form an alliance, which makes many people unable to accept it for a while.

Even the five daimyo found it difficult to accept at first.

Later, when the news of Akatsuki and the 100,000 White Zetsu army spread, people's voices gradually quieted down.

It turned out that the ninja world was facing a huge crisis. Without gathering all the forces, no country or village could resist Akatsuki alone. At that time, people would only be dominated by the infinite moon reading....

Those messy things are annoying and busy, but they have nothing to do with Qishi.

"Sister Nanami?"

On the busy street, Sakura had just finished work somewhere else and happened to meet Nanami on the road. She couldn't help but greeted her curiously:"Doesn't Lord Hokage want to discuss something with you?"

"It's Sakura."

Before Nanami could speak, the black turtle and black snake on her shoulders spoke first:"You came at the right time. Tsunade was planning to let her be the captain of the coalition army, but she refused. Isn't it infuriating?"

"Big sister, you know Xiao Qishi's personality. How can she be the captain of the coalition forces?"

It was the black snake who spoke just now, but the black tortoise on the other side expressed a different opinion.

"That's exactly what they said."

Qishi spread his hands nonchalantly,"You actually want to throw the trouble to me, you think too simply."

What is the captain-general of the coalition forces? He has given up the position of the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces. Then the captain-general is just a mouthpiece. It doesn't matter who is in charge.

"Then you should take over the position of captain of the eight coalition forces."

Xuanshe was still disappointed with his talent.

"I don't want to."鑢


"That's right."

Sakura first chuckled, then as if she remembered something, she said to Kagami,"The Eight-Tails Jinchuriki of the Hidden Cloud Village has arrived, and Naruto is receiving him. Would you like to take a look?"

It seems that the Raikage is quite easy to talk to. After listening to Kagami's narration about the prophecy of the Child of Prophecy, he readily sent the only remaining Eight-Tails Jinchuriki of their village.

At the same time, the Raikage's summons was also delivered.

The Raikage, who has already firmly established his position as the commander-in-chief of the Allied Ninja Forces, is naturally qualified to issue summons to the other four Kages.

Since the previous Five Kage Conference, they have dealt with almost all the things that came to mind, such as greeting the daimyos of the five major countries, and negotiating with those small countries and villages. It is time to hold another Five Kage meeting.

This time, the Five Kage Conference should talk about some practical matters, such as how many troops each country and village can contribute, how much supplies and armaments they can provide, how to cooperate, the positions of captains of several troops, and so on.

"I'd better go to the Eight-Tails and have a look."

Nanami rubbed her temples with a headache. She didn't dare to go home, fearing that trouble would come from the sky. She turned around and walked in the direction pointed by Sakura.

What Sakura was busy with before should be related to the matter of the Hidden Cloud Village, so she knew where Naruto was entertaining the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki Killer Bee.

"I'll go and deliver Raikage-sama's summons to Tsunade-sama first, and I'll come find you later."

Sakura called from behind:"Well, if you have time in the evening, let's have a date or something? It's been a long time since I walked alone with Nanami-sama."

Nanami froze for a moment, and after a moment's calm, she replied:"I know."

Then she left without looking back.

Sakura smiled happily....

Following the location that Sakura had mentioned, Nanashi found Naruto and Killer Bee by a stream in the back mountain. There were some people around them, including Sasuke and Killer Bee's two apprentices, a boy and a girl.

"Naruto, Sasuke."

Nanami raised his hand to greet the two younger brothers, then looked at Killer Bee, especially the big sword on his back.


Raising an eyebrow, before Naruto could introduce himself to Killer Bee, Nanami arrived in front of Killer Bee with a flash step. Before Killer Bee could react, he had already raised his hand and slapped it on his body, using the power technique of"hitting the bull from behind the mountain" to knock the Samehada sword on his back away.

"what happened?"

"What's going on?"

The four people around him all stood up, especially Kirabi's two disciples who were on guard.

"I'm fine, it just hurts a little, you~idiot, you~asshole."

A weird rap came out of Kirabi's mouth, making Qiqi Shi feel very upset.

"Let’s not talk about your rap that is so bad that it can cause harm to people."

Nanami shook his head and was too lazy to comment on Killer Bee’s rap. He pointed at the Samehada sword that fell not far away and said,"I heard from the Raikage that there was an Akatsuki named Kisame who attacked you, but I didn’t hear that you took the Samehada sword as a trophy."

"What's the problem? I'm so handsome, I'm so cool, Yaosabiki Rabi is me! Yeah! Ah! (After searching around, I found that this is how he calls himself, it seems to be Yaosabiki Rabi)" Kirabi once again answered Nanami's words with his weird rap

"Shut up."

Nanami was getting angry, so he didn't bother to deal with Killer Bee and his two disciples. He just asked Naruto and Sasuke to wait there, and walked towards the Samehada sword.

"Kisame, why don't you come out? Do you have to wait for me to pull you out of the Samehada sword?"

Standing in front of the Samehada sword, I heard Nanami said:"We are old friends, right? Do you think you can still have a lucky mentality in front of me?"

"I had this feeling when I heard that the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki was coming to Konoha Village.

The next moment, Kisame's voice came from Samehada's sword:"But in order to try to catch two Jinchuriki at the same time, I came here with a fluke mentality, but......"

As soon as the words fell, a person came out from the mouth of Samehada, and it was Kisame.

"Can you leave the information you collected and surrender?"

Nanami asked Kisame:"If you can, I really don't want to kill you, for Itachi's sake."

"Let's just forget it."

Kisame smiled and refused,"Itachi and I have some friendship, but now we each serve our own masters. Dying here is my fate.""

"Well, I'll give you a quick death."_

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