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鑢七心 naturally still remembered the story about Nagato, and since she still had the Byakugan, she came here from the beginning.

And just like she said herself, no matter the one from the village or here, they were all just shadow clones.

As for the real body, it was still in Team 10 studying Hidan and his belief in evil gods.

Such an interesting thing, of course, 鑢七心 had to study it carefully.

It could actually make people immortal, and it also involved things about faith and believers, it was indeed worth studying.

If she was interested one day, she could also develop her own believers, such as a harem teaching, and have her own harem, and all the believers would be her own harem....

Let 's go back to Nagato.

Akatsuki was originally founded by Yahiko, who was the real body of Tendo Pain.

Later, due to various reasons, after Yahiko was forced to death by Hanzo and Danzo, Akatsuki and Nagato underwent a qualitative change and gradually became what they are today.

Now that Nagashima said that he wanted to send Nagato and Konan to meet their partners, what he actually meant was to send them to death.

"It's not that easy to kill us."

Nagato snorted coldly, took out the controller (the device that controls Pain's Six Paths) from under him, put his hands together to make a seal, and shouted:"Spirit summoning technique, Outer Path Demon Statue"


Behind Nagato, a huge monster was suddenly summoned by him.

In the original work, Nagato was influenced by Naruto's mouth cannon, so the two did not fight.

But at this time, Nanami was too lazy to use mouth cannon, and he didn't know how to use it, so Nagato simply summoned the Outer Path Demon Statue.


Kagami raised his eyebrows, with an interested expression on his delicate face.

People only know that the tailed beasts are huge chakra aggregates, but they don't know that they actually have bodies, which are the Gaiden Demon Statue.

At this time, because the nine tailed beasts were separated, the Gaiden Demon Statue looked like a puppet that couldn't think.

But in Kagami's eyes, the huge vitality of the Gaiden Demon Statue, that is, the Ten-Tails, is very interesting.

And the Gaiden Demon Statue is the body of the Ten-Tails after all, and several tailed beasts have been sealed inside, namely the One-Tail Shukaku, the Two-Tail Matatabi, the Three-Tail Isobu, the Four-Tail Son Goku, the Five-Tail Mu Wang, the Six-Tail Rhino Dog, and the Seven-Tail Shigeaki


Nanami put her left hand on her forehead, and pointed her right hand towards Nagato, and then she muttered,"Except for the Nine-Tails and the Eight-Tails, haven't all the tailed beasts been sealed? What's going on?""

"Can you see inside?"

Nagato glanced at Tanashi Nanami with some fear, but his hands did not show any sign of 'wait' because of Tanashi Nanami's words. He just maintained a seal and shouted,"Whoever you are, die."

The ninja world only knew the Konoha Death God, and Obito and Zetsu only knew that she was mysterious and powerful, but if they really wanted to find out more, they had no idea about Tanashi Nanami's origins.

So it can be said that Nagato really didn't know Tanashi Nanami.

And with Nagato's urging, the Outer Path began to move.

First, it opened its huge mouth, and spit out a tongue that seemed to be made of chakra, and rushed towards Tanashi Nanami.

"What kind of shameful play is this? Or is it just tentacle-based?"

Nanami tilted her head and looked at the Outer Path Golem and complained, until the tongue came close to her, she shouted softly:"Shinra Tensei"


A huge repulsive force came out from the small body of Qi Shi, but the power should not be underestimated. Not only was the tongue of the Outer Statue bounced off, but even a huge deep pit was blown out under her feet. People who didn't know would think that someone had thrown a bomb under her feet.

""The Ten Thousand Things Are Attracted by Heaven."

Then, Nanami raised his hand and waved in the direction of Nagato.


Nagato cried out in surprise. He was already on guard, but he didn't expect that the gravity in Nanami's hand would be so strong. Not only was the fixed device under him brought along, but even the Outer Statue and Konan couldn't keep him in place.

After all, Nanami not only had the Samsara Eye, but also had pupil techniques such as the Rinnegan.

The Rinnegan actually had the ability to"control gravity and repulsion, and its power was so great that it could even control the orbit of the planet."

Coupled with the Rinnegan's Universal Attraction, it was understandable that Nagato was unable to resist it all of a sudden.


In the blink of an eye, Nagato was already caught by Nanami.

"Well, you've seen what you need to see, there's really no reason to keep you around any longer."

Nanami said, not giving Nagato a chance to react, and squeezing him to death with his hand.


But suddenly, not far away, Xiaonan used the substitution technique to switch positions with Nagato.

Then when Nanami exerted force on her hands, she turned into a white rain of paper and hid away.

"This is paper escape."

Nanami raised his hand to catch a few pieces of white paper, and then found that there were some things on them, which looked like detonating talismans.

"Well..., more than just a resemblance, it looks like a detonating talisman."

Nashimi shrugged, looking helpless, but at the moment when Xiaonan was about to activate the detonating talisman, she suddenly changed into the state of the god of death.


The next moment, countless detonating talismans exploded around Nanashi, and a huge wave of heat gushed out, almost causing a mushroom cloud to rise.


Leaning against the Outer Path Demon Statue helplessly, Nagato asked Konan who was reconstructed from countless white papers not far away.

"I'm not sure either."

Xiaonan shook her head:"I saw that she didn't put up any resistance at the last moment. She must have been completely swept away by the shock wave of the explosion. Or maybe she was just a shadow clone, so she didn't put up any resistance."

"Is it just a shadow clone?"

Nagato smiled bitterly. Just a shadow clone almost killed him, and that was when he summoned the Outer Path Demon Statue. If it was the real person, maybe Konan wouldn't have had a chance to save him.

"I won't disappear so easily."

At this time, in the dust caused by the explosion of the detonating talisman, Nanami stepped out. She was unharmed and said to the two with a chuckle:"After all, my existence can only be summoned by my main body, so I will attach great importance to every opportunity. I don't want to disappear casually. Please forgive my non-cooperation."

"How did you manage to get through this?"

Xiaonan couldn't help but exclaimed.

"There are many ways."

Nanami spread his hands:"For example, use the Flying Thunder God Technique, use the Kamui of Space-Time Ninjutsu, and so on, although I didn't use any of them."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, I'm really going to kill you this time."

(PS: I didn't update yesterday, I'll add one chapter today, and then, that's itcough coughI need to change my biological clock. Really, I get up in the afternoon every day, and it’s evening after a while. I don’t have much time to write. So I plan to go to bed early today, and try to get up around 7 o’clock tomorrow, and write as much as possible.)_Please download the ununderlined version of the novel

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