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So they are not afraid of death at all, and Kisame is naturally not afraid of fighting Kagami alone.

Kagami was very considerate and took Kisame to the other side for a duel, leaving that side to the two brothers Sasuke and Itachi.

Kisame didn't want to fulfill Kagami's wish, but he had no choice. He was kicked away by Kagami with a flying kick, and could only be forced to follow Kagami to move the battlefield.

"Water escape."

As soon as he landed on the ground, Kisame immediately performed a water escape ninjutsu:"Explosive Water Wave." Kisame opened his mouth and spit out a large amount of water, and in the blink of an eye, he created a lake out of thin air.

"As expected, it is Hoshigaki Kisame, who is known as the 'tailless tailed beast'."

Following Kisame's flight path, Nanami slowly descended from the sky and praised him generously.

Kisame is indeed not weak, as he can perform such a powerful water-style ninjutsu in a place without water.


Kisame couldn't help but snorted with some complacency:"It's not just that."

As he spoke, he continued to make seals with his hands and shouted:"Water escape, Infinite Same."

In fact, Kisame is also very good at physical skills, and he is very powerful, especially the Samehada sword is used very smoothly and flexibly by him.

But he has suffered several losses at the hands of Tanaka Nanami. The first time he was punched and almost vomited blood. Now he was kicked away. He didn't dare to fight her in close combat easily.

So, Kisame simply created a terrain that was favorable to him, and then approached Tanaka Nanami to fight with water escape ninjutsu.

After all, he was born in the Hidden Mist Village, and Kisame is best at water escape ninjutsu.

"Binding Path 81, Breaking the Sky."

Kanami glanced at the countless sharks that suddenly appeared in the lake, and chanted softly, using the ghost power of the world of death to summon a huge transparent"door panel", and then she slapped it down hard.


The entire lake was broken up, and the lake water instantly rushed to all directions.

As for the countless sharks in the lake that were summoned by Kisame's water escape ninjutsu, they were all turned into white smoke and disappeared.

Originally, Dankong was a defensive binding technique, but it was used by Nanami-sama in this way, which was also unique.

"What is that?"

Kisame was startled. He had never seen the methods of the God of Death, so he couldn't help but feel surprised. Could it be a new ninjutsu that he didn't know about? Or a bloodline limit?

"It's my turn to attack."

Nanami smiled at Kisame, raised his index finger and pointed it at Kisame, saying,"Wang Xu's Flash"


A black-gold flash appeared out of nowhere and quickly came to Kisame.

The flash was too fast and had a wide range, more than meters in diameter. Kisame had no time to dodge and was wrapped up.

In an instant, Kisame died without even a groan of pain.

Originally, the body used as a sacrifice would be revealed in the Elephant Rotation Technique.

But now, even the body of the sacrificed person was destroyed by the flash, and there was not even a trace left on the original place. Even on the land of the River Country, Nanami Kaku opened up a wide road from the Sand Village near the Hidden Sand Village to the direction of the Fire Country.

This attack actually broke through three days of travel, which was terrifying and normal.

After all, she was Nanami Kaku.

"Itachi and Sasuke should have finished talking, right?"

Turning around, Nanami walked in the direction she came from.

With the black turtle and the black snake to show her the way, Nanami naturally didn't have to worry about getting lost.

In fact, the two little creatures always talk to everyone, but they just don't describe it, but they are always there.

And now they have done a great job, leading Nanami to find the place where she and Sasuke separated just now. Otherwise, Nanami would have to slowly search from the sky, which is very troublesome.

"What happened?"

When Nanami saw that Itachi had disappeared, leaving behind only the body of an unknown person, he guessed that they must have talked.

After all, Itachi had Tsukuyomi, and in order to avoid being eavesdropped by outsiders, and the speed of time in the Tsukuyomi world was many times faster than outside, how could they abandon it?


Sasuke nodded, and indeed he had already had a conversation with Itachi:"I have already discussed everything that needs to be said with my brother, and..."


Nanami suddenly made a gesture to silence him, then turned his head to look in another direction and shouted,"The guy hiding over there, don't let me kill you now, or you won't have a chance to implement your plan."

In the woods not far away, the two people hiding there quickly used the space-time ninjutsu to move to a distant place, not daring to delay or neglect anything.

"She actually noticed our presence?"

Both of them were wearing Akatsuki cloaks, and one of them was wearing a mask on his head, revealing only one Sharingan. He couldn't help but let out a low cry of surprise.

"She is very strong."

Another guy who looked like a pitcher plant said in a low voice:"Besides, she seems to know our plan very well." What made this pitcher plant especially worried was that he inexplicably felt that what Nanami said was directed at him, not at the masked man.

"Sure enough, the 'Konoha Death God' will become our obstacle."

The masked man gritted his teeth and said:"In this case, we can only take action in advance."

"What are you going to do?"

Nepenthe asked the masked man

"Go find Orochimaru, he will be reborn."

The masked man said his thoughts:"Ze, you have gained a lot in all these years.���The DNA of the strong (because of eating too many corpses?), except for that person, I want to bring all the strong people who used to be back to this world, and then become my strength"

"Will Orochimaru listen to you?"

Jue asked the masked man

"He will definitely do so, because I want to use Uchiha Itachi as a bargaining chip."

The masked man sneered:"Although I don't know what Itachi and Sasuke said, at least one thing is clear to me, Itachi is definitely not sincere in joining us, and Sasuke will not become one of us. If this is the case, there is no need to keep them."

"You are really cruel, Obito. After all, they are your only two remaining clan members."

Zetu called out the true identity of the masked man. Yes, he is Uchiha Obito.

And Zetsu also reminded Obito that in today's ninja world, apart from him, the Uchiha clan only has Itachi and Sasuke. But Obito didn't care about this at all.

"So what?"

Obito's eyes became crazy:"Whoever wants to stop me must die." _Read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei

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