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"So what if he stood up?"

Neji gritted his teeth, his heart was no longer calm, but he was still trying not to show it, and advised:"Forget it, it will be the same if we continue fighting, there is no grudge between us...."

"Shut up."

Naruto shouted at Neji to shut up, and then said:"Who said there is no grudge?"

"What did you say?"

Ningji was really puzzled, because he didn't know Naruto before, and he had no interest in getting to know him, so there was really no grudge between them.

"You are so awesome...."

Naruto explained to Neji:"Why do you use those eyes that seem to see through everything to completely defeat Hinata's hard work mentally?..."


In a corner of the audience, Hinata showed a touching expression, and then, because of the intense excitement, she coughed and even vomited blood.

"Hinata? What's wrong with you?"

Inuzuka Kiba, who was sitting next to Hinata, was startled and asked hurriedly.

"Let me show her."

Suddenly, Nanami appeared in front of Kiba and Hinata.

"Are you teacher Tan Nanami?"

Kiba recognized Tan Nanami.

Tan Nanami nodded:"It's me. Let's not talk about that for now, let me see Hinata's condition. Don't worry, I have already designated this girl as my sister-in-law, and I will definitely not let her get into trouble."

As he spoke, Tan Nanami took Hinata and laid her flat on the floor of the aisle, then used medical ninjutsu to treat her.

Kiba next to him showed a strange expression, thinking, sister-in-law? What does that mean? Is there any gossip?

While Tan Nanami was busy taking care of his sister-in-law, Naruto and Neji's communication continued.

These two people, without caring about the occasion, revealed some secrets of the Hyuga family, a wealthy family in Konoha.

For example, some disputes between the main family and the branch family, and all kinds of unfair treatments suffered by the branch family, such as the bird in the cage is the most representative. shackles.

Once the branch family is branded with the caged bird, they will become loyal subordinates of the main family in the future, and can even use the caged bird to execute people from the branch family at any time, and permanently close their Byakugan.

Such a major secret, as well as Hyuga Hizashi's willingness to die, moved the entire audience.

Hyuga Hiashi did not interrupt Neji's speech, otherwise he had countless ways, such as the caged bird to make Neji shut up.

But he didn't, and let Neci speak freely, venting all the resentment towards the main family that had been buried in his heart for all these years.

"They are twin brothers with equal strength, but their fates are determined just because they were born in the same order."

Finally, Neji sighed, not sure if it was an accusation or something.

No wonder he always mentioned fate.

"In this match."

At the end, Neji turned his voice back to the person:"Your fate was decided when you were about to fight me....Destined to lose to me"

"You can only know this kind of thing by trying it.

Naruto was not affected too much by Neji's experience, nor did he care too much about his own difficult situation.

""What a stubborn guy."

Neji was annoyed by Naruto's indifferent attitude, and attacked Naruto again with hatred.

"Chief examiner, the competition is over now.

Turning around, Neji confidently said to the chief examiner, Shiranui Genma

"Don't leave."

But Naruto climbed up again unyieldingly:"I haven't said I'm going to give up yet."

Ningci turned back

"Don't think you're the only one who's different from others."

Naruto sneered,"Haven't you heard about me? The Nine-Tailed Demon Fox or something?"

Naruto's words made the Konoha audience who came to the scene look unnatural.

They had made things difficult for Naruto, but after Nanami arrived, they gradually stopped being so excessive, mainly because they didn't dare to go too far.

"And Hinata."

Naruto once again shouted for Hinata:"She is a member of the main family but is not recognized. She tried her best to change herself, so she will still fight with you even if she vomits blood.

You too!"

Naruto's words shocked Neci.

Then he continued:"It's just a game. You should have protected the main family, but you beat Hinata like that. In fact, you don't want to succumb to your fate."

"He is speaking for you."

In the audience, Nanami continued to press his hand on Hinata's chest, and Hinata had already opened her eyes.

Because of Nanami's words, or because of Naruto's words, or because of Nanami's not-so-honest little hand, Hinata's delicate face had already turned red, and she timidly said"hmm" and didn't know what to say.

Looking at the audience

"What do you know?"

Neji shouted angrily:"In the end, your fate is the same as Hinata's."

"Then I will prove it to you."

Naruto put his hands together and made a seal, and shouted:"Although Nanami-sister said it is not the right time yet,..., Kurama, let him see our strength."

The reason why Naruto didn't care about his situation was because he was confident that he had the means and power to turn the situation around.


A large amount of bright red chakra suddenly erupted from Naruto's body. That was not Naruto's chakra, because his chakra had been sealed with the acupuncture points and could not be used temporarily.

So, this was another kind of chakra, belonging to the Nine-tailed Kurama.

"How is it possible?"

The Sanda could no longer sit still, and stood up suddenly, looking down in worry and surprise.

The matter of the Nine-Tails was too important. If it was not properly controlled and it broke out of Naruto's body, it would be a major crisis to destroy the village.

But Naruto did not lose control. Although he looked scary, he seemed to be still in control of his own consciousness.

"What's going on?"

The third generation was also a little confused, thinking:"Could it be that Nanami did something? Did she teach Naruto something?"

Not only the third generation, but all the audience in the venue reacted to the Nine-Tails' chakra in various ways, either frightened or alert, and Kakashi even opened his Sharingan.

"What is that? That chakra."

The first one to bear the brunt was Neji. Because of his Byakugan, he could clearly see the horror of that chakra.

At this time, Naruto looked like he was in Tailed Beast Mode.

But as he said just now, he was not yet mature enough, so he could only reluctantly borrow Kurama's chakra, and could not even form the most basic Tailed Beast Outerwear. But even so, it was enough. After all, this was just a battle between two Genin.

"Ningci, I'm going to get on."_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - Collection

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