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In other words, Zabuza was not restrained by Kaku Nanami.

He was just looking down at his feet in despair, as if he was not in a hurry to get out.

It's certainly not that Zabuza was not in a hurry, but he couldn't break free. Even if he used kunai to hit and chop, he couldn't destroy the ice surface. At most, he could only leave a little white mark.

At this time, Zabuza missed the beheading sword very much, but the sword had been chopped into pieces during the first battle with Kaku Nanami.

Although the beheading sword can restore the damaged blade by absorbing the iron element in the blood, it is obvious that he does not have time to repair the beheading sword.

"These legs are useless now."

After a while, Zabuza suddenly gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

After being frozen for such a long time, Zabuza thought that the nerves in these legs were almost all frozen to death. Even if they were freed, they would not be able to be cured.

""Then give it up."

Without any hesitation, since he had made the decision, Zabuza held the kunai and chopped it down fiercely. The kunai was very small, it could be called a dagger or a hidden weapon.

So it is conceivable that one slash was not enough to cut the leg bone.

Zabuza was really ruthless, even to his own body.

I don't know how many times he chopped it, but Zabuza finally got out of trouble.


Zabuza endured the severe pain and dared not make a sound. He could only yell in his heart:"I must kill you."

With this belief, Zabuza quietly and slowly climbed up from the pier of the bridge.

Then he was not in a hurry to kill. After all, he would not be as agile as before in his current state, so he could only endure it and wait for the opportunity to kill with one blow before making a move.

And this opportunity came soon.

"Interesting, interesting. Are you two performing crosstalk?"

Then I heard Nanami Tanaka who was sitting there laughed exaggeratedly.

The fight between Nanami Tanaka and Zabuza ended too quickly, not even a few minutes, and then Zabuza jumped down and was frozen.

On the contrary, Sasuke and Haku fought vividly, and Naruto's arrival delayed a lot of time, enough for Zabuza to escape and climb up quietly.


Zabuza didn't dare to wait any longer. Although he lost his legs, he still had his hands.

As if it didn't affect his speed at all, Zabuza rushed upside down to the front of Nanami.


But before Zabuzhan could make a move, a knife had already pierced his head.

"I was thinking that if you were willing to give up the life of a ninja, I would let you go, but what a pity."

Kanami sighed and shook her head.

How could she not know what was going on under the bridge? She just didn't go to kill them all.

Maybe it was because she didn't want to have more enemies in the fourth ninja in the future, or maybe it was because of a sudden compassion. In short, as she said, if she didn't kill Kensei, he might have saved his life.

What a pity, this person is doing it himself...

"Lord Zabuza."

Over there, Bai, who was fighting with Sasuke and Naruto, exclaimed, and then he made a mistake. He was distracted and didn't notice a kunai thrown by Naruto or Sasuke.


Covering his heart that was pierced by the kunai, Bai Wuli could no longer maintain the ninjutsu. First, the ice cubes were melted, and then he staggered and fell to the ground.

"Lord Zabuza, wait for me."

Bai no longer cared about Sasuke and Naruto, and ignored the others. Although he was injured, he still crawled towards Zabuza.

"Why do I feel like we are the villains?"

Nanami tilted his head with a troubled expression, still sitting there without moving. Even if Bai crawled to the nearby corpse of Zabuza, he was not worried that he would suddenly attack him.


In the end, even Sakura couldn't bear it. It can be seen that Bai's feelings for Zabuza are really deep, and they want to die together even if they die.

But Nanami's attitude is too cold, which makes her feel very sorry.

"What's the big deal?"

Nanashi really didn't care at all, shook his head and said:"You only saw their death, but you seemed to be blind to the misery of others. Don't say you haven't experienced the current situation of this country."

To be honest, there are refugees everywhere in the Land of Waves, because all the money has flowed into Cardo's pocket, and many people have lost their families.

And Zabuza and Haku are Cardo's accomplices. No matter what reason they are helping Cardo, do they not care about the life and death of others just because they are pitiful?

Besides, Zabuza is not a good person, he is also a ruthless person with blood on his hands, okay, it's not an exaggeration to say that he deserves to die.

"You deserve to die."

Qi Shi glanced coldly at the two people who had already died, and snorted:"After all, you came to kill us, so you must have come with the understanding that you might be killed by us."

"This is the cruel reality."

Looking up, Nanami looked at the three children who were frightened by her cruel side and said,"Since you have become ninjas, don't be naive, otherwise you will die without knowing how you died.

Of course, I don't want you to kill all your enemies, and I didn't think about killing them before. It

's just that when you meet someone who wants to die, you should help them if you can."

Nanami's words were interesting, but Naruto and the others didn't have the heart to laugh.

"Is that idiot still dead?"

Just then, another group of people came from the direction of the bridge.

"Damn this guy, I told you he's useless, and he dared to threaten me, it's better if he dies, or I'll get rid of him."

A man walked out of the crowd, he was Kado, at this time he looked at Qi Shi and others with an arrogant face, waved his hand and shouted:"Kill them for me"

"Hahaha, they are just a bunch of little ghosts."

"Wait, there are two little girls inside. Look at how pretty they are. Don't chop them too hard later...."

Seeing that the people from Cardo were talking more and more nonsense, Qi Qi couldn't stand it anymore.

"Can you guys do it?"

Nanami asked Naruto and Sasuke first, and ignored Sakura.


Naruto was still hesitant. If it was just a fight, it would be fine, but he had never killed anyone, and he had never thought that one day he would kill someone.

"I can do it."

Sasuke agreed readily:"Sooner or later there will be such a day, just treat it as an early experience."

"Very good."

Nana nodded in approval. She was very selfish. Instead of teaching three saintly apprentices, she wanted them to live a little more selfishly, because only in this way could they live longer in the ninja world.

Of course, she would not force them.

"Come with me and kill them."

When Nanami turned around and looked at Kado and the others, she immediately put on a cold face.

What Kado was the lord of the Wave Country, and what killing him as a Konoha ninja might cause disputes between countries, what did it have to do with her?

Now, Nanami was very angry, so she just wanted to kill these guys who were full of foul language.

""Okay." Sasuke nodded, and indeed mustered up the courage to follow behind Nanami, without any fear.

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