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"Teacher, look at them, they should be Kirigakure ninjas, right? And they are Chunin."

Sakura came to the battlefield later and asked Nanami for confirmation.

Genin cannot receive assassination missions, and others will not trust Genin to take the mission.

Therefore, they can only be Chunin.

As for Jonin, Sakura is not stupid enough to think that Sasuke can defeat Jonin now. Even if she is crazy, she should have some common sense.

"Huh? Are they Chunin?"

Nanami was stunned. She had thought they were Genin before. Was she wrong? It might also be related to the fact that the two brothers were too weak.

"Don't you know they are Chunin?"

The others were all sweating coldly, thinking that it was a good thing that Sasuke won.

Even Sasuke was terrified, thinking what if he really died like this, the key point is that it was very unfair.

"Don't worry, I'm watching you."

Nanami Tadashi belatedly comforted Sasuke, but it didn't make Sasuke feel safe at all.

In fact, it's not Nanami Tadashi's fault. She was too strong. She mistakenly regarded the Chunin as the Genin. Who said that there was no difference between these two levels of ninja in her eyes?

"Teacher, what should we do next?"

At this time, Sakura asked Nanami again:"Should we send them back? And..., now that ninjas are involved, the mission difficulty is not D, it should be at least C-level."

As long as ninjas are involved, no matter whether the enemy ninja's level is Genin or Chunin, the mission difficulty starts at C-level.

So Sakura said that they were just Genin who had just graduated from school, and they were not qualified to even take C-level missions.


Nanami turned to look at Dazna, who looked troubled, and asked,"Do you have any unspeakable secrets? Otherwise, why would you deliberately hide the fact that you were being targeted by ninjas?"

Dazna thought to himself that of course he had a secret, and it was very simple, that is, he had no money.

"Forget it."

Without waiting for Dazna to speak, Tan Nanami casually waved his hand and said,"Since it is a difficult question to answer, I will not ask any more questions. Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke, what do you think? Do you want to continue this mission, or do you want to go back?"

As he spoke, Tan Nanami raised his foot and stepped on the heads of the two Mist Village Chunins respectively without changing his expression. Although he did not crush their heads, everyone could clearly see that their breathing stopped.


Killing people over a disagreement, Qi Shi scared everyone


Sakura hesitated to speak, thinking that it would be enough to just tie them up nearby. After all, this is in the Land of Fire, so the Konoha ninjas will come to patrol from time to time, and then they will be brought back to Konoha Village.

But now, the people are dead, isn't it meaningless to say all that?

"You are so slow."

Diao Qi was really annoyed. He didn't like it in the first place and now you are taking so long. Really, how annoying!

"And you two, hurry up and express your opinions, do you still want to stay here peacefully?"

Nanami turned his eyes to Naruto and Sasuke again.

"I want to continue the mission."

Sasuke said first:"I have just come out and I have met such a good opponent. Who knows what I will encounter next. I am looking forward to the journey ahead."

He just wants to improve his own strength as soon as possible, and the best way is to keep fighting with others, so Sasuke does not want to go back to the village.

"I don't want to go back to do those boring tasks."

Naruto and Sasuke also have the same idea. The outside world is so exciting and wonderful. Who wants to go back to take care of the children, walk the dog and look for the cat?


Seeing that both of them wanted to continue the mission, Sakura wanted to give up but couldn't open her mouth, especially with Sasuke standing in front of her, and she didn't want to show her cowardly side.

"Then let's continue?"

Nanami looked at Sakura and asked


Sakura could only lower her head, feeling sad.

She was very scared, okay....

Just like that, there was no need for Dazna to play the emotional card, nor was there any need for additional expenses. Nanami and the others kindly planned to continue escorting him back to the Land of Waves.

"But there is one thing."

While walking on the road, Nanami still spoke to Dazna, saying:"After all, you have concealed the difficulty of this mission, so when we return to the Land of Waves, you must entertain us wholeheartedly."

Dazna was very worried at first, afraid that Nanami would make some excessive demands.

After she finished speaking, he was stunned. He didn't expect it to be so simple.

"Of course, of course."

They agreed in surprise, and Dazna promised that as long as they could protect him and return to the Land of Waves, he would show them his sincerity to satisfy them.

"That would be best."

Nanami was not optimistic, because she remembered that Dazna seemed to have a very unpopular grandson or grandson.

Then Naruto would have to deal with that kid....

Just as Nanami and his group were on their way again, on the other side, in a forest outside the city of Wave Country,

"Damn it, they failed, what happened? I paid a lot of money to invite you here because I heard that you are very good at martial arts."

The one who was cursing loudly was a short old man in a black suit. He was Cardo, the lord of the Land of Waves. He was also the one who hired the ninja to assassinate Dazna, not wanting him to return to the Land of Waves alive. The person Cardo was accusing at this time was none other than Zabuza Momochi, a ninja who defected from the Hidden Mist Village.

Facing Cardo's accusation, Zabuza did not get angry, but just picked up a huge machete from behind, sat on a chair without getting up, and casually waved it over his head twice, causing a 'whoosh' sound of wind, and finally he stopped the tip of the knife in front of Cardo.

"Stop talking nonsense. This time I will personally take action. You should be satisfied this time."

Zabuza did not hesitate at all because of the defeat of his men. He planned to take action himself this time.


Looking at the big knife in front of him, Cardo hesitated for a moment, and finally asked uncertainly:"It should be okay this time, right? Also, will Brother Ghost's failure alert the group?"

"Who do you think you are talking to?"

Zabuza snorted coldly:"I am the dignified Kirigakure Zabuza Momochi"

"I hope you are not bragging."

Seeing Zabuza's confidence, Cardo could only trust him again with great reluctance.

Or rather, Cardo had no other choice.

This is the world of ninjas, so as long as you are a ninja, you will be unable to compete unless you are restrained by another ninja.

So even though Cardo has many ronin and wandering samurai under his command, they dare not offend Zabuza easily.

Moreover, his main goal now is to kill Dazna, and it would be best if Zabuza could succeed._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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