Then the next day, Yachiryu came again.

But how could she find the 10th Division accurately when Yachiryu was just as bad at finding directions as her captain?

Nanami had hoped countless times that Yachiryu would get lost on the way, so that she would have some peace and quiet.

What a pity.

But there are gains and losses. If it weren't for Yachiryu, Rangiku wouldn't have agreed to her kneeling on his head three times.

"Don't forget our agreement."

Today, Rangiku did not disappear again, but sat beside the two of them, and quietly reminded Nanashi

"Of course."

Nanami nodded. She certainly wouldn't miss Rangiku's lap pillow. She believed that it would be very comfortable to lie on her lap. And when she looked up, she would see a pair of basketballs. It was a feast for the eyes.

Speaking of this, could it be that the reason why she ran to Sister Hua to ask for a lap pillow was because of the basketballs?

Maybe. After all, there was no Inoue yet, so naturally there were not many choices.

"Qi-chan, I'm here again."

Yachiru smiled and greeted Qi Qishi:"How is it? Have you thought about it?"


Nanami showed a harmless smile, and without waiting for Yachiru to invite him again, he took the initiative to say,"When is the next regular meeting? I'll go with you and have some fun."

"That's great."

Yachiru jumped up and down happily, and his happy look was also very cute

""Just stop it."

Only one person was unhappy, and that was Dong Shilang.

He couldn't stand it anymore.

"Poor brother."

Nanashi shook his head pretentiously:"You are still far from it. In terms of willpower,"


Suddenly, a series of blue veins on Dong Shilang's forehead began to jump.

"Let's go quickly."

Rangiku still had some respect for Toushirou, after all, he was the captain. While Toushirou was still not angry enough to be unable to bear it, she took Nanami, who had finally agreed to Yachiryu, and ran away.

"Come back here."

Dong Shilang chased them out, but he could not see the three of them anymore, so he shouted,"There is still work to be done."

""Thank you, Captain."

Rangiku's voice came from a distance, but this thank you did not make people happy.

Poor Toushirou, not only was he tricked by his sister, but there was also Rangiku who messed with him. No wonder he was so mature at such a young age, he was forced to do so....

"On the way, Qishi suddenly thought of something:"Is today the day of the regular meeting?"

If not, it would be a waste of time.

"Of course."

Yachiru smiled and explained to Nanami:"Rangiku said before that you would agree today, so I deliberately moved the date of the next regular meeting forward to today, hehe"


Kanashimi knew that he was being tricked, so he turned around and looked at Rangiku.


Rangiku turned her head and looked away. She disappeared yesterday to inform everyone that the regular meeting would be moved up.

"Forget it."

Naka Nanami thought that all she wanted was a lap pillow, so it didn't matter whether she was being plotted against or not.

Just like that, today, after a long absence, Nanami finally came to the regular meeting place of the Female Death God Association again, hoping that she would not be disappointed again this time.

"We are here."

Accompanied by Yachiru and Rangiku, the three finally arrived at the gate of an independent courtyard.

"This is Sister Hua's yard."

Rangiku introduced it to Nanami.

It is said that Sister Hua got her name from Yachiru, and her favorite thing to do is to give people nicknames.

""Sister Hua?"

Nanami raised her eyebrows. The last time she came here was at Captain Soi-Fong's Second Division's barracks. Why did she come to Unohana Retsu's private residence today?

Speaking of which, she was a little unnatural. Maybe it had something to do with her guilty conscience.

"This is what I meant.

Suddenly, the gate opened and the captain of the fourth squad, Unohana Retsu, came out.

"I heard that you've been brooding over what happened last time? So I want to take this opportunity to tell you that I don't want to isolate you, nor do I dislike you, I just don't like to have too close contact with people."

Looking at Tanaka Nanami, Unohana Retsu said with a sincere expression.

Not only Tanaka Nanami was feeling aggrieved, but Unohana Retsu had also been thinking whether she was a little too cold last time.

But she was telling the truth. As the first generation Kenpachi, a female Shura who was once widely circulated, once someone got too close to her, she would not be able to control the urge to draw her sword, not to mention using her knees as a pillow.

But now she doesn't want to return to the identity of the first generation Kenpachi, and she doesn't want to be discovered, so she rejected Tanaka Nanami's approach without any hesitation.

Thinking back on it later, maybe that was Tanaka Nanami's way of expressing goodwill?

It's not that simple to use your knees as a pillow. Wouldn't it be controlled by others if you lay your head on someone's knees?

Sister Hua misunderstood, and she always regretted it later, so she moved the meeting place to her own house today.

"Come in."

Unohana Retsu stepped aside and let the three of them in. After closing the door, he led them to the living room.

"You are finally here."

Several female death gods have gathered in the room. They are all very delicate and beautiful. None of them are ugly. They all have good figures. At most, some of them have a flat chest.

"Don't you want a lap pillow? There are plenty of them here."

At this time, Rangiku, who was standing behind Nanami, laughed and gently pushed Nanami's back with her hand.

""Oh my."

Qi Shi secretly resisted the urge to fight back, pretending to have understood what was going on, and fell in front of one of the girls wearing glasses.


Turning her head away embarrassedly, Ise Nanao said,"Well, I've never encountered such a request before. To make up for what happened last time, this time I'll...Let you lie down."

"Thank you."

Nanami was not polite at all, and rolled over on Ise Nanao's knees, closing her eyes and silently feeling the touch of the beautiful legs under her, almost making a strange sound.

"Please don't move."

When Nanami wanted to feel more of these beautiful legs, Ise Nanao blushed and put her hands on her eyes, complaining softly.

"Next, next."

Yachiryu also joined in, and started to arrange the next person to provide a lap pillow for Nanami.

It turned out that today's regular meeting was actually held specifically for Nanami.

After the last time, everyone blamed themselves. You said that they were all girls, and they were new and wanted to show goodwill to everyone, but they were too indifferent.

So after hearing Nanami complaining that they were unwilling to give her even a lap pillow, after a period of mental struggle, they agreed to compensate her today. This made Nanami very happy. It was a big surprise. He kept crawling among the women, and fell on the beautiful legs of whoever he liked. He was so happy.

In the end, she accidentally even pillowed Yachiryu who secretly joined in, and accidentally knocked the little Yachiryu down. The two rolled into a ball, which immediately made everyone laugh.

Sure enough, girls' gatherings should be so happy.

Uh..., nothing wrong.

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