Qinglian Chronicles

Chapter 96: Night storm

The night wind is a bit cold, and I can really use the word "burning" to describe it like a group of red furnace carbon.

"What happened?" I walked in the direction of the horse, and asked the little **** to ask. Because of the excessively calm voice caused by dignity and anxiety, I feel that I have not heard it for a long time.

"From the day of the adult, I saved a small, small day and night, thinking that one day I can repay the adults. It’s just that the small people are light, and there are times when adults can use them... but the small ones are still good, so it can be useful. !... Last month, I accidentally sent a thing, the small one was able to do it, and was transferred to the imperial court. I was still under the prince of the prince. The small heart thought that this opportunity came, and sure enough, a little more than a month ago. The night, passing by the outside of the Wang Gonggong house, I saw someone coming out and walking and touching. The little one left the heart. Sure enough, the ancestors went out a few days ago, and they listened to them to discuss some disrespectful things, which seemed to be unfavorable to the emperor. The small anxious, so the emperor mentioned the adults, the small immediately went to the notice, after the adults went, they always responded to the situation, and they did not move much. The little heart was stunned, and they were afraid that they had made a mistake. I didn’t dare to say anything, until the beginning of today, when I saw the young man, I went to open the door of the park, and I heard that they discussed the weapons of the West Bank. The small one felt bad, and the idea slipped out to find the adult house."

I have an idea in my head: This is someone who wants me.

If I find a military horse, I will rush into the palace overnight. As a result, this is a trap, which is a major crime of rebellion. In addition to crossing back, I am dead.

However, even though I thought about it, I still went to the stables at the fastest speed. I said to Tian Chun: "The fast-moving people went to the Jingying camp to find Luo Erjun, and I went to Dongbianmen to wait for me."

General Luo Er is the younger brother of Shao Qing, the vice-president of Luo Meng. In fact, he was a school general. When Shao Qing left, he left 6,000 people to give me, so he was brought with him.

I think of it, and let people take a few large fireworks, said to be a large fireworks, in fact, very similar to the signal bomb, high and bright, special pattern, this is the inevitable result of a bunch of firecrackers gathered together for research, a by-product of gunpowder.

"When I got to the East Gate, I sent a notice to me. I will send one when I see you going in. If you don't have them, you will be on standby."

The people of Tian Chunpai took the lead and the red phoenix finally came over, even the hair was not combed.

I said, "It’s just right."

As a result, I rode the fireplace, carrying Tian Chunhong and the small eunuch, and there were twenty or so guards in the martial arts.

In the ancient night, even the main street like Chang'an Street has no lights, a black lacquer, and before it has no electricity, the strength of darkness is much greater than that of light. What humans can do is just a point. The ignition of the whole world, the natural world, the countryside, and the big cities created by the humans, such as the capital, are mostly swallowed up by the darkness.

When we arrived at the gate of the palace, there was an ominous rest around us.

We almost rushed in.

There is a vague sound of a knife in the inner palace.

For the first time, I saw a relatively large-scale cold weapon.

There may be hundreds of people in the scene, or there may be thousands of people, but they are chaotic. There is a group of banned military uniforms that seem to dominate. They are confronting one hundred and ten large inner guards. They are all dead bodies, and some eunuchs are screaming everywhere. The light of the torches reflects the reflection of countless blades. In such darkness. Inside, shaking my eyes, let me not know if it really happened or I was dreaming, or just another soap opera.

"Go to protect your majesty!" My instinct is very entertaining, sound decisive, and quick action.

I couldn't take care of everything in front of me, and I couldn't distinguish between the enemy and me. There was a **** who was smashed in front of me and smashed into two. It was **** everywhere. I staggered and ran from him, even without pause, and the heart leaped wildly. Tian Chun followed up and slapped the killing sergeant.

We rushed into the palace of the little emperor, my heart sank, and the body of the **** and the palace lady were everywhere in the aisle.

In the room of the little emperor, there was also a voice that screamed and slammed, and we rushed past, but we saw seven or eight masked guys wearing armor, fighting fiercely with several guards, and two or three eunuchs. Holding a bench and whisking, there is even a palace lady, who is far away, while screaming and screaming the pottery jars and other utensils.

The most difficult thing is the little emperor, holding a short sword with a length of two feet and fighting with a big man. Although I don't understand it, I can see that the little emperor has a certain degree of advancement and retreat. The footwork is light and the swordsmanship is also agile and hot. If the koi is in, it is estimated that he will be satisfied with his performance.

It is a pity that he is a child after all. Naturally, it is not the big man opponent. The victory is short and slippery. The big man can't help him. But the emperor still lacked the fighting experience. The voice we rushed in called him distracted. As soon as he turned back, the knife in the hand of the man smashed toward his neck.

Seeing this knife is inevitable, we are all rushing to the other side, but even the light masters like Hongfeng are too late to arrive. Is it that the little emperor and so many traces in history can not be traced, the little emperors who were sacrificed by the court struggle at a young age, can only be one or two lines in the history books?

In desperation, I heard a cry like a scream in my voice. I even saw the emperor’s face with a horrified expression on his face, the blade of his knees, everything was like a slow motion.

At this time, there was a little **** who was closest to the whole body. The whole body smashed into the past. Under the eyes of the public, I heard a slamming of the blade into his left abdomen. The blood rushed out like a red pigment, and it was not saved.

The little emperor yelled at the scorpion: "Small scorpion!" accompanied by the sorrows of the murderous foxes of the other princes.

I recognized that it was always served in front of the emperor, and every time the little emperor sneaked out of the palace, he pretended to be a small **** who could not see anything.

So smart, knowing that the wind makes the rudder, knowing that everyone is welcoming, probably not without ambition, not thinking about getting out of the head, actually will take the body to the sickle at the crucial time, so dead...

The word loyalty is indeed very weighty in ancient times?

Or to say: The little emperor who can make so many people willing to die, is there a so-called centripetal force?

Tian Chun has already rushed to the front, picking up a sword on his toes and holding it in his hand. The fat body is very agile. The red phoenix also rushed over and the martial artists came forward.

The melee began again.

I rushed to the front of the little emperor who had been idle. He was breathing, and his little chest could not stand up and down, but his feet stood still steady, his eyes were dry and there was no tears.

"Your Majesty." I was a little bit stunned: "The savior is coming... It’s late."

The little emperor grabbed my hand and was still breathing.

I took him back to safety. He looked back and the little **** on the ground twitched at me. It seemed to be a smile, watching the little emperor swallow.

The little emperor grabbed my hand tightly, but he still looked away and noticed the situation in the house.

Originally, I thought that the scene of steady victory was evenly matched. It seems that those people are also weak players. You come and go, not so intense. I am anxious in my heart.

What should Tian Chun do if they are victorious?

The entrance is coming in again, and it is an enemy. It seems that the situation outside is critical.

Hongfeng has already settled his opponent and greeted the door. While screaming, "Adult, take the emperor to avoid it!"

Her voice reminded me that I bowed down to the little emperor and said, "Look, let's escape."

The little emperor nodded, carrying the sword and pulling me to the inner room.

I think it is not a good idea to go to the house, but the little emperor is absolutely abnormal. I have to go with him.

Inside is the bedroom of the little emperor. After my arrangement, it is still quite warm, and it has not been affected by the disaster of the external swordsman.

"The emperor..."

The little emperor took me to the bottom of the bed.

Really not a good idea.

I once again voiced an opposition: "The Emperor..."

"Hey." The little emperor stopped me from saying: "Zhang Aiqing, snoring. Come with you."

We got under the bed, his little hand on the ground, groping around, suddenly said: "Found." Struggling to push a board away, revealing a black hole.

The original designer of the palace also had no idea, and the secret road was also under the bed.

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