Qinglian Chronicles

Chapter 89: Back to

After returning to Xinyang, Zhou Zizhu seems to have done a good job. Everything here is well organized. The victims have also been resettled, and some have already planned to go back to their hometown.

Liang Wang has gone back, allegedly because of a sudden illness. The foods of the big businessmen were also sent to them, and most of them were sent by people.

Zhou Zizhu was black and thin during this time, but I probably couldn't go anywhere. I told him about the robbers, he was silent.

Lu Liang said that it is also a faction of my side, I am afraid he suspects that I have something, I just want to say two more. Zhou Zizhu said very discreetly: "Qinglian... What do you think? Do you want to let him go?"

I still remember that when he warned me about "smuggling", I couldn't help but frown. I was thinking about the tone of refutation. He said, "Actually... I have evidence of his greed for food... These days you No, I have contacted a few big merchants..."

Is this guy directed at me, hesitating to deal with the big corrupt officials? I really want to be flattered. However, this is not the style of Zhou Zizhu.

"What happened to Zhou Xiong?"

Zhou Zizhu was a little surprised. He glanced at me and said, "Can Qinglian remember Lu Dayou?"

I remember that when I was with the emperor and Zhou Zizhu, I was killed by the guardian who died for us.

"Lu Liang is a pro-uncle of Lu Dayou. Lu Da has lost his childhood. It is Lu Liang who has pulled him up and loves his father and son."

Private and big festival? I want to laugh a little, but I feel a little heavy and sad. But for Zhou Zizhu, the answer he has already had? I only asked my opinion if I was not feeling well.

Therefore, I bowed my head and said, "My brother, you have nothing wrong with your chest? I am in a state of disappointment, and I am inconvenienced. Please use the Zizhu brother to act impartially."

Zhou Zizhu looked at me with a slight jaw.

When we finally left, Lu Liang was taken back to the capital.

This time, Zizhu, they came out, there were more than 20 days before and after, and when they set off, they were so vast that now I am only with Hongfeng Jinfeng and Zhou Zizhu's master servant.

When I arrived in Beijing, it was evening. Although it was only for such twenty days, the Chinese lanterns of the Jingshi actually felt a little strange, and felt like a dream.

There have been rewards for the station before, so some officials went to the city to meet the wine, and set up a lantern to set up a shed, which naturally is indispensable to my son Gao Yushu. Fortunately, Zhou Zizhu is here, everyone is still converging, but the words of flattery are endless. In general, the words "for the country for the people, not hard work", plus all kinds of allusions, popped up.

Just as I heard the dizziness, Zhou Zizhu's face was getting more and more heavy. When his family's bald head was bored, finally everyone drank a glass of water and could release it.

I sent a carriage to pick me up, so I bid farewell to Zhou Zizhu. When Gao Yushu took me on the bus, I secretly attached it to my ear and said, "General Shao is back."

I felt a bit stunned in my heart.

For Shao Qing, I always have a bit of a contradiction in my heart. When he is not there, he always feels that he is still his own person. When he has something, he even feels that this person is reliable; but if he is close, he feels that he has to fight the whole spirit to be vigilant. It’s like a cat with a hair on its back.

I was a little depressed, so Gao Yushu said nothing, I didn't hear it clearly. He repeated it again. I only heard him mention Lu Liang. He quickly turned cold and said: "Linxi, what should not be managed Don't call the body, you are a smart person, do you want me to mention you?"

Gao Yushu stunned for a moment, and immediately understood, and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, the father gave a lesson."

I also pulled a few words to put the wine in the "Tai Bai Lou" to pick up the dust for me. I was still bothered by the things of Koi and Liang Wang. I couldn’t help but feel a bit embarrassed. Gao Yujian looked at the words and knew that I had no interest. Say, "The father is a big traveler, and the baby doesn't bother."

Back to the house, Laotian came over and asked An Hui to report that Lao Zhu had not returned yet. Everything was still maintained well, but it was very hot, but now the Koi is not there. There is only one Jinfeng in the Zhongzhi Kindergarten. He is also somewhat sloppy, and people can’t help but feel the feeling of peach blossom.

The only good thing is that my gunpowder research institute has actually produced results.

The firecrackers of the Gunpowder Research Institute invited me to the past, all of them have the color of excitement, and mysteriously took out a iron scorpion.

I think they are so serious, and I am a little excited to look forward to it.

After the scorpion was opened, there was a grid of ones, all wrapped in oil paper, and the masters carefully opened them one by one, either black or yellow, with different shades of powder, or lumpy.

The masters and I went to the ridiculous yard in the back to do experiments, selected some powder objects, and fuzes. After the ignition, we were far away from hiding. The explosion was deafening, and it was accompanied by fire, and it had special effects. Many of the servants in the house were frightened, run around, and some cried and shouted, causing a lot of confusion.

I calmed everyone down and rewarded the masters of firecrackers. The current level of gunpowder can fully catch up with the previous level of black powder. Of course, there is a distance from the guns and guns to make bullets, and the danger is stored and unstable. I think of the mines and grenades that I burned in the villages before the liberation. The shell seems to be burned with earth, like burning pottery.

I have said this idea to the masters. I have also sent a considerable "bonus" to everyone because of their success. I have raised the "scientific research funding". Everyone is happy to be a bit fart.

Hong Feng let the cook give me the "Hot Leaf Biscuits" to eliminate the heat and stomach, as a dinner and nightingale. The weather was hot, I wanted to drink chilled sour plum soup, but the request was rejected.

I finally returned to my otter, my big bed like a small house. The room is good, the bed is good, there are traces of koi everywhere, naturally there is some sorrow, hanging belly, thinking over and over again, but think of some things before, want to draw God, can not help but smile.

It was a good night's sleep, but I had a lot of messy dreams between half-dream and half-awake, and I woke up and didn't remember the details.

When the sky was not bright, I climbed up and went up, and I returned to the early days of darkness, and went to the days of sleepwalking. Sometimes, in order not to go to the early hope of getting sick, I hope to have some unexpected events.

I waited nervously and waited for the waitresses, such as Hong Feng, to dress and let them wait for me to have breakfast, sit on the prepared carriage, and drive toward the palace.

The carriage is no longer pulled by four "clouds covered with snow". There is no longer a silent and rock-solid figure in the car. When I sleep, I can no longer fall into a safe embrace. In fact, I bumped into it. head.

Not the feeling of not wanting to cry.

Outside the window, in the mist of the sky that began to whiten, you can already see the top of the temple of the palace complex, and hide each other. I slowly set my heart and my eyes slowly calmed down.

Immediately, I will see the little emperor who has not seen for a long time, and I have to face Shao Qing who has stood up to the temple again...

Well, a chapter on the transition. I feel sorry for everyone in the recent update, but it is really... If you know how I was recently rushed together by business and private affairs, I will forgive me if I have no room to breathe.

Before May 1st, there was really no way to guarantee an update of two articles a week. Please understand.

This week's first version of the traditional Chinese version is coming out. If you want to buy a traditional version of your friends, you can go to the website of the book to order. As for the simplified version, you have to wait a month.

Calling, more than three o'clock, I am already sleepy enough to fall asleep, and I have to get up early tomorrow, so I went to sleep...

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