Qinglian Chronicles

Chapter 87: Extinguish

As soon as I turned around and saw the appearance of Jinfeng, I suddenly had a horrible battle: This scene is so oystering. If Jinfeng says that the object of his spring dream is me, how can I be at home? What can you say to deal with? How to face it later?

However, the fragile appearance of Jinfeng was the first time I saw it. After all, I had to take care of him. Biting my teeth, I decided to come up with the most scientific and rational, Taishan collapsed in front of my eyes and did not change color to guide him.

"What dream?" I asked him as warmly and peacefully as possible.

Jinfeng was hesitant, and finally decided to open his mouth: "I dreamed... my brother..."

Jinfeng dreams of dreaming of his brother? I was so horrified that I managed to calm down and finally gave me a voice to encourage him: "What happened to my brother?" The sound was still quite calm.

Jinfeng raised his eyes, almost tears came from his dark eyes, and his pale face looked desperate: "Brother was taken away by... Mom... They left together, leaving me... far away Laugh at me... I’m desperately calling, they don’t care about me... Brother, is he very dangerous? Will he die?...”

I remembered that Koi never mentioned his mother. His mother died very early. I still remember to read his family's information and remember to see that his mother was difficult to die. His father has not continued. Did his mother die when he was born in Jinfeng?

"You are just too worried about your brother." I told him very softly.

The water vapor in Jinfeng’s eyes has already condensed into a liquid and rolled down. The hand of his gripping corner is shaking very sharply. The sound is very strange. It is a bit broken. It may be a bit sharp because of the desperate crying of the crying chamber. The tail sounds trembling: ...... Recently I always do the same dream... Mother, mother, she... Actually, I am killed... If there is no me, my mother...and...will not die...Brother, brother, he has been in these years... In fact, I must hate me in my heart...just because I am his younger brother, I have to take care of me... Now I have a chance to take it off... I must be very happy..." After all, the child is not patient, and finally loud Twitched a bit.

Is it always guilty for a mother to die when she is born?

Koi is because the younger brother has no mother to protect him like this?

Poor even so, Jinfeng is still afraid of being abandoned, or has no sense of security... It’s no wonder that he, such an age, has encountered such a thing...

I have learned so little about the Koi thing...

Jinfeng still stood there rigidly, with the tears to do the first march, other tears also rushed to the shoes and smashed.

I sighed, stretched out a hand and gently placed it on the shoulder of Jinfeng. The tone whispered softly: "Listen, Jinfeng. Your brother's favorite person in this life is you, because you are him. The only younger brother, because you and him, have no mother... For him, nothing is more important than you. If he knows that you think about him, he really... will be very sad..."

Jinfeng looked up, tears and looked at me in disbelief. I am firmly looking at him. His suspicion gradually melted down, and finally whispered his nose and whispered: "Really? He told you?"

Koi certainly won't talk to me, but I don't lie at this time, but when I wait, I definitely nod. "Well."

"My brother said that I... is it more important than you?"

I felt a pain in my heart, but I laughed very easily: "Stupid child, what are you doing? What am I? How can you compare with you and his flesh and blood, blood?"

Jinfeng’s tears fell even more fiercely. While twitching, he said, “That, then you, don’t tell him... I told you, say...”

I am relieved: "Do not worry, I will not tell him."

Jinfeng no longer speaks and concentrates on crying.

It’s hard for him to be in the days when these koi are not there.

I reached out and wiped his tears with the knuckles. He sneaked a little, and I insisted that he let me wipe.

For Jinfeng, the tears were dried up a little, and the atmosphere was very warm. Suddenly someone was flustered and said: "Big, adults... finally found you... fast, no, not good... big things are bad..."

When I saw it, it seemed to be Guo Zhengtong’s men. I didn’t like people yelling at the scene, but also ruined the atmosphere. His face sank and coldly scolded him: “Stand up, talk, panic. doing what?"

"Big, adults... yes....that, the two prisoners... were killed and killed in prison!"

My heart sank and said, "Come with me!"

When I arrived at the cell, there were already many people around, and I was talking about it. I was a little angry and ruined. I ordered everyone to let go. I walked over and saw the two robbers lying stiffly on the haystacks. Looks at the tongue, the seven sputum slightly infiltrated.

An old man who looks like a sneak peek at me: "Adults, they are all killed by people, and there is an hour when they die."

These two people are the only person who accuses Lu Liang. My important "stained witness" is now being taken! I am too big! Guo Zhengtong is not a Paris commune here, nor is it a paradise. How can I feel that there will be nothing?

Looking at the red marks on the necks of the two dead people, the long whip of the original Qingyun was floating in my mind. The original Qingyun had just been uncomfortable. He lived and stayed with me for two days without being tied up. I……

My blood gas rushed to the head, and it took a lot of effort to control myself. Tie Qing said with a smile: "Receive it, don't preach it."

As I walked out of the crowd, I went to the original Qingyun room with enthusiasm.

The original Qingyun really was in the room and wrote something on the case. Could it be a secret letter to Liang Wang?

The sound that I pushed hard in the door alerted him. He surprised and looked up and smiled: "Qinglian baby is so good today, take the initiative to come to me..."

The words were not finished, and I was interrupted by rudeness: "Is it right?"

"What is it that I killed?"

I sneered: "Don't be confused, the two robbers."

The original Qingyun face passed the obvious color of surprise, true and false!

He recovered his calm and asked: "The two men are dead?"

I sneered again: "Don't act! Not that you strangled with a whip?"

The original Qingyun was still very calm, only the eyebrows slowly picked up. The word said: "People are what I am arresting. Why do I want it? I just don't want to catch them."

I snorted from the nose with disdain: "Are you a fool? You guys were so eager to ask, just ask for help! Then we asked for a statement in prison, and your face changed." Can't I see it? I hate that I am really stupid, I don't want to watch out for you to kill!"

Yuan Qingyun also sneered: "Who is Lu Liang who is mine? I want to think about him like this?"

Lu Liang is not yours, but his master is different. I don't want to say it, I don't want to let the original Qingyun know that I am starting to guard against Liang Wang. So I was just cold, slowly, and said, "You have a few in your heart."

The original Qingyun finally got angry, his eyes slowly condensed, like two cold needles, but his face smiled charmingly and said, "Well, Zhang Daren, now you want to take me down?"

I suddenly found myself impulsive, and I didn't do anything to prepare.

Where is the opponent of the original Qingyun, so I sent it to the door to let him catch me as a hostage? I subconsciously believe that this person who hurts me will not hurt me?

No one really took the original Qingyun here. Red Phoenix is ​​not necessarily his opponent. Even if he can fight together, how can I give her a weak female stream to fight with a big man?

I slowly calmed down, letting myself not be a little pleasant, and said coldly: "Let's go."

"Let's go, don't let me see you again. Next time, I will never let you go, let's take a good look at the previous accounts..."

The original Qingyun stood there, looking at me with hate, the beautiful black eyes filled with resentment, hatred, disheartened, and many other things...

I have been remembering his original eyes for many years.

"As you wish." He bowed his head and whispered almost inaudibly, as if it were in his throat, but his tone was flat and completely toneless.

He leaned his face and his hair was a bit blocked. He didn't let me see his face. He grabbed the paper on the table and smashed it into a ball. He took it out of the window.

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