Qinglian Chronicles

Chapter 68: Thousands of miles

Thousands of miles are hungry. We are on such a strange combination to go to the destination. My heart is looking forward to getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more hidden uneasiness. Sometimes I dare not think about it, and even hope that I will not arrive better. I would rather be as painful as I am now, and I would not dare to face the consequences.

If, if only... Koi, even if the martial arts are high-powered, the machine becomes unparalleled, after all, it is nothing more than a person. A person is stronger, and in the face of the scourge of natural disasters, it is only a fragile existence, if, if I am here before OK, Koi is still still... staying in the mud at the bottom of the river, what will I... become?

I really don't dare to think about it. Just think about it a bit, and in this three days, even the heels are cool, and you will be stunned.

Sometimes I feel that I have to whip up, Koi and Hong Feng Zhou Zizhu. They may be waiting for us at the destination. I am so anxious. I just go to Xinyang and enter the city gate. I will see it on the central avenue or under the willow tree. The boy holding the sword quietly waiting in the wind, then everything is fine.

Every day, I suffer from such a loss. My words are getting less and less. I feel that I have become weird. Jinfeng didn’t want to talk to me, and probably worried about Koi as much as I did, so it was very silent.

Although the original Qingyun still prefers to talk, most of the time has been dumb, and it is useless.

We walked almost southwest in silence, close to Lingyang day by day.

On the way, I also forced him to give him a confession, but the original Qingyun refused to say that no matter how I intimidated him, he only smiled and looked at me. Sometimes he laughed at it, and it was almost impossible to see me. I can't really get some torture out. I can only ask Jinfeng at most: "If your brother didn't teach you anything, then the ants would wear the heart, and if they couldn't live, can't you die?"

As a result, Jinfeng turned his head and ignored me.

As a result, the original dude became a chicken rib, not to put it, with pure baggage. Whether it is a big deal, I can’t go back and send it to the criminal department to give me a son to pay!

It’s just that he is really annoyed with him at this moment. He can’t move. Jinfeng is not very good at instructing. He is willing to take the original Qingyun to solve the problem. It’s very good, so the tedious work like feeding is done by me.

The original Qingyun is unusual and honest, and he does not want to escape. He is quite a bit of a optimistic posture. Every day, no matter what kind of pig food he feeds, he also eats very fragrant and happy. This kind of person does not get fat and is strange.

I sometimes tempted him to say: "You don't want to find Shao Qing to avenge yourself? Just tell me who the Lord is, I will let you go. If you don't wait to be sent to the criminal department, it is also a gauntlet."

The original Qingyun was not afraid at all. Haha said with a smile: "I naturally want to go when I want to leave. It is not easy for you to send me to the criminal department!"

I said, "What is difficult for you to escape, you have to abolish your martial arts, pick up your feet, and not lick your legs." I was in a bad mood, cold-faced, and the tone was exceptionally cold. Unexpectedly, the guy only smiled at me.

As for why the pig food is eaten, it is because we are getting closer and closer to the disaster area. We can't buy anything to eat with the money. The steamed bread has disappeared. Even the sweet potato is precious. Jinfeng is a child. When I was a long-body, I had to save as much as possible to find food. I used the excuse to say that these crude things were difficult to enter. In fact, I was so dizzy that I couldn’t stand the original Qingyun. I told him to feed him. When he temporarily dismissed the dumb hole, his brother sighed and said: "My young master, when is this place? Are you still picky eaters? Then you don't want to send me to Beijing, you can't go back. It!"

I didn't say anything.

The number of refugees is getting more and more, and they are all hungry and skinny. They are full of vegetables. Fortunately, they are not in the summer, but they are not frozen. However, the chances of the epidemic have risen sharply. The roadside has gradually seen the bodies of starvation and death, and a large number of displaced people. His eyes were dull, but he burned a faint green light like a hungry wolf.

Although I have money, there is no place to buy food now, and nothing can be done for them.

In fact, I am already half hungry, my footsteps are becoming more and more vain, dizziness often occurs, and I don’t even feel hungry. I have two sweet potatoes in the baggage. I accidentally dug it yesterday. There are four in total. Jinfeng ate one. I ate a small half. The other half gave the original Qingyun. I abused the prisoners. Not out. Now I can't move these two. I don't know when to find the next time. The day before yesterday I ate the bran and a little bit of rice porridge. I spent five or two dollars to buy it.

Lian Jinfeng also began to go hungry, but fortunately, Xinyang is not far away, and it will naturally be good in the city.

Hungry people can do anything, although they haven't really seen the things that Yizi eats, but today is the third person who wants to grab my fireplace to kill the meat. Thirty men who are hungry and have only soft bones and bones, will not martial arts, naturally flat for a moment, but watching these people who have been laid down by us, the mood has sunk to the bottom.

In the night, I stayed in the woods. Most of the skin of these trees was eaten up. I tied the original Qingyun to the tree and slept on the ground with my arms. Jinfeng leaned against another tree and the fireplace was on the ground. The grass roots of the fish that slipped the net, and the poor two days, it also lost a lot, and it became ugly.

I slept and went to the middle of the night, suddenly awakened by a very subtle voice. It’s dangerous here, I don’t consciously sleep very lightly, and I am extremely alert.

Under the moonlight, there were more people around the original Qingyun. The voice was the voice of the man who used a knife to smash the rope. I got up and smacked the dead branches around me. The two men looked at me at the same time, and it was Lancome.

He saw me, and the beautiful face was panicked and pity. His eyes flashed with water, and he looked at me with a sigh of relief. His lips twitched and he said for a long time: "Zhang, Zhang Daren..."

Jinfeng was also awakened, and the cat was alert and stood behind me.

To be honest, although my martial arts is a complete three-legged cat, Jinfeng is only a child, and we still have an absolute advantage here: the original Qingyun internal injury has not healed, and it is not easy to move; Lancome is even a two-pronged flower shelf.

I reached into my arms and touched the golden light, but when I looked at Lancome’s horrified gaze, I couldn’t help but think of the predecessor that he held me in my arms that night, my heart was soft and my hand was put down. .

Lancome obviously followed us for more than a day, and felt that today is a good opportunity to start. Unfortunately, it was discovered.

"Lan Lan, tell me who your Lord is, you can take him away." I said softly in a gentle, hypnotic tone.

"I, I..." Lancome was in a dilemma, almost falling into tears.

"Don't say." The original Qingyun acupuncture point did not know when it had been solved. He smashed the rope that had already opened most of the time and held the tree up. It was a little hard, but he smiled at me with great splendour: "By the gift of the great man, it is already quite good, huh, huh, I can't make a big fight, and lay down for a few months afterwards."

My heart was annoyed that I was too big at first, but I was cold and cold on the surface: "I am not just a medicine."

The original Qingyun laughed and said softly: "Hey, Qinglian, you are really unruly, always deceiving."

Although I was so hungry, I couldn't help but be stimulated by his tone of voice, and my eyes drifted. Look at him and look at Lancome, who looked forward to it. He finally said, "Well, let's go."

Lancome’s face was ecstatic, hesitating and whispered, “Thank you.”

I can't smile.

Lancome helped the original Qingyun turn around. The original Qingyun suddenly stopped and asked Lancome: "Do you have dry food on your body?"

Lancome was surprised to see him, but he replied: "Yes." He took a paper bag and handed it to the original Qingyun.

When the original Qingyun opened it, he re-wrapped it and threw it at me. He said, "Don't picky food any more. Let's eat it."

The original Qingyun and Lancome disappeared, and I opened the oil paper bag, which is three white cakes.

Finally arrived in Xinyang.

This is the nearest city to the disaster area and has not been affected.

Sure enough, the head outside the city is a disaster-stricken person, the black is pressing a large piece, the dying old man, the woman with a dull gaze, the prominent cheekbones, the dusty, toddler, but can not find the aunt's child, most people are quiet Waiting for the ground to wait, from time to time in the crowd one or two sharp and hoarse crying came out, probably it is the death of relatives and friends, its shape is miserable, more than a road seems to win.

Xinyang did not let it go. It was not for the poor to enter. I paid one person for three or two silvers. Then I went in with Jinfeng. The victims at the gates saw us have money, and they pleaded with them. A girl cried and pulled me. Clothing corner, said: "Master, I will give you a gimmick, don't want money, accept me!" There is a man, with a child, keep giving me a hoe, smashing his head, dumb scorpion Called: "Master, you will bring the child in! Do whatever you want, let him live! Give me an incense!" The voice was fierce.

I have a stone in my chest and I want to cry, but I know that there are too many people now. I can't do anything. Only when I enter the city, I can try to save them. So I am restrained and I don't care about them. Jinfeng has always been big. Looking at the eyes, I was obviously shocked by the sight.

Into the city, there is no willow tree near Xinyang City Gate. Of course, Koi is not waiting for me in the middle of the road. My heart sinks and I am lost.

Found the hotel, we took a shower, changed clothes, ate a meal, Xinyang's price has risen to the point of outrageous, such a simple meal has spent me fourteen two, the street is also extremely depressed.

I hurriedly finished the meal, I was going to find a disaster victim outside the city gate to get inquiries about the floods and arrogance, and then go to Xinyang Taishou.

Out of the city gate, I asked a few people to ask, they all asked unclear, only know that they are all in Lingyang, the water is very big, at least this point Guo Zhengtong did not falsely report.

As for Guo Zhengtong’s official voice, there are five people in the ten who don’t know who they are, and the rest have their own opinions. Some say that he is a good official, and some say that his servitude is too good. weight.

As for the arrogance, I have never heard of it.

Most people are lazy, not very happy to answer my question, I bought a basket of gimmicks, but I was robbed when I left the city gate.

I was about to go back. I suddenly saw four people coming in, and I was very familiar with it. I looked at it, Zhou Zizhu, A San, Hong Feng and Xiao Green. After moving, Ah San’s head was still very angry, but the other two horses were very embarrassed. If you don’t look carefully, you can’t see that it’s two of my previous four clouds and snow.

I am ecstatic, want to run over, but it is freezing: they have no one behind, no koi, no beads.

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