Qinglian Chronicles

Chapter 66: captive

There is an indoor swimming pool in the downstairs clubhouse of my family. No matter whether it is winter or summer, as long as I have time, I will go back and swim after a few trips, then take a bath and drive to work.

However, it is another matter to hold another person's weight-bearing tour.

Jinfeng's eyes are closed, and it has already fainted. Under the moonlight, my face is blue and white, I dare not neglect. In order to save the hand to save Jinfeng, I bite the chapter in my mouth, and I can't call the koi again, so I had to use the gesture to smash the fireplace and struggle to get the Jinfeng face down on the back of the fireplace.

Poor my home fireplace, actually want to take advantage of this stinky boy. The whole body is wet, the end is floating in the water, but the eyes are quite excited. I am not far away to swim, so I like water. Is this guy a golden retriever in my life?

I was in a hurry, I didn't want to play with it, I decided that Jinfeng was hanging on the back of the fireplace, and I sneaked around looking for it until the lungs exploded. When I came up, I saw the fireplace and Jinfeng in the distance, and quickly rushed to catch up. I have been tossing it several times, I have lost my position, and the broken planks of the shipwreck on the river are all gone.

My hands are gradually unable to move, and the clothes are tied to my hands and feet in the water like ropes, which is heavy and heavy.

I already understand in my heart that I can't find the Koi. After spending it, both Jin Feng and I will die here.

I finally decided to go ashore and say it.

The river surface is very wide, my physical strength is already poor, if I can not pull the tail of the fireplace, I must not swim. This is the case, but also climbed to the beach and fell to the ground.

The fireplace shook like a dog, the water splashed, and Jinfeng was still unconscious, slowly sliding down the horse. I quickly dragged my thousands of legs and climbed up. I dragged Jinfeng from the horse back and looked at his mouth and nose. It seemed that there was still a weak breath, and my heart was slightly safe.

I thought about it, rubbed the footprints on the river beach with my feet, took a few steps to the east, went to the west where there was hard soil, and got into the bushes. Put the Jinfeng face down on the leg, beat the chest and abdomen hard, the stinky cough coughs up, spit out a few mouthfuls of water.

I will not give him artificial respiration!

Jinfeng coughed and slowly opened his eyes. I let go and placed him in the bushes and said, "You wait, don't run around. I have to save your brother."

Jinfeng listened nervously and said, "What happened to my brother?"

I didn't say so well: "The ship sank, I can't find him. It's all to save you this kid!"

Jinfeng angered: "Who wants you to be saved?"

I glanced at him disdainfully and said with a sneer: "It doesn't make sense to say such a thing, hey, it really is a child!"

Jinfeng rose red face and looked at me angrily.

I didn't want to waste time for him. I turned to go back to the river beach. Suddenly I heard a sound from afar. I was shocked and bent down. What Jinfeng wanted to say, I was pulled over and covered my mouth.

Sure enough, it was not my illusion, the sound was getting closer and closer, a figure slowly came out of the darkness, along the river bank, the blurred outline was visible under the moonlight.

"Zhang Daren, where are you? Come out soon, kiss Zhang Daren... Qinglian baby, come out soon... I know you are hiding..."

The original Qingyun was also dripping with water and searching for me along the river bank. The tone of the voice and the disgusting name also caused me to goose bumps, shrinking my neck and hiding more tightly.

He is still calling me with a soft tone, which is like a soul. It’s a ghost.

How can a joke come out?

Jinfeng, this guy took a bite on my hand holding his mouth, it hurts! At this time a little action will be discovered, I have to hold back.

The original Qingyun saw the fireplace, and he snorted. After observing it, he sighed and said, "Is it just a horse?" He continued to move forward.

I breathed a sigh of relief and dropped my shoulders. Jin Fengyi opened my hand and said, "Is it enough?" Just want to stand up. In my heart, I quickly pulled him and said, "Don't move! Wait!"

Sure enough, in less than a moment, the original Qingyun suddenly folded back, my heart secretly lucky.

The guy looked around and sighed again and said, "It turned out to be a horse."

Both Jin Feng and I are holding my breath.

The original Qingyun went to the front of the fireplace: "Since your master is separated, I will take you to find him."

What is the temper of the fireplace? Where would you let him hold, first, do not move, wait for him to approach the sudden hoof to save the past, the original Qingyun can not be scared, floated some body, smiled and said: "Good animal!"

The original Qingyun gave a palm to the nose of the fireplace. The fireplace screamed and kicked and smashed, but he was turned over by the horse. The fireplace slammed his hind legs, ran and jumped, and people stood up. I want to take him down, but I can only exchange for the original Qingyun.

It is estimated that these palms are infuriating and playing heavily. I can’t help but hear the fireplace in my ear, and my heart is biting my teeth. The meat is so painful: this **** original Qingyun! I have abused the horse that I dare to abuse!

The fireplace was another tiger jump. This accident unexpectedly turned the original Qingyun down. The original Qingyun fell to the ground and did not climb up for a long time.

I patiently waited for a tea time, the original Qingyun fell to the ground, the fireplace has slowly calmed down and calmed down.

The situation is very strange. Does the original Qingyun want to pretend to seduce me? Is that too stupid?

I was so alarmed that it was difficult to decide. Jin Feng suddenly sneered and said: "It seems that this person has my brother's detachment from the soul."

"Hmm?" I looked back at him in amazement.

Jinfeng is proud and said: "My brother's internal force application method is very special. In the beginning, I don't feel that the injury is very serious. After that, the internal injury will become heavier and heavier. Sudden attack will not work for half a month. This is one of my brother's tricks."

It turned out to be the case.

I waited a little longer, after all, I was thinking about the safety of Koi, and I went out. I approached carefully and stopped a few meters away. He said, "Hey, is it still alive?" The tube hidden device was in his hand and facing him.

I didn’t respond for a long time. When I fainted, I suddenly heard a subtle voice with a smile but a smile: “You...it’s here...”

I snorted and suddenly thought that if he was pretending to be dead, I would expose it anyway. If he really hurts, I don’t have to worry about him. Why bother to shrink the smiling person? Then he strode over and took the tip of the sword at his neck, only to see the original face of the original Qingyun that was faint as a golden paper under the slight white light.

"What are you chiseling? For what?" I said coldly, "What about Koi? Have you caught him?"

The original Qingyun could still grin at me at this moment, and smiled so brilliantly: "Where are you?... I have always been alone... I am... I have no intention of finding someone to... chisel your boat to show the police. By the way, I revisit the old dream... I can’t think of you, this person is not conscience..."

Jinfeng has come to me. Hearing his words, he grinned and said, "You have hooked him, slutty!"

Sensuality? This comment is actually used on me? I was so angry that I could say nothing and said, "Shut up! What do children know?"

The original Qingyun laughed and dragged the wound, and it hurt so much.

I pierced the tip of the sword into the skin on his neck and the blood leaked out. I sneered and said: "Who believes in you? Don't talk nonsense! Do you see Koi?"

The original Qingyun was not afraid, smiled and said: "I came to find you, what are you looking for?"

I snorted and planned to point him to the acupuncture point. Unexpectedly, the finger had not yet touched. The original Qingyun shouted and shouted. I was scared and said, "What?"

The original Qingyun gasped and said with a smile: "It is not a soft acupoint, a soft acupoint... It is going to the left three points. That is a dead hole... If you click on it, I can't live..."

It’s all that Koi doesn’t teach me well, and it hurts me today.

I looked at Jinfeng a little bit, and I got a more disdainful look: "I can't even recognize the acupuncture points! I am coming."

Jinfeng even had a few acupuncture points in the original Qingyun. Because he was still very skillful and had just saved from the water, his strength was not good. I was a little uneasy. I took off the original Qingyun’s robe and tore it into a strip. Bundle into a braid. The original Qingyun can't help but ridicule me, such as "don't worry, take off slowly", I only turn a deaf ear.

When I walked to the water, I took a deep breath, jumped into the river, and dive to find it. I couldn’t help but float up. The water was running fast. I was almost washed away several times. Fortunately, there was internal force until the hands and feet were completely numb. I couldn’t squeeze out all my strength, I just wandered back, or Jinfeng pulled me up, I didn’t have the strength.

I gasped and fell on the river beach and couldn't climb up. I was so heavy that Jinfeng kept asking, "How? Did you find it?" I shook my head weakly. He was anxious to turn around.

The scorpion-shaped original Qingyun sighed and said, "Why? You know that if he is still in the water, he will die early at this moment, what else are you looking for?"

I listened to this, and I couldn’t help but have tears coming out of my eyes.

I struggled to get up, walked up to the original Qingyun, looked at him coldly, waved his seventeen or eight slaps, but addicted, and kicked a few feet at his injured rib.

The original Qingyun's handsome face swollen into a pig's head, and there was bloodshot bleeding in the corner of his mouth. The pain was on the forehead, and he smiled and said: "I don't reason, but... I am angry, Zhang, Zhang Daren, how do you feel like a mother? Like us?"

The result was kicked a few more feet. He was so pale that he couldn't stop or swear, but I couldn't afford it.

He stared at my eyes, half a sigh, and suddenly said softly: "In fact, the stinky boy is so easy to die? This river is not too wide, and the koi should be able to drown, and it will not be so a headache."

In fact, I don't believe that he will die. Koi martial arts is so good. Even if he shuts down from the bottom of the river to the shore, there is no problem. Besides, if he is really surprised, I will definitely feel it. However, I am still afraid, afraid that my body and my heart are shaking.

Jinfeng urged me to go into the water and find it. I went down again, but this time I stayed for a shorter time. I know that my physical strength has been warned.

Tossing back and forth, the sky is already bright. I made a decision. I am going to take Jinfeng and go to the disaster area together.

If you are out of danger, it is estimated that the locations on the shore are different and you can't find each other. You will definitely want to go to the disaster area to meet.

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