Qinglian Chronicles

Vol 2 Chapter 138: The girl’s heart is always difficult

The thin body of the bead screamed in the cold wind. It is estimated that many of the soldiers next to it could not bear it. I secretly sighed in my heart, which girl is not pregnant.

I remember meeting their sisters for the first time. At that time, the beads had already compared the koi to me.

Although I feel that I have more affinity than Koi tolerance, most people will be more likely to like me, but the momentum of the Koi Junior will still be convincing.

Beads like to go to the Koi, and she knows from the fact that she ran away from me on the battlefield to protect the Koi. At that time, of course, I did not envy her, and I could go to the beloved. From the middle of the knife and gun, they are not afraid.

Only the youthfulness of the youth can be like this. My concerns are too many. At that time, I can only stay behind and guard for him. I am anxious, although there have been countless reincarnations in my heart, until I can see his innocent figure.

I also want to follow the past, no matter what the consequences, no one expects you to bear the consequences and the overall situation...

Koi, you should also know the wishes of the beads.

I have heard rumors that the hand of the bead was lost in order to protect the body and mind from fatigue and the koi that had been wounded.

Many soldiers feel that she is a good girl with passion and affection, worthy of any man to cherish.

Hu boldly even said that although the status is poor, General Yao should at least accept her as a waiter.

"Do you know sin?" Koi looked at the beads coldly. It’s not like looking at your own savior.

"Yes, Xiaozhu should not leave his job and violate the military order." Xiaozhu lowered his head and could not hear the sound.

"In violation of the military order, the law is shackled." The voice of Koi has no temperature at all. "I am not a sergeant, but my private servant, and the Savior has done something, and sinned your sins and rewarded you with one hundred and two gold..."

The people next to them began to whisper, and the snoring of the koi stopped the words.

Indeed, one hundred and two gold is equivalent to three thousand and two silver, enough for ordinary people to live a lifetime of life.

This number is not too small, but I don't think much about breaking the power of the Savior.

"...but," Koi's face is colder. "I don't want to listen to the commander. You are going to go forward, and I will never be related to it."

The buzz is louder.

The beads have already cried to the ground, touched the ground with their heads, and repeatedly licked their heads, and they screamed and bleed on their foreheads.

"... Do not leave the beads... I beg you to let the beads stay... The beads will not become a waste... I will work harder..." The crying and crying pleading made many people move.

Obviously many people feel that Koi is not close to human feelings.

I listened a bit harshly: did she really think that Koi is really useless because she broke her hand?

However, I will be so speculative, or because of jealous?

Koi does not speak.

Other people are just whispers.

The beads are still crying, still begging.

This situation seems to be waiting for me to play.

Even the silence of Koi is like waiting for me to talk.

Just what should I say?

Ask her for kosher?

Does everyone think that I should do this?

I suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

"Koi, the beads are very poor, you are too strict with her." This is to say no.

Although it is a fact.

Maybe I am really jealous, maybe I am not really a kind and kind person.

Although I know that Pearl is really pitiful, although I know that she does not actually threaten my position in the heart of Koi.

And I don't like the treatment of Koi: What does he think in his heart? Not at all touched? I understand that his behavior is for me, so that I have no worries, so that the chances of misunderstanding in the future will be minimized. But after all, it is unfair...

I also hate myself who is uncomfortable.

Suddenly I felt very tired.

So I just don't talk, don't express my feelings, as if I have nothing to do with them, let them cold face with cold face, crying and shouting crying.

When I saw you in Koi, I always refused to plead, and I had to slow down my tone: "Beads, I don't dislike you, but you don't go well, you can't get what you want."

"No, the beads don't want anything, just follow you..." The little girl crying and the dialogue are in line with romance novels.

"No," Koi said decisively. "I have decided, you don't want to say more, Jiao Cheng, you send the beads to pick up her brother."

"Don't..." cried out loudly.

I can't stop watching this kind of breaking drama anymore, and sneak away.

I went to visit the sad little emperor. He seemed to be thinking about what he was doing. Sitting there and throwing grass and playing, he didn't need me much.

I sat down beside him and suddenly remembered and said to him: "The emperor, the left king of the Huns died, and his prince is a powerful character."

The little emperor looked up at me, and there was something more firm in the eyes of the bright star.

I smiled: "I will definitely have to leave trouble for you."

The little emperor stood upright. "I am not afraid, leave it to me to deal with it later."

This child is really sensitive to the challenge.

Therefore, we finally signed a peace treaty with Fox City and agreed not to infringe on each other's territory within 10 years. Of course, if they attack our allies, such as looking back, we will not sit idly by.

This point is to prevent the Huns from expanding at this time and then to annex us.

Moreover, after some bargaining, the Huns admitted that they invaded and gave us a thousand yuan of compensation, which was paid in three years.

This point will definitely make the Fox City go back very awkwardly. There is no precedent for the compensation of the Xiongnu to withdraw troops. For them, the horse is small and the face is really big. For us, it is also a triumph.

However, I feel more and more that the city of Fox City is very deep, and unlike the Huns in general, I am afraid that it will be the enemy of the Little Emperor in the future.

So, we can finally go back.

It is a pity that you can't build a few Arc de Triomphe like ancient Rome. Well, you can propose it later.

Beads were not sure where to go, and I felt very uncomfortable about the performance of myself in this case, so I turned my anger to Jinxi and repeated his mind to analyze his heart.

Koi is probably a bit uncomfortable. In fact, the Koi is so big after all. He estimates that this is not a good deal, and that Xiaozhu is disabled after all. He is still very mindful.

So both of us did not mention this matter.

However, I still feel uneasi in my heart. I feel that both of us are too disappointing. It is simply bullying. So I decided to wait for Jiao Jing to come back and ask him. I can secretly pay attention to the beads and give her some compensation and help.

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