Qinglian Chronicles

Vol 2 Chapter 115: Peace talk

I am a bit depressed about the situation in front of me. The performance of the Xiongnu is unclear. Do they want to delay the time and take the opportunity to attack? Or do you know that Koi is likely to attack, so deliberately disrupt our rhythm arrangement?

For the sake of the present, we can only wait and see what has changed.

Anyway, I would have to fight for time for Koi, which is not bad for me.

The young man named Fox City is still very warm and friendly. He went out for a circle and took a bunch of things back. Put a small table in front of us, put on a cockroach, a large hand grabbing mutton, milk wine, and even some fruits.

Is it a slow point to use these to entertain a country?

Or the Huns did not have any treasures.

Look carefully at the utensils that are inlaid with gold and silver, especially the wine glasses in front of me and the small silver knife that cuts the meat. The carving is quite beautiful.

But even if the coach is not available, how should there be a heavyweight general who will come out to accompany him? What is it like now? What I saw in front of me was only the fox city. Although he was so arrogant, did he come to serve me?

I hesitated, Jiao Cheng frowned, not eating.

Fox City looked at us and suddenly made a sudden realization of the expression. He took a small silver knife similar to mine from his boots, cut a little meat and ate it himself, drank a glass of wine, and grabbed a piece of cockroach. And then look at me again.

It turned out that he thought I was afraid of food poisoning.

I am not afraid of food poisoning. If they want to kill me, they will not have to pay for it.

So I smiled at the Fox City, and started to eat, and the eyes of the Fox City, which became so happy, suddenly understood: Fox City is definitely not a small soldier or a descendant.

His appearance is not accustomed to serving the people.

And although his clothes are very common, the small knife that he just took out can be exquisite and luxurious, and even a ruby ​​is set on the handle.

Both mutton and milk have a taste of scent.

But I was originally a cheese lover, and the bleu steaks can be eaten, so I can't beat me. Fox City is obviously very happy to see how I eat and drink.

Jiao Cheng frowned, still did not eat, I cut a piece of meat and handed him: "Eat."

He was obviously depressed and let go, and his face was painful.

It turned out that he could not stand the smell. I thought he was as thoughtful as I am.

I threw a melon that was similar to cantaloupe but slightly smaller. He smiled and said: "If you can't eat it, eat this."

He cut open the melon, cut it into pieces, and gave me a piece.

Sure enough, no less sweet than cantaloupe, but also tired of mutton.

Fox City looked at me to eat and drink, happy to pour me a glass of wine, smiled: "The noble messenger, you look so beautiful, actually so bold, unlike the South, it looks like our Northland hero. Really People can't be seen."

I smiled and said: "In this case, Fox City will accompany me to drink two glasses."

He agreed to it quickly.

After a few drinks, we chatted happily. I asked him about the living conditions and customs of the Xiongnu people. Of course, they did not ask about official wars.

He was surprised and asked me about some of the lives of the people of the Kyrgyzstan, and he was very concerned about the situation of the scholars.

I told him about it.

In fact, in the end, it is only the difference between the farming society and the nomadic people. It will be said to everyone in modern times. At this time, this summary is not so thorough, so Fox City is very surprised.

"I heard that there is a scholar in the Southern Dynasties who is a strange person. There are many rumors of eccentricity. I didn't believe it. It seems to be true now!"

I am ridiculous, what is "eccentric rumors"? Is there any good reputation for Zhang Qinglian?

Is this kind of praise a compliment?

I poured a few glasses of wine and wanted to try the depths. Maybe I was drunk and useful. After drinking a few cups, people look as usual, but I am a bit stunned. If you think about it, don’t steal the chicken and don’t erode the rice. If you don’t get drunk, you will be drunk. If you put a word, you will quickly say that you are overwhelmed. I am tired of long distances and have to rest.

This fox city did not force it, and it was very helpful to help me to the couch, but also bent down to take off my boots.

I retracted my foot and said, "I don't dare to work."

Jiao Cheng came over and said, "I am the grown-up of the grown-up, let me come."

Fox City did not insist, watching Jiao Cheng serve me to sleep, and got up and went out.

It may be because of the alcohol, I actually slept well, and woke up the next day, I found Jiaocheng holding the knife for one night. The young man did not know where Koi was dug out, but he also did his duty.

Zuo Xian Wang Juqu Mona finally has to meet me.

This time the show is really different, led by the soldiers of the brigade, there are accompaniments like military music, outside the horn, I don't know if it is the legendary Hu.

Juquor Mona sat on the handsome chair of the high platform, about fifty years old, with a strong look, a lot of people, a strong body, and no old. He also sat on several different Xiongnu men of different shapes. They were all dressed in luxurious clothes and armed with weapons. They were all about tribal leaders.

One of the more conspicuous is a young man on his right hand, about thirty years old, with a hawk-necked, gaze, and a good look. Just looking a little familiar.

I stood on the spot and followed the rules of the ambassador.

Zuo Xianwang looked at me and said a few words. It sounded like a Hong Zhong, but unfortunately I couldn’t understand it.

The next side of the translation is strange and whispered: "I heard the Southern Dynasty characters Junxiu, see you today, the name is well-deserved."

I quickly said: "Award. I don't know what to do with the following officials."

The interpreter began to translate again.

After listening to Zuo Xianwang, he nodded. The Xiongnu, who was sitting next to a five-small figure, suddenly said something. The man in the room, except for Zuo Xianwang and the young man, laughed, but I could not understand.

It seems that the disadvantages of my departure are: I will not speak the Huns.

Jiao Cheng stepped forward and whispered to my ear: "The man said that the southern men are all like this. This time they have finished the discussion and must ask and kiss."

Jiao Cheng was originally a Huns, I am overjoyed.

Zuo Xianwang also said through a translation that he was a friendly friend, and he was a friend of the country. He heard that the emperor was young, and he had the heart of the courtiers, and he sent troops to rescue and other blind words.

However, this is all from ancient times, and it is not surprising.

I respectfully responded, thanking them for their kindness. Now the Torah is single and Hong Fu, who is the king of Zuo Xian. We have successfully rebelled. Can we ask them to retreat?

Zuo Xianwang said it very hard, because to help the friends, the warriors of the Xiongnu tribes missed the autumn hunting, and the grazing cattle and sheep were left unattended. Now they are going to face a famine and it is difficult to explain to the people.

I also quickly made a reasonable look, saying that I am willing to bear these losses and are willing to compensate for the appropriate gold and silver, food and cloth.

Any reason is just a reason, why is he not a problem, the question is how much.

Zuo Xianwang asked the left and right to take out a single book, and then reported a string of numbers. To be honest, this number is very large, but it is not too much as a war reparation. It is within acceptable limits.

Then, either they are really eager to retreat, or if they are not sure, they are not really wanting.

The possibility of the former is really small.

We are not really wanting to be right now, I will start with a number and a number to install it.

Then there was a long tug of war.

I thought about it with a sham and a snake: Why are they dragging? Want us to reduce our wariness? Can't you adjust your strength from a distance?

There are many possibilities, and people are unclear.

In the end, I actually reduced the number to half.

If it weren’t for Koi’s decision to fight, I’m going to have a real deal, and the amount is much smaller than the military spending on war.

Zuo Xianwang may feel that the concession is too fast, and he also asks for the textile craftsman and the relatives.

I deliberately hesitated, saying that at present I have no princess of the appropriate age, only the servant, the other person actually accepted, laughing and pointing at the young man next to him said: "This is my eldest son, the fat channel is uncertain, there is no wife, please After you go back, you should choose the right beauty for him."

I quickly promised.

So we signed the contract so easily, Zuo Xianwang was very happy, and told the big feast to celebrate.

All kinds of dishes flowed up like water, and their tone could not be removed from the hands of the meat, simmering and milk wine, and the laughter sounded loudly, and the military sergeant danced.

Drinking in a large cup, eating meat, and drinking three rounds, everyone will leave the room, there are singers, gambling, and a mess.

When I watched no one pay attention to me, I quietly left, trying to investigate the situation around me. Suddenly I put a hand on my shoulder and said, "You are an adult."

I was shocked. I looked back and saw that it was the Fox City.

His gentle black eyes smiled: "How are you here? I brought you an old friend."

I am at a loss.

He suddenly turned a person behind him, and his words were full of laughter. It was the original Qingyun who never saw the end of the dragon.


Back in Beijing, before going home, the computer was broken, so I couldn't write it.

Not so busy recently, will be diligent.

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