Qinglian Chronicles

Chapter 103: At last

"How?" I rode around the fireplace in the battlefield of the **** column, and I was running around with the chapter. It was very conspicuous. If it wasn’t for the red phoenix to follow the bodyguard, it probably died many times.

"Back to the adults, there are 1,780 people here, there is no trace of Liang Wang." Luo Wei reported loudly.

There is nowhere everywhere. It seems that Liang Wang did not enter the city, and the outside koi should be playing with them.

"Finish it, open the gate, let us kill!"

"Yes!" Luo Wei loudly, it seems very exciting.

Men, always love war.

The gates opened wide, and our troops rushed out. I was in the side of Luo Wei, and Xue Yuma was followed. Red Phoenix was certainly next to me.

The outside is almost the same. When it comes to cleaning up the battlefield, the order is very chaotic. The dead are now completely irritating to me, and there are more soldiers here.

My name is Luo Wei, they go to help, and they take the red phoenix alone to find the traces of Jinxi and Liangwang.

Looking for it, did not find Koi or Liang Wang, but found Zhu Xi fine. Lao Zhu also contributed a lot, and he was surrounded by blood. Fortunately, unlike any injuries, I was very excited to see me. He said loudly, "Adult, old Zhu Xing is not insulting!"

"Old Zhu, Koi people?" There are voices on the battlefield, and I have to shout loudly.

He was squinting, and he was about to hear it. He pointed to one direction and said, "Go chasing the remnant of Liang Wang."

I didn't think much about it. I waved to him and Hongfeng and said, "Let's go too!"

The three of us ran on the three rides. I probably didn't see Koi for a long time. I was really excited. The fireplace also felt my mood. I ran my hoof and my body and mind gradually became a little clouded. .

So even the red phoenix and the old Zhu were picked up by me and I didn't pay attention to it.

I was galloping for a while, waiting for me to run through the wilderness, seeing a small forest, thinking of the forest, and looking back, I realized that they were taken away by me.

In the meantime, I heard the sound of the "Ping Pong Pong" sword colliding. I knew that it was not bad. I took the horse and let the fireplace run away.

Entering the woods, I quickly saw the situation at a glance: this koi was dressed in a white robes, like a jade, resembling a dragon, holding a sword, and playing with him is the sword of Wei Wei.

On the other side, the squad soldiers brought by Koi and the nearby princes of Liang Wang started playing, while Liang Wang took the purple gold to the forehead, dressed in a golden robes, and did not cough and became sick. Tie Qing looked at the horse with his face.

Wei Guanliu met with the other side and called: "His Royal Highness, please go first, then I will keep up, this place will not stay for a long time!"

"No!" Liang Wang was defeated, his heart was unbalanced, and his beautiful face was distorted. "This is a small thief outside the food, I want to see you kill him!"

The situation is generally clear, Wei Guanliu martial arts is not bad, although slightly smaller than the koi, but he is entangled, Koi can not get rid of him. The problem is that the number of people brought by Koi, although they are superior in number, are ordinary soldiers, and Liang Wang’s close waiters are all martial arts masters. Even if they are not one-of-a-kind, the soldiers who do not fight martial arts are like cuts. . Just waiting for the clean up, everyone came up to besiege the Koi, and the Koi martial arts is no better, and it can only be lost.

Wei Guanliu still tried to persuade Liang Wang, Liang Wang insisted not to listen, suddenly looked at me, I probably accidentally made a sound.

Now, I have to rush out and pretend to be happy: "It is here!"

Wei Guanliu immediately panicked and looked behind me, thinking that I was brought with a large team of Malay.

Liang Wang saw that I was a little red-eyed, and actually shot the horse and rushed over: "The deaf person is coming!"

Probably the bad thing is Zhang Qinglian, a male pet that he completely despise, the hands of the despicable person, Liang Wang can not stand it?

I was a little confused, taking out the envy of the waist, and the koi yelled at the other side: "The leader, retreat!"

Liang Wang came to the forefront, I couldn’t retreat, Koi was anxious, and the sword in the hand was shot as a hidden weapon. The iron sword broke open, with the sound of “呜呜”, Liang Wang went to the left and let me Including the chapter holding the original is a subconscious behavior, seeing his body flashing, but also a subconscious wave, can not think of a "squeaky", containing the chapter and handle did not enter the belly of the Liang Wang, the tip of the sword from behind.

I couldn't forget the expression of Liang Wang at that time, inexplicably bowed my head and saw the sword on the lower abdomen. I was shocked and unbelievable. I looked up and said, "Okay, good, I don't think it is like this!" Like a bird's claw, it trembles and wants to catch me.

I was scared to step back, and the sword was drawn out. The blood spring squirted and splashed me. The first time I was killed at a close distance, the shock was really unusual.

Liang Wang crashed into the ground.

The fight stopped automatically. Wei Guanliu looked back and screamed: "His Royal Highness!" But he was shot in the palm of the koi, and his figure was still shaking.

When Koi took him off, he immediately swept over to protect me, and held my hand tightly in one hand.

Wei Guanliu then swept over and picked up Liang Wang.

Liang Wang's appearance is also more ventilated, less gas, his face pale as paper, black hair like a cloud, mouth red blood bubble, really beautiful.

"Close the flow." He raised his eyes and smiled slowly. "You are... with the wrong master..."

I turned my eyes to me and Koi: "Really... no, look down on you."

I whet, my stomach is undulating, and I cough a bite of blood: "Zhang Qing...Lian, can you ask for something... Liuyang princess she...just to help...I have nothing to do with your majesty... It is not the intention of her, she is a royal family, can, can't..." I can't say anything.

I thought about it and decided to tell him truthfully. He said calmly: "She has already taken a step ahead of you."

Liang Wang’s whole body trembled, and he sighed with a long sigh of relief. He laughed and said: “It turns out she is dead... I am still doing something here!”

He closed his eyes and whispered: "I first tasted the green plum, I didn't know the world... After all, it was impossible... ah..."

The voice is getting lower and it is not smelling.

Wei Guanliu whispered: "His Royal Highness, Your Highness..." Gently shaking his body, no more reaction.

Wei Guanliu gently flattened him and stood up. I thought he was going to be mad and mad, holding the hand of Koi and waiting for the enemy.

I can't think of Wei Guanliu's voice is very calm: "It's already dead. If you don't stop me, I will leave."

Koi is also as calm and anomalous. I only said two words: "Please."

Wei Guan continually took a look at the body of Liang Wang, turned like a big crane, several ups and downs, disappeared outside the woods.

The rest of the people were completely stunned, as if they were awakened. Some of them shouted forward and tried to escape. Some of them fled. At this time, Zhu Xishui and Hong Feng also arrived. Everyone started to work together and cleaned them three or two times.

Koi has always disliked the feelings in public, and this time I hugged me tightly to check if I was injured. When he found the injury on my shoulder, he changed his face and hated his useless expression. Lips are angry with myself.

Of course, I will not complain about him. He has done a good job and helped me a lot. In this world, no one can be as omnipotent as God, and people who are strong and capable will not be able to take care of it. The place, and my koi, is just a smarter, stronger, more proud, cute...something younger than others.

So I just smiled, grabbed him, touched his hair and whispered, "It’s okay, it doesn't hurt anymore..."

There are still a lot of things to do. After finishing the battlefield, the capital still suffered some damage. The reconstruction work should also be started immediately.

Both me and Koi are the biggest heroes of this time. My position has not changed, but the title has risen to the Duke. The Koi was taken out of slavery and the Yao family was rehabilitated. Gao Yushu and Li’s two scums did not sound. Li Yiguo also abides by the agreement and swears. However, the accident is that the ancient rhyme was resigned because of his own triumphant Wang and Jing. The emperor squatted and stayed. He insisted on resigning, and he was told to let him go.

The imperial powers of the imperial court were completely destroyed, and the clear stream was counted as a major injury. The 20,000 Yulin army was supplemented and handed over to Yao Jinxi.

There is nothing wrong with me. The next step seems to be to revitalize the national strength and help the young emperor grow up.

As for the princess and the body of Liang Wang, they were all understated and could not be buried in the tomb of the royal family. They only chose the place and buried it. In a sense, it is also considered to be "dead and the same hole."

Xue Yuma is completely passive, and it is not a tumbler family.

On the other side, there are many chores on the side of my house. The money stolen by Luo Yaozu has not been recovered. I rewarded Laotian and Zhu and a martial artist. It is a great loss of money. I have used the small in my small study. The treasury.

In the future, I will rectify the rule of law. I am afraid that there will not be much chance of accepting bribes. Hey, Koi does not know how to get some money to subsidize the family.

Koi brought the beads back. I haven't seen them in the past few months. The change of beads is not small, and Koi has taught her martial arts. She wants to train her as a bodyguard, but his training method is correct. A little girl is really harsh, not very human, and it is difficult for the little bead to endure.

As for the Jinfeng that was originally transferred by Luo Yaozu, Liang Wang wanted to use it to control the Koi. Before he was koi, he took some effort to save him, and he delayed the big thing for a long time.

I haven't reunited with Koi for a long time. I have a lingering feeling, and I don't want to talk about him.

That night, I ended up with Koi. He was tired and fell asleep. Although I was too tired, I could not sleep. It may also be because there have been too many things happening recently, and the mind has some ups and downs.

I look at the quiet and beautiful sleeping face of Koi. When these things happen, he has become more and more like a teenager. With a man, I don’t know if I will control me more and more. I don't know what it will be.

I kissed him on the forehead, got out of bed and decided to go out.

The night is cool like water, the moonlight is calm and quiet, and it is like water. I turned around in Taihu Stone and found a figure by the water. I whispered and asked: "Who?"

The man heard the sound and turned around. When I saw it, it turned out to be a red phoenix. The clouds were sloppy, wearing a green plaque, and my face was always a bit sloppy.

I remember the hard work and the birth and death that accompanied me around these days. My heart was soft and softly said: "The night is deep, why don't you go to sleep?"

She whispered, "I can't sleep." Look at me, hesitate, and say, "Can an adult stay with me for a while?"

I whispered "Hmm" and stared at her on the stone by the lake. The red phoenix looked at the lake, not looking at me, not talking.

I am a little embarrassed, thinking about finding something: "Red, Red Phoenix, this time thanks to you, helped me a lot..."

Hongfeng still looks at the lake, faint: "How can adults be so polite with me... In the past, it really is not available?... It’s a thing to get people, as for Yus, I didn’t believe it, this is a strange mess. Actually... really."

I heard her say a word, the heart jerked a bit.

Hongfeng suddenly turned his face. Under the moonlight, there was no tears on his face. Instead, he smiled with a smile: "Who is it? Who is it? Qingtong Gehe... Where did he go?"

I bowed my head: "You also know that he shouldn't practice the jade spider..."

Red Phoenix suddenly rushed over and hugged me tightly. He whispered: "Green Tong brother, don't you, don't, don't leave me..." The words are at the end, and the illusion is sobbing.

I don’t know what happened underneath. How did Red Phoenix solve my clothes and how to kiss my lips? My heart hurts a little. I don’t know if I feel pampered for this bitter woman, or Zhang Qinglian. My heart is hurting.

□ Entangled, low-spirited, glimpse, only this night wind, moonlight, lake, rocks and flowers?

My soul is full of feelings of separation. It seems that I am no longer stationed in that body. In fact, manipulating the body and smashing with the red phoenix is ​​Zhang Qinglian’s own will.

Is my soul really leaving? When I thought about this, I panicked. Suddenly, everything seemed to wake up. I was separated from her, panting, covering my clothes, watching the red phoenix clothes messy, and my mind was confused: "Red Phoenix, you... Sorry, you how……"

She was very calm, got up and dressed, and said her eyebrows: "Adult, red phoenix should have understood it for a long time. I have been cheating on myself all the time. Now, like this, Hongfeng is sorry for the teaching of the teacher. Sorry. My mother raised her, and I am sorry... Qing Tong brother..."

"Adult, Hongfeng is leaving."

"You can't help adults anymore, adults, please take care."

The red phoenix has gone, not even saying a word, and there is no one thing.

When she left, she finally recovered her martial arts.

I am at a loss.

Looking back to the room, I found that Koi stood quietly on the side. I have no idea how long I have seen it. I was shocked and ran over: "Jin, Koi... I didn't, don't want to..."

"I know." Koi quietly opened his mouth and suddenly reached out and pulled me into his arms.

"Hongfeng is a poor and respectable woman." Koi said, "This ending is the best for her."

I looked up and found that Koi was actually smiling and looking at me with my eyes. It was a sensational voice. Is this guy stupid?

I was upset, but Koi held me gently, and said softly, "Say, you can reincarnate in this way, and God will treat us as thin."

It turns out that this guy is in contrast to Hongfeng and feels happy. I also sweetened my heart and hugged him back.

Separation of this kind of thing is also unique. The next day I got up when Koi got up, I washed myself, thinking about changing a raft to replace Hongfeng, and went to the front hall.

Unexpectedly, I saw Jin Feng’s body carrying a baggage with a sword and talking to Koi. I was taken aback and asked, "What is this?"

Jinfeng saw me actually smiled and said: "I have to go to Huashan to learn art."

"An old friend of the father." Koi added.

"My brother said, if I want to kill you for revenge, I have to defeat him first. The hatred of my family can no longer count on him. So I have to go to study well, come back to the church and beat your brother, killing you for revenge." "Xiao Jinfeng said something very arrogant."

It’s a matter of moments when a teenager grows up. After a few years’ goodbye, Jinfeng is also a man of high morality.

My eyes were a little wet, and I was told to prepare a bunch of things to eat, but they were stopped by the koi: "He is going to learn, not to enjoy."

The carriage was ready, and it was sent out, watching the carriage disappear into the distance.

I hold the hand of Koi, and we are almost leaving us two, but fortunately there are still each other.

Between the emotions, suddenly a ride came with the wind and sand, standing in front of us, the people on the horses rolled down to the ground, kneeling in front of us, panting and saying: "Not good! Not good! Zhang Daren, General Yao... General Shao, General Shao, he died, and the whole army is full of ink..."

"Ah!" I was shocked, looked up, and met Koi and I also had shocked eyes.

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