Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 832: The fourth master was stunned, as if a new world had opened.

   Chapter 832 The Fourth Master was dumbfounded, as if he had opened the door to a new world

  The fourth master's eyes flashed, he nodded slowly after thinking, and smiled at Mu Jin: "Jin'er's analysis is very reasonable, and tomorrow, Master will tell the prince."

   Mu Jin smiled and said: "Then let's not talk about this for now. The servant specially asked someone to prepare a hot pot today. It is steaming and fragrant and spicy. Let's have dinner first!"

   "Master is thinking about this today too!" The fourth master nodded, the two smiled at each other, and went to the dining room to eat together.

  After dinner, the fourth master simply asked Su Peisheng to bring the picked items over, discuss with Mu Jin, pick another one, and send two of them tomorrow.

Mu Jin pointed to an ivory-carved pen holder inlaid with the Seven Sages of Bamboo Forest with a gold border and said, "This can be counted as one. If you invite people into the study to talk about business, others can see it at a glance, and you can 'smoothly' talk to people when you take a pen to write documents and sign your signature. If you say a few words about the origin, it’s just pretending—ahem, it’s simply the best thing to pretend to be a facade! And it’s also one of the four treasures of the study. It’s a scholar’s ​​thing, elegant, and very cultural at first glance. So this thing will definitely be very popular among wealthy businessmen. sought after."

   It's dangerous, Mu Jin secretly sighed, and Dangerous "pretends" to blurt out.

  Fourth Master: ""

  The Fourth Master was a little dumbfounded, as if he had opened the door to a new world.

   Can you say that? But what is it that sounds plausible?

   "Well, what else?"

   Mu Jin thought for a while, and then pointed to a pair of cloisonné enamel Bailu Zun: "This one is also good, it is colorful, rich and grand, it is precious and beautiful to be used as a decoration, and it is big enough and conspicuous."

  The fourth master showed a look of sudden realization, he felt a little bit, and things must be conspicuous, easy to see, and can be used to show off

  The Fourth Master is a little awkward for no reason. The education he received since childhood was also a gentleman, humble and reserved. He really doesn't understand the way of local tyrants.

   I don’t even think it’s understandable. Should this kind of thing be used to show off? Wouldn't you be embarrassed?

   He couldn't help but complained to Mu Jin.

   Mu Jin said that you don't understand, right? Can people feel happy when they have money but no status and no style, and they have to be scolded as "nouveau riche", "land rich man", "poor enough to have nothing but money" and so on?

   But what if you were not happy? Poor scholars are not required to kneel when they meet officials, and rich businessmen have to kneel down to salute no matter how rich they are. This is the difference.

  If there is one or two treasures of today's princes in the family, it is a supremely glorious thing, why not show it off?

  Fourth Master: ""

  The Fourth Master still thinks it is quite magical.

   But I also think what Jin'er said makes sense.

   So the fourth master ordered Su Peisheng to put away the other items, and tomorrow he would send the two selected by Mu Jin to the crown prince.

   was speechless all night.

  The next day, although the snow did not fall, the sky was overcast and the clouds were very thick, and it seemed like it was about to fall.

   Occasionally, there will be sporadic snowflakes falling silently.

  The Fourth Master went down to the court and went to the Crown Prince to deliver things.

   Unexpectedly, Master Rong Qing and his two disciples did not return to Huangjue Temple at all yesterday, and lived in a small courtyard purchased by the Prince a few days ago.

  The prince was not afraid of cold and trouble, so he stopped his brothers and told them to send things to the small courtyard quickly.

   is simply positive. �

   Friendly reminder: ask for a ticket here o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

   (end of this chapter)

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