Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 3238: The emperor is making a fuss

   Chapter 3238 The emperor is making a fuss

   Concubine Qi choked and cried, unable to speak.

   Naturally, she did not agree with what the fourth master said. What chance did the fourth master give the third brother? Nothing at all! When the third brother was so old, he never thought of finding a companion for the third brother to read with such great fanfare.

   He will only be dissatisfied with the third brother and teach him a lesson. The third brother can't do anything as he wants, and can't satisfy him.

   But he can't wait to hold the fourth brother in his hand and love him!

   The servants of the He Palace and the servants of the Manchu Palace, which one doesn't watch people serve dishes? No one cares about the third elder brother. The third elder brother is still a child. Isn't it normal to be competitive?

   He was treated so unfairly, why is it strange that he was a little dissatisfied with the four brothers and sisters?

  The emperor is making a fuss

   There is also the Mu family, who may have slandered the third elder brother behind his back.

  Why didn't the emperor think about it, when there were no four elder brothers and sisters, he also loved and valued the third elder brother very much! Everything has changed now, is it not because he is partial to the fourth elder brother?

   Concubine Qi didn't dare to say a word about this belly full of grievances, she just cried.

  The fourth master was also holding fire in his heart. Is this his fault? The third child does not learn well, has a small belly, poor knowledge, and sometimes shows off his cleverness and makes him come to him, and he thinks he is really smart and complacent.

   Concubine Qi is abominable, she actually uses herself as a Concubine Dee!

   Is there anything in yourself that is not as good as that of the old fourteenth, which is why the Concubine De is disgusted?

  Hongzhang is going to inherit the great lineage in the future. Naturally, he should equip his team from now on and cultivate his confidants. How could he also equip him with Hongshi? Isn't that the intention to let the two brothers kill each other in the future?

There is only one throne, and it is destined to belong to Hongzhang. Hongshi should know very well that he is not as good as Hongzhang in any way. If he is smart, he should put away the little thoughts that should not have been born as soon as possible, and honestly become a prince in the future. , is it possible that he has also wronged him?

  If he still has the same temperament as he is now, what will happen in the future is hard to say!

   Now that he is too big, he knows how to choose.

  As Emperor Amma, he has expressed his attitude very clearly from the very beginning, in order to break his delusions, but even so, he still dares to think, what does he want to do?

   "Go back to Jingyang Palace and think about a month behind closed doors."

  The Fourth Master gave Concubine Qi a cold look, feeling restless in his heart, so he was too lazy to return to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, so he turned around and walked towards the Yikun Palace.

   Concubine Qi saw the direction he was leaving, is this, is this looking for the queen? She couldn't help crying even more sadly.

In Jingyang Palace, all the repressed emotions of Concubine Qi, who was determined to be Buddhist and gentle and gentle, burst open, and swept through like a tornado. , more than ever.

   Concubine Qi frantically slammed and scolded, and finally fell on the kang and cried bitterly.

   She is really heartbroken!

  The emperor is so eccentric and righteous, how can the third brother have such a hard life.

Mammy Li sighed secretly. She wanted to persuade but was afraid that the resentment she had accumulated in her heart would not be dissipated, but it would be even worse. She had to stand by and help her to sit down in the side hall. She ordered someone to clean up the mess in the hall. , poured tea and served it.

  Parents are partial to such things. Every family has it, more or less.

   (end of this chapter)

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