Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2565: Who else but the emperor

   Chapter 2565 Besides the emperor, who else can

The fourth master smiled, and his heart subconsciously relaxed a little, "Jin'er's words are quite reasonable, I hate this kind of thing, and I will definitely not tolerate it. By the way, I also ask others to take a look, and I will be safe in the future. Son!"

   "Yes, the emperor is wise!"

   "Well, if, because of this, the second brother has a quarrel with me, so what?"

Mu Jin was stunned for a moment, and then said: "No way? The concubine thinks that Prince Li is not like this kind of people. If this is the case, the emperor can see him clearly, but he doesn't need to think about it, I'm afraid the emperor will alienate him. what about him?"

   Fourth Master laughed, but his family Jin'er dared to say it.

   Originally thought this was the end of the matter, but unexpectedly, Ling Pu's eldest son died in the prison of the Ministry of Justice the next day.

   It seems that he committed suicide by hanging himself, but Prince Daniel does not believe it at all.

  It is absolutely impossible for his milk brother to commit suicide. He still desperately wants to save his life by himself, so how could he possibly hang himself?

   The angry Prince Li brought his red-eyed grandma, Limpo, and forced the Ministry of Justice to send the best person for an autopsy.

   Sure enough, he did not die by hanging himself, but made the illusion of committing suicide after being strangled to death.

   Also, before he died, he should have been quite frightened, his eyes were bulging, and he could not rest his eyes. The terrified look on his face was also reserved.

Ling Pu was full of grief and indignation, and cried bitterly: "Even if he is a death sentence, he still has a few months to live. Our father and son have never seen the last time, and we have never had a good talk. I haven't had a good meal yet. Good food sent him the last ride, he just, he just died! My poor boy, how can I live my life! Can't wait for his life? Can't wait like this?"

  Prince Li was also shocked and angry in his heart. Hearing Ling Pu's words, he quickly warned and reminded him to stop: "Grandma, don't say that, this incident is just an accident."

Ling Pu sneered coldly in grief and anger: "Accident? Master is right, but it's not an accident! Master is now being bullied by dogs, so why is it strange that some people are jealous of Master, and it is not pleasing to the eye? I can't wait to rectify and rectify Master! Be careful, sir, and later—"

   "Shut up!" Prince Li scolded with a sullen face: "Grandma, you are so sad and confused, you don't want to say anything!"

  Limpu shut his mouth bitterly.

  My grandfather just entered the palace to plead with the emperor, and this happened the next day. Could it be a coincidence?

   What his son killed by mistake was a civilian. It was a simple murder case, and it did not involve the struggle between the powerful and the court incident.

   How can a commoner's family have such a great ability to buy a murderer to kill in the prison of the Ministry of Justice?

   As for the people in the penal department, it is even more impossible to do such a thing.

   There must be someone instructed.

   Besides the emperor, who else could it be?

   He just meant to embarrass his grandfather

  Ling Pu has always insisted that the fourth master's throne was "granted" by Prince Li. He had persuaded Prince Li to do so many times in private before, and he was always dissatisfied and unwilling to the fourth master.

   This happened again today. It can be said that new hatred and old hatred came together in my heart, how could I resist it?

  The officials accompanying the Ministry of Justice, Zuzuaku, and others all stared blankly, pretending to be busy, saying that I didn't hear anything!

   This is life-threatening.

  Ling Pu pointed out that it was the emperor who Sang scolded Huai.

Prince Li was also very angry, and said to the right servant of the Ministry of Justice with a cold face: "The person was assassinated in your prison of the Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of Justice has to give you an explanation for this matter!"

   (end of this chapter)

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