Qin Ye's little ancestor is a real boss

Chapter 506 Overlapping Brain Waves (1/2)

With Nolan's words, Wen Heng's tension was relieved a lot.

Relax your nerves and let Bo Xijue check his brain waves.

Bo Xijue connected the instrument to Wen Heng's head slowly.

Wen Heng felt a numbness in his head, and his brain was empty immediately, falling into a state of emptiness and confusion.

In the laboratory, only the sound of the instrument could be heard. Bo Xijue and Nan Yan were next to the instrument, looking at what was displayed on the monitor.

After more than ten minutes, Nan Yan rubbed her eyes and asked softly: "Big Brother, can you find anything?"

During this time, Bo Xijue wrote several pages of things, most of which were professional terms. Nan Yan could understand some of them, but not some of them.

If she wanted to know the results of the test, she still had to ask Bo Xijue to be clearer.

Bo Xijue put down the pen and said to Nan Yan gently: "There is a little discovery, but not too much. Wait until after noon and test it again."

From 12 o'clock in the morning to 12 o'clock at noon, it is the time for Wen Heng to control his body. The brain waves are naturally Wen Heng's.

At noon and then midnight, it will be Nolan who controls the body.

Now there are few problems found in Wen Heng's brain waves, so when Nolan controls the body, Bo Xijue thinks that he should be able to find something.

Nan Yan nodded, "Then wait a few more hours."

It is now eight o'clock in the morning, and there are still four hours before the exchange of control of the body.

But these four hours must not be just waiting.

Nan Yan is still thinking about Shen Junqing and Bai Chen's bodies, and wants to study some more genetic drugs that can speed up the healing of the body.

It's just right to take advantage of the fact that there is nothing to do now and I am in the laboratory, so I will prepare it first.

Bo Xijue temporarily put Wen Heng down from the examination table.

Wen Heng felt a little uneasy, but he behaved very well in front of Bo Xijue.

He stood in front of Bo Xijue and asked tentatively: "Big Brother, do I still have a chance to regain full control of my body?"

Don't find out anything!

If Big Brother finds out the dirt and filth in his heart, Big Brother will definitely beat him to death!

Compared to the master, Wen Heng was most afraid of his senior brother Bo Xijue.

After all, although the master looked fierce, he didn't hit anyone, at most he would be punished.

But the senior brother really hit him!

Thinking about the beatings he received from the senior brother, it was probably all the beatings he would receive in his life.

He also had his leg broken.

Although the leg was in the hands of the master, it only took three days to heal, but he had long been deeply terrified of his senior brother.

Bo Xijue said lightly: "Although it's a bit tricky, it will definitely let you regain control of your body."

Wen Heng pretended to be relieved, "That's good!"

He didn't know how much Bo Xijue had found out.

But since Nolan told him that no one could separate the two of them, it shouldn't be wrong.

He and Nolan had shared the same body for too long.

So long that he didn't know if he would be used to it if he could really drive Nolan out of his body.

For so many years, he had witnessed Nolan's actions in the conscious world. Although he was not the one who did those things, he was also in this body and he felt the same way.

Even though he had been in the conscious world before and could not control his body, those things were still done by his body.

No matter how much he resisted, he was assimilated unconsciously, and his consciousness was no longer pure.

He was already a potential demon and could no longer recover.

With Nolan, he could still push these evil thoughts onto Nolan without psychological pressure.

If he did those disgusting things again without Nolan, he would have no fig leaf at all. How could he hold his head up in front of his fellow apprentices and his junior sister in the future...

So, he didn't want Nolan to leave his body anymore.

It's good like this now.

In the conscious world, Nolan could feel the fluctuations in Wen Heng's thoughts.

Nolan couldn't help but smile with a very proud and arrogant smile.

Wen Heng was completely tied to him.

As long as he doesn't want to expel him from the body, he can occupy this body openly.

Bo Xijue didn't know what Wen Heng was thinking.

But Wen Heng's situation was indeed quite novel to him.

Taking advantage of the fact that there were still a few hours before the exchange of control of the body, Bo Xijue asked him some related things.

Wen Heng sat in front of him like a good boy, and he answered his questions.

But his eyes occasionally looked to the other side, at Nan Yan who was concentrating on studying the potion.

——Junior sister, save me...

He didn't want to face the senior brother alone, sob...

Twelve o'clock noon.

The soul that controlled the body was replaced, Wen Heng went offline, and Nolan went online.

It was the first time that Bo Xijue saw the scene of two consciousnesses alternating.

It was obviously the same body, but after the soul was replaced, the aura suddenly became completely different.

The gloomy and sick eyes, the whole person exuded a sense of evil.

Nolan moved his neck, making two crisp sounds, and then leaned back in his seat like a big boss, looking at Bo Xijue who was sitting opposite him with a lazy and decadent look.

"Big Brother, it's our first meeting, please take care of me~"

The body controlled by Nolan was indeed the first time to talk face to face with Bo Xijue.

Bo Xijue's face showed a strong disdain, "Don't try to make connections, you are not our second."

Nolan laughed proudly, "But, we are one now, he is mine, I am him, you can't separate us at all."

"Whether you admit it or not, I am your second apprentice brother~"

Anyway, it shouldn't be bad for him to make friends and get a connection, right? ?

After all, this senior brother can't beat him to death.

"You are not." Bo Xijue replied coldly, then stood up, grabbed Nolan's collar violently, and dragged him to the examination table.

Nolan wanted to struggle.

But after thinking about it, the consequence of struggling might be that he would be forcibly and violently dragged to the examination table, and even restricted his physical freedom, so it's better to cooperate.

Anyway, they can't let him leave Wen Heng's body, so it doesn't matter if they study it.

Nan Yan has already prepared some medicines and plans to take them back to Shen Junqing and Bai Chen to try the effect first.

If it works, continue to prepare it, otherwise change the formula.

It just so happens that Nolan and the second apprentice brother exchanged control, and I don't know if the senior brother can find out something.

Nolan lay on the examination table, eyes open, watching Bo Xijue plug the various connectors on the instrument into his head.

When the current was connected, a sharp pain came, and Nolan's pupils suddenly shrank. Subconsciously, he wanted to resist.

However, in order to prevent him from resisting during the examination, Bo Xijue tied his body when he carried him to the examination table. There were seven chains from neck to feet, and it was impossible to break free with human strength alone.

However, because of his struggle, the iron chain was crackling.

But no matter how he struggled, he couldn't break free.

Wen Heng advised him in his mind: "You'd better not resist. If you resist again, you will suffer."

In the hands of the eldest brother, there is no possibility of breaking free.

The only one who can be hurt is him.

Nolan's struggling movements gradually calmed down under Wen Heng's persuasion, and he relaxed his body to accept Bo Xijue's examination.

Under the stimulation of the current, his pupils were a little sluggish and his expression became blank.

After he gave up resisting, Bo Xijue began to record Nolan's brain waves.

Nan Yan is not good at these things, so she just waited for the results as a spectator.

An hour later, Bo Xijue turned off the instrument.

Nolan was in a trance for a few minutes before slowly regaining consciousness.

He narrowed his eyes gloomily.

This feeling of being out of control is really annoying.

There is an illusion that he has lost control of his body and has become a wandering soul with nothing to rely on.

This feeling is similar to when he was studying the virus and successfully poisoned himself to death, his soul left his body and wandered in the state of soul.

If he hadn't found Wen Heng, whose soul compatibility with him reached an astonishing 99%, he might have continued to be a wandering soul.

Nolan would never want to change back to that state again. Only with a body can you be called a human.

Without a body, you can't do anything!

Therefore, even if he is destroyed, he will not leave Wen Heng's body!

Nan Yan saw that Bo Xijue put down his pen and looked solemn, and couldn't help asking: "How is it? Is there a difference between Nolan and the second brother's brain waves?"

She just wanted to know if Wen Heng could be restored to his original appearance.

Even though she had guessed that Wen Heng had changed, she still had hope that she could drive Nuo Lan out of Wen Heng's body and restore him to his original state.

"Well, even if it's the same body, the soul is different, the brain waves are completely different, there are obvious differences between Nuo Lan and the second apprentice brother, and..."

Bo Xijue paused for a moment, then whispered: "There are still many overlapping places..."

Different people must have completely different brain waves.

And Nuo Lan and Wen Heng have many overlapping places, which means that Wen Heng has been assimilated by Nuo Lan.

It's normal to think about it.

Nuo Lan has been in Wen Heng's mind for six or seven years, living together day and night, inseparable, it is impossible that there is no influence.

Nan Yan was silent for a moment.

She actually knew this result a long time ago, so she didn't feel too sad.

After a while, she asked again: "Is there a way to separate the two of them?"

Bo Xijue shook his head slowly, "I'm not sure yet, I need to check again."

It was also his first time to separate the soul.

He had separated a memory once before, but it was only a trace of memory, which was completely different from a complete soul.

He estimated that it would be unlikely to succeed even with one attempt, and it would take many attempts.

"Well, then, will you stay here recently, Senior Brother?"

Bo Xijue nodded, "That's what I plan to do."

Since Wen Heng cannot be restored to normal in a short period of time, he will study for a while longer, and perhaps he will find a way.

Besides, it is rare to reunite with Master, Brothers, and Junior Sisters. There is no reason for them to be together, but he, the Senior Brother, is missing.


It was already past four in the afternoon when he returned to the courtyard from the laboratory.

When he was about to return, Nan Yan received a call, which delayed him for another two hours and he prepared several medicines.

After leaving Bo Xijue and Nolan in the courtyard, Nan Yan drove to Cheng's house.

The previous call was from Tao Qingming, who said that Mr. Cheng was a little weak recently and hoped that Nan Yan could help to see him.

The last time Nan Yan helped Mr. Cheng treat his illness, he had not yet developed genetic drugs, so the old injuries in his body could not be cured.

Now that genetic medicine is available, she might as well help Mr. Cheng recover.

"Miss Nan, we meet again."

Cheng Yanzhao, who came to pick someone up, greeted Nan Yan with a gentle face.

Nan Yan nodded, "Mr. Cheng, I will give you the medicine directly, one bottle a day, and after drinking it, Mr. Cheng will recover. I have something else to do, so I won't go in."

Cheng Yanzhao looked a little surprised, "Miss Nan, don't you need to go and see the old man's condition?"

This is the first time he has met a doctor who doesn't even look at the patient and directly gives medicine.

But this can also prove from the side that a miracle doctor is a miracle doctor, and he is different from ordinary people.

"No need to see, these medicines are aimed at Mr. Cheng's illness. If Mr. Cheng doesn't recover after drinking it, contact me again."

Cheng Yanzhao could only nod when Nan Yan said this, "Okay."

"Then Miss Nan, what is the consultation fee this time?"

I can't let her treat the disease for free.

Nan Yan said a sum of money, "Just transfer it to me."

"Okay." Cheng Yanzhao smiled gently, then took out his mobile phone and transferred Nan Yan's consultation fee.

Then, watching Nan Yan turn around neatly, open the car door, get in the car, and disappear from his sight, Cheng Yanzhao sighed silently.

He really wanted to make friends with Nan Yan,

However, Nan Yan did not give him this opportunity...

Forget it, he was not lucky enough to be her friend.

Cheng Yanzhao took the medicine given by Nan Yan and went back to the house.

Seeing that he was the only one who came in, Mrs. Cheng was a little confused: "Azhao, where is Miss Nan?"

"She left the medicine and left." Cheng Yanzhao raised his hand and pointed to the box of medicine in his hand.

"Ah?" Mrs. Cheng was even more surprised, "She gave the medicine without even seeing your grandfather's condition?"

"Yes." Cheng Yanzhao nodded.

"What a miracle doctor, the medical skills are so high that he can give medicine directly without seeing the patient!"

Mrs. Cheng's words were sincere praise.

But if you just listen to it, it sounds a little wrong.

Cheng Yanzhao pulled the corner of his mouth and planned to take the medicine in directly.

The young man who had been in the room suddenly said, "Grandma Cheng, can you give me a dose of this medicine? I want to take it back to study and see how effective it is."

Since he came, the family has been talking about how good Nan Yan's medical skills are, how miraculous she is, and how she saved Old Man Cheng.

They almost praised her to the sky.

But he didn't quite believe it.

However, this time when he treated Old Man Cheng, he did find that his condition had improved a lot, which made him a little curious about how Nan Yan did it.

He was sure that Old Man Cheng would not live long, and he thought that he would not be able to see him when he came back this time.

Unexpectedly, the person was still alive.

Weakness is inevitable, but life is not in danger.

So, he was very interested in the medicine in Cheng Yanzhao's hand.

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