Qin Ye's little ancestor is a real boss

Chapter 501: Boss Qin vs. Senior Brother 2 (1/2)

Nan Yan looked at Euphemia, who had a glimmer of expectation in her eyes, and smiled, "We'll see when the time comes."

The engagement object was kidnapped by her, and the engagement party was destined to be a farce.

However, it seems that it is not bad to come and join in the fun and see how they make a fool of themselves.

She is not so generous to those who dare to set their sights on her, and pretend that nothing has happened.

"If I have time, I will ask my senior brother to come together."

Euphemia heard the first sentence, and was still secretly angry at Nan Yan's ignorance.

She, a daughter of a duke, personally sent an invitation, but she dared to put on airs.

However, after hearing the latter sentence, her mood instantly improved, and she quickly smiled and said, "Then it's settled. If you have time, you must come!"

The two went back together.

At this time, the conversation between Bo Xijue and Duke Hols was over.

Bo Xijue and Hols were still polite to each other. Seeing Nan Yan and Euphemia come back, they stopped those Tai Chi-playing, meaningless conversations.

Then, Bo Xijue walked towards Nan Yan and touched her head, "Yan Yan, have you had enough fun?"

Nan Yan nodded obediently in front of him, "Well, let's go home."

Bo Xijue knew that she had found the person she wanted to find.

Otherwise, she would not leave so easily.

Bo Xijue took Nan Yan's hand, turned around and said, "Duke Hols, then we will take our leave first."

Duke Hols said politely, "Mr. Bo, the First Duke's Mansion is looking forward to your visit at any time."

On the way back, Nan Yan turned the intersection of the First Duke's Mansion and reminded, "Big Brother, stop the car!"

Bo Xijue hurriedly stepped on the brakes, "Little Junior Sister, what else?"

Nan Yan lowered the window, turned her head and blinked at him cunningly, "Introduce my boyfriend to Big Brother."


The smile on Bo Xijue's face froze for a moment.

Then it became fierce.

Very good, he wanted to see who was so brave to snatch their little junior sister who was loved by the group.

Qin Lu and Wu Yue had been notified by Nan Yan in advance, so they were waiting for her here.

After seeing the SUV stop, the window was lowered, and Nan Yan's face was revealed, the two people who were waiting in the dark walked towards the car.

"Brother, get in the car."

Nan Yan curved her lips and waved to Qin Lu.

Bo Xijue couldn't help but frowned when he heard Nan Yan's name.

Did the junior sister fall in love with the other party because the other party cared for her like a brother?

If that was the case, he had to let the junior sister face up to her feelings for her "boyfriend".

Otherwise, what if she suddenly found out that this was not the relationship she wanted and regretted it!

When Qin Lu appeared in his sight, Bo Xijue's pupils shrank slightly.

Damn, why is it Qin Lu? !

This world can't be so small!

He also planned to see Qin Lu's excitement, and deliberately set the meeting place in Yasuo City to see how he would get out of the Duke of Hols's mansion, but...

He made a mistake.

I didn't expect that Qin Lu was the man that Junior Sister liked.

When Qin Lu saw Bo Xijue, he also recognized his identity.

"Mr. Bo, we finally meet."

After the two looked at each other for a while, Bo Xijue said, "Mr. Qin, get in the car first."

When Song Ye saw Qin Lu, he was so excited.

But the back of the off-road vehicle can only seat three people. Although Qin Lu and Wu Yue will not be crowded, they will sit in the same seat.

This made Song Ye and Wu Yue feel a lot of pressure.

After all, not everyone has such courage, like Nan Yan, who doesn't care at all, and can sit with Qin Lu without changing his face.

But considering that there are not so many conditions now, let's squeeze in.


When they returned to Bo Xijue's mansion, Wu Yue and Song Ye were very discerning. After Bo Xijue stopped the car, they got out of the car immediately and disappeared quickly.

There were only three of them left in the car.

Bo Xijue and Qin Lu looked at each other again, and reached an agreement in the eye contact.

Qin Lu said softly, "Yan Yan, Mr. Bo and I have something to say, can you step aside for a moment?"

Nan Yan looked back and forth between the two of them, nodded, "You guys chat first, I'll go back and have a drink of water."

After that, she left the space in the car for Qin Lu and Bo Xijue, and got out of the car neatly.

Wu Yue and Song Ye, who were watching from the dark: "???"

"Miss Nan is not in the car, what if the young master fights with Mr. Bo?"

Wu Yue was a little worried.

This time, Qin Lu was tricked by Bo Xijue.

Of course, this was just a test, a harmless joke.

After all, they both knew it, and Qin Lu was not someone who would be manipulated so easily.

But meeting now, it would probably be a bit awkward...

It was awkward to begin with, and then there was the relationship between Nan Yan.

This... became complicated.

Song Ye was already in a state of despair, "We don't need to worry about it anyway. Let the bosses solve the problems between them."

Wu Yue patted his shoulder: "You are right."

It is useless for them to worry about trivial things.

They are not the ones who can solve the conflict.


In the carriage, after Nan Yan left, the atmosphere suddenly became more solemn.

Bo Xijue's attitude towards Qin Lu was more inquiring and even evaluated.

After all, he was the man that Junior Sister liked, so her requirements were higher than those of ordinary people.

Qin Lu's attitude towards Bo Xijue also quietly changed.

It's obviously a relationship of equal status.

However, because of Nan Yan's presence, Bo Xijue was ahead of him in terms of seniority.

After all, since he and Nan Yan were together, in name only, he wanted to call Bo Xijue 'elder brother'...

"This is our first meeting. Let me introduce you formally. I am Nanyan's eldest brother and the founder of Miracle Research, Bo Xijue."

"Nice to meet you. I am the founder of Junlin Group, Qin Lu, Yanyan's boyfriend."

Two equally noble and powerful hands hold each other like this.

Then, the secret competition began.

Both of them looked calm and calm on the surface, even smiling slightly, but their arms under their sleeves were all tense, and their muscles were as hard as rocks.

Five minutes later, neither of them could maintain their initial calmness. Beads of sweat appeared on their faces, and their faces became flushed as if they had done strenuous exercise.

But no one was willing to step back, and the stalemate continued.

After another five minutes, the two of them let go at the same time with great tacit understanding, and put their exhausted right hand behind their backs to hide the trembling of their arms and palms.

Bo Xijue had a cold face and made a mental note to Qin Lu.

I don’t know how to show weakness in front of my senior brother, bad review!

However, he did not let his personal emotions affect his decision. "I think Junlin's cooperation conditions are acceptable. For the sake of my junior sister, I can just sign it."

Qin Lu nodded: "Thank you, Mr. Bo. I wish us a happy cooperation."

“A pleasure to work with.”

The two people said, "Happy cooperation," but this time, neither of them extended their hands. They kept their right hands behind their backs. They nodded to each other and reached a cooperation agreement.

After discussing the details of the cooperation, the two people were very satisfied with the cooperation between the two large groups.

After they finished talking about the business, Bo Xijue stared at Qin Lu with sharp eyes and warned him: "Yanyan is the treasure we put in the palm of our hands and cannot bear the slightest grievance."

Qin Lu said calmly: "Yanyan is also a treasure that I hold in the palm of my hand. I myself cannot bear to let her suffer any injustice."

"Eldest brother, don't worry, just leave Yanyan to me."

Bo Xijue snorted and was in a bad mood.

This feeling is like the cabbage that has been raised in the field for several years and is suddenly eaten by pigs.


Bo Xijue felt that he felt uncomfortable, and he didn't know what the master and his two junior brothers were thinking.

Let him ask after they meet.

"You'd better keep your word."

Leaving behind a threatening word, Bo Xijue got out of the car arrogantly and went back to find Nan Yan.

Qin Lu stayed in the car, took out the cigarette case and lit a cigarette.

Marrying the little girl home brings another obstacle...



"Junior sister, how come you fall in love with that sinister and sinister man Qin Lu?"

Bo Xijue felt that the junior sister was probably deceived by Qin Lu's face and ignored his true nature.

After all, Qin Lu's face is indeed capable of seducing people's minds like a fairy.

Nan Yan asked tentatively: "Elder brother, do you have a holiday with your brother?"

"That's not true." Bo Xijue sighed helplessly, "I just think that he is such a vicious person and is not worthy of you, who is like a little fairy."

Nan Yan: "..."

Senior brother, your filter is too thick!

In the eyes of others, she is probably a demon-like existence, not a little fairy.

Nan Yan smiled, then grabbed Bo Xijue's hand coquettishly, "He is very good, he is my favorite person, senior brother, you are not allowed to bully him."

"Oh~ Then Master should be sad, you heartless little girl."

Nan Yan gritted her teeth, "I'm talking about the kind of love between men and women!"

"My love for Master is between family members. Senior brother, please don't confuse the situation."

Bo Xijue pinched her bulging cheeks, his eyes full of endearment, "Do you really recognize him?"

"Yes." Nan Yan nodded, "If he hadn't taught me how to love someone, I would probably have been alone in my life."

"What nonsense are you talking about, little girl." Bo Xijue tapped her head with his finger, "With people like us here, how could you let yourself die alone? You have to be happier than everyone else in the future."

Their little junior sister, just like a little angel, deserves the best of everything in the world.

Nan Yan was moved.

But after being moved, I had to tell him some cruel realities.

Regarding the two souls of Wen Heng and Nolan sharing the same body, as well as the major changes that occurred in the sect during this period...

Bo Xijue's expression became more solemn. After Nan Yan had finished talking about the recent events, he said, "This time I will return to the country with you."

"Perhaps the project currently being carried out in my laboratory can find a solution to Wen Heng's matter."

His miraculous technology is currently studying neurons and streams of consciousness, and has also successfully implanted a ray of consciousness into artificial intelligence.

But after that ray of consciousness entered the artificial intelligence, it was quickly absorbed by the artificial intelligence, and not much useful experimental data was given.

However, that artificial intelligence has also changed. It has automatically upgraded, is more intelligent than other artificial intelligences, and has more natural emotions.

Nan Yan nodded, "If Nolan's consciousness can be extracted from the second senior brother's consciousness, then the second senior brother will probably be able to return to normal."

"Yes, we can give it a try."

Qin Lu finished smoking the cigarette before entering the room.

It just so happened that Nan Yan and Bo Xijue had finished talking about the laboratory.

The two senior brothers and sisters were sitting on the sofa drinking tea.

Bo Xijue saw Qin Lu coming in and asked, "Do you still want to attend the engagement party in two days?"

Qin Lu first glanced at Nan Yan, and when he saw that Nan Yan's expression did not change, he replied lightly, "Yes."

Halls plotted against him, imprisoned him, and restricted his freedom.

Although he did it voluntarily, he did not say that he did not bear grudges.

It just so happened that Nan Yan also wanted to join in the fun, so he made this fun bigger.

"Then wait until the engagement ceremony at the Duke of Halls's Mansion is over, and then return to China."


It was not until the next night that Euphemia learned that Qin Lu had disappeared.

She was busy trying on dresses and notifying guests all day today, and did not have time to see him. When she went, she found out that he had already escaped.

Euphemia became irritable.

"Go find him, even if you have to search the entire Yasuo City, you have to find him for me!"

Tomorrow is her engagement ceremony, and she has already sent out the invitations. Almost the entire royal aristocratic circle knows about this.

If there is no male protagonist at tomorrow's ceremony, she will lose face!

And it's not just her who will lose face, but also the First Duke's Mansion!

When Duke Hols learned the news, it was very late.

In order to prevent them from finding out that Qin Lu was not in the Duke's Mansion so quickly, Bo Xijue deliberately released some intentions to cooperate with the First Duke's Mansion, so that Hols would always worry about the cooperation.

This also led to him not being so concerned about the engagement, thinking that things were already being prepared step by step and there would be no mistakes.

Who knew that such a big mistake would happen when the engagement ceremony was approaching.

"Mr. Duke, I have searched all over Yasuo City, but I haven't found Mr. Qin's whereabouts."

Duke Hols was annoyed.

But he also understood that it was a fluke to be able to lock up Qin Lu before.

Now that he has escaped, it is not a little more difficult to catch him than before.

At the beginning, he thought that since his daughter liked him and he was not married, as long as they were engaged, with the power and status of their First Duke's Mansion and his daughter's beauty, it should not be difficult to get Qin Lu to agree to the marriage.

This was a mutually beneficial marriage, and he couldn't understand why Qin Lu didn't agree.

You know, Euphemia is likely to be adopted by the queen and become the next crown prince.

If he marries Euphemia, he will be the king's husband.

Such a noble status, others can't even dream of getting it, but he dared to run away!

The Duke of Halls looked gloomy and went to find Euphemia, who was throwing things in a hurry.

"Euphemia, the engagement ceremony cannot be cancelled. You should immediately choose a young man who is worthy of your status and you are interested in, and complete the ceremony with you!"

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