Qin Ye's little ancestor is a real boss

Chapter 103 An Muyao’s flower protector?

"We have checked Nan Yan's grades. These are her real grades. She didn't cheat."

The teacher's words made the classroom, which had just quieted down, boil again.

"Oh my god, can you make a comeback like this?"

"Boss, you are so amazing!"

"Six six six..."

"Boss, you are so amazing!"



A deliberately low voice said: "How did you take the test? No matter how you make a comeback, it won't be so exaggerated..."

"Yes, the questions in this exam are not simple, covering a lot of knowledge points. You can't make up for it all at once if you want to make up for it..."

After all, after Nan Yan's violent suppression, few dared to openly oppose her.

The person who raised this question was indeed very curious about how a person could complete the jump from a poor student to a top student in a short period of time.

"Nan Yan was in the office, and teachers from several subjects gave her questions on the spot. She answered the questions on the spot, and she got full marks on all the questions, just like her test scores. She performed very stably."

"You don't have to question her results anymore. As for why she got such a bad score before and why she got such a good score this time, you need to ask her herself."

The head teacher explained how they determined Nan Yan's results, and then said earnestly:

"So, everyone should learn from Nan Yan in the future. In the last year or so of high school, work hard and strive to get a good score in the future and get into the university of your choice."

"In addition, the dean and I have also talked to Nan Yan about the bet between you."

At this point, the head teacher's tone became serious.

"You, all of you, apologize to Nan Yan. As classmates, you have no right to force a student to drop out.

What's more, Nan Yan is such an excellent student!"

A boy stood up first and bowed to Nan Yan to apologize:

"Boss, I'm sorry."

Then, another boy stood up, "Boss, I'm sorry."

Soon, the classmates in the class stood up one by one and apologized to Nan Yan.

Even Lu Rongrong said "I'm sorry" under pressure.

The head teacher asked puzzledly: "Why do you call Nan Yan the boss?"

"Because she is very good!"

"She is the first in the grade in the exam, so she is naturally our boss!"

There are still some students who react quickly.

If the head teacher knew that they called Nan Yan the boss because she was good at playing games, he would probably get angry again.

If it was changed to because of academic performance, the reason would be much more justified.

"So that's how it is..." The head teacher nodded in understanding, "Since you all think she is the boss, then you should learn from her in the future, and you are not allowed to exclude her or cause trouble for her for any reason.

Get it?"

The classmates in the same class responded in unison: "Got it!"

"The bet is void, Nan Yan, what do you think?"

Nan Yan didn't care: "Listen to the head teacher."

She had guessed that this would be the result.

After the school knew about it, they would not let the bet go on.

The head teacher couldn't help but like her a little more when he saw Nan Yan's cooperation.


During the break, a rare scene appeared in Class 4 of Grade 2.

A group of people, who did not go outside, all surrounded Nan Yan.

Everyone looked at her with admiration, but they didn't dare to speak to disturb her, so they could only watch.

Nan Yan was annoyed by being looked at, but they didn't say anything, and she couldn't get angry just by looking at her.

She simply closed the book and left the classroom.

In the last class left in the morning, she did not come back, but went to the computer classroom.

Nan Yan had this privilege before.

As someone who was going to participate in the computer competition for the school, she could spend more time practicing in the computer classroom.

Moreover, Nan Yan ranked first in the grade this time, and she got the first place with nearly full marks.

The attitude of teachers in various subjects towards her was much more relaxed.

She really knew everything, and she didn't have to stay in the classroom to learn the knowledge she already knew.


Computer classroom.

Nan Yan came in and found that there were already people here.

Yin Yichen looked up from the computer and saw that it was her, his face suddenly darkened.

"Why are you here?"

"I came here when I wanted to, do I need to tell you."

Nan Yan was too lazy to pay attention to him. After replying this sentence, she found an empty seat and took out her notebook.

Yin Yichen gritted his teeth and clenched his fists when he saw her arrogant appearance.

Remembering that his classmates had told him that they had seen Nan Yan bullying An Muyao with their own eyes, he stood up suddenly and walked towards her.

"Nan Yan!" Yin Yichen was furious, "Who allowed you to bully Goddess An!"

Nan Yan had just turned on the computer and saw him coming over. She raised her eyebrows, "An Muyao's flower protector?"

Yin Yichen stiffened his neck and said angrily, "I tell you, don't bully Goddess An in the future. Her kindness doesn't mean you can bully her!"

"Don't think that I won't beat you just because you are a woman. If I hear that you bully her again, I will really beat you up!"

Yin Yichen pointed at Nan Yan while speaking.

His finger almost hit Nan Yan's face.

Nan Yan directly pinched the finger he pointed at and twisted it in the opposite direction.

The teeth-grinding sound of bone dislocation, accompanied by a scream, scared Zhou Shaojie who had just entered.

"What are you doing?" He strode in.

"My hand... my hand..."

Yin Yichen cried out in pain, and the look he gave Nan Yan was almost murderous, "Nan Yan, I'm going to kill you!"

The entry point to computer competitions is hand speed. His hand is now broken, how can he participate in the competition!

The overwhelming hatred made him forget the pain, and he waved his intact hand and hit Nan Yan.

Zhou Shaojie had just come in and didn't understand the situation.

But seeing Yin Yichen, a grown man, attacking Nan Yan, he certainly couldn't just watch.

He hurried over to stop him.

However, he didn't give him a chance to stop him.

Nan Yan sat on the chair without moving, and her slender hand easily pinched his waving hand and turned it back again.

There was another tooth-grinding sound of bone dislocation.

Mixed with more miserable cries of pain.

Zhou Shaojie subconsciously pinched his arm.

"Team Leader Nan, what's going on?"

Nan Yan let go of Yin Yichen and spread her hands innocently: "I also want to know why he bothered me as soon as I arrived."

"Ahhh! My hand is broken... My hand is broken..."

Yin Yichen was still screaming.

Zhou Shaojie frowned, "Even if he was reckless, Team Leader Nan, you broke his hand, didn't you do it too hard?"

"We are a group and will participate in the competition together in the future. His hand is broken now, which will definitely affect the subsequent training. How can he participate..."

Before Zhou Shaojie finished speaking, Nan Yan had already picked up Yin Yichen's hand.

Click, click twice, twisted all his dislocated parts back to their original positions.

After finishing it, Nan Yan warned slowly: "Forget it this time, next time you mess with me, be prepared to break your hand."

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