Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 65 Chest Pain

Zi Nu, the talker of Zi Lan Xuan, is also the apparent boss.

This name has become a household name in recent years. Not to mention the dignitaries who hang out in Zilanxuan every day, even ordinary people almost everyone knows that Zilanxuan has a beautiful and powerful mistress.

This naturally includes Mo Crow.

Zilanxuan suddenly became famous and rose to prominence in a very short period of time, which was abnormal in itself.

Ji Wuye will naturally pay attention, and the person responsible for the investigation is Mo Ya.

So Mo Ya knew very well how deep the water in Zilanxuan was, and he also knew how powerful the proprietress named Zi Nu was.

Luo Yan said that he had hooked up with the other party within a few days, so Mo Ya couldn't believe it.

But soon, Mo Crow believed it.

. . . . . . .

As evening approaches, lanterns have been hung on the small bridge in front of Zilanxuan. The light red halo illuminates the stream under the bridge, and you can see the fish swimming in it.

Mo Crow drove the carriage to a stop in front of the bridge.

Luo Yan jumped down, looked at Mo Ya who was still sitting on the carriage and did not move, and invited: "Brother Mo Ya, let's come together?"

"No sir, this place is not suitable for me."

Mo Ya shook his head and declined Luo Yan's kindness. At the same time, a solemn look appeared in his eyes as he looked at Zilanxuan. He was a little afraid of this place because he was slashed by a sword in it some time ago. , and was almost hacked to death.

He still remembered that night, he sneaked in to check the situation, and then he saw a long sword with a strange style and ferocious intent.

The person holding the sword was a young man with a stern appearance and sharp eyes.

Those eyes left a deep impression on Mo Ya.

In addition, there is a beautiful woman in purple clothes. The other person is also holding a soft sword that looks like a red chain snake. She is looking at him with a smile, her eyes are cold, and her posture is charming and enchanting, making people feel that she will die by her sword. It is also a happy thing.

Of course, Mo Crow didn't want to die yet, so he ran away.

But the psychological shadow remained.


When Luo Yan heard this, he didn't force anyone to do anything, and walked towards Zilanxuan himself.

After all, ordinary people are not lucky enough to endure a place like Zilanxuan.

But before crossing the bridge, at the entrance of Zilanxuan, a purple figure walked out with a twist of water snake waist. The huge fruit in front of her really made Luo Yan worried whether her slender waist could hold it.

Luo Yan had a smile on his lips, walked up to her, and said with a chuckle: "I haven't seen you for a day, and the landlady is even more beautiful."

Ripe beauties are always exciting.

Luo Yan's back was turned to Mo Ya, but the expression on his face became serious at a very fast speed. He looked at Zi Nu and said in a low voice: "Jianghu comes to the rescue, let's put on a show."

After saying that, he put his arms around Zi Nu's waist.

However, there were no other movements, not even any force on the palms of the hands, just a gentle hug, which did not make people feel too abrupt.

Zi Nu stiffened, and instinctively wanted to kick Luo Yan away, but after hearing Luo Yan's words, her eyes moved slightly, and she was smart enough to hold back her awkwardness, and glanced at Mo Crow from the corner of her eye.

She knew this crow, and he was Ji Wuye's henchman. Was Luo Yan being targeted by Ji Wuye?


What kind of play? !

Zi Nu thought about a lot of things for a while, but the time was obviously very short, and she couldn't even give her time to think.

Luo Yan hugged her and walked towards Zilanxuan.

Mo Ya looked at this scene with a dazed expression, blinking his eyes frequently, feeling incredible, even ridiculous, about the scene in front of him.

Just hugged her like that?

The woman who once left a psychological shadow on him was just embraced by Luo Yan? !

"Is he really his crush?"

Mo Crow couldn't help but murmured. For a moment, he didn't know whether to admire or complain. He always felt a little blocked in his heart.

As for whether the two knew each other before, Mo Ya thought it was unlikely.

Because Mo Ya also investigated on Luo Yan's side and found out that the other party came back with the Ninth Young Master Han Fei.

And the other party also has a "wife" and even a "child".

Luo Yan's behavior at Zilanxuan in the past few days has also been recorded, and the contact between the other party and Zinu does not seem to be acquaintance.

Think about it this way.

there is only one truth.

That is, Luo Yan really hooked up with the proprietress of Zilanxuan within a few days.

. . . . . . .

Mo Crow is in isolation.

Luo Yan also took advantage of the situation and loosened his arms around Zi Nu. He measured Zi Nu's waist based on his feeling. The size was very thin and could be grasped. He said that this kind of small waist is extremely tough. Jia, you can tell from his appearance that he has practiced dancing, no, he has practiced martial arts.

Although I was muttering in my heart.

Luo Yan's face was full of sadness and sadness, making Zi Nu unable to tell that this guy just wanted to take advantage of her.

"Are you being targeted by the general?!"

Zinu's purple eyes looked at Luo Yan's heavy expression and asked, this was the first time she had seen Luo Yan's expression in all the time she had known him.

He seems sad?

"Not only was I targeted, the three thousand gold that the Fourth Young Master gave me today was also snatched away by Ji Wuye."

Luo Yan squeezed his eyes hard, hoping to make them redder, but his acting skills were not good enough. He had not cried much since he was a child. He couldn't hold back the tears, so he could only say with a sad face.

"Fourth Young Master will give you three thousand gold?"

Zi Nu grasped the key point of the words and looked at Luo Yan with some confusion, wondering how Luo Yan got three thousand gold from Han Yu, the Fourth Young Master.

"The Fourth Young Master took a fancy to me, so he gave me three thousand gold as a capital for doing business. However, Ji Wuye was so inhumane that he immediately robbed me of my capital when he saw the money. Even I was attracted by him. I am too Difficult."

Luo Yan took a deep breath and said with a vicissitudes of life, then passed Zi Nu and walked upstairs.

If you are so high-profile and don't get noticed by Ji Wuye, you will be a ghost!

Zi Nu complained in her heart, but didn't take it seriously and continued to ask: "After meeting the Fourth Young Master Han Yu, you went to meet Ji Wuye again?!"

Zi Nu has not forgotten her mission. Now Luo Yan is at the center of the storm. She is very curious about who he met and what he did.

"Ji Wuye intercepted him in the middle of the way, but was rejected by me verbally. I felt that a person must have credibility, so he met with the Fourth Young Master first, and then went to visit Ji Wuye. He never expected that the dignified Korean general turned out to be Such people."

Luo Yan lowered his voice and cursed angrily.

The look of someone who wants to yell loudly but doesn't dare to, is perfectly acted.

Zinu believed it, and she was kind-hearted and sympathized with Luo Yan. She could see that Luo Yan didn't know how deep the Xinzheng water was, and he dared to come to Xinzheng to cause trouble because of his talent. Now Ji Wuye stared at it and was at a loss.

"So, boss lady, can you not charge me today? I don't have any money~"

Luo Yan said weakly and helplessly.

Hearing this, Zi Nu inexplicably felt that something was wrong, but she didn't react for a moment. She nodded slightly, but as soon as she finished nodding, the sympathy in her eyes solidified.

She responded.

"Then let's make an agreement. We are not allowed to go back on our word. Whoever goes back on our word is a puppy!"

Luo Yan was still a little frustrated at this moment. He blinked at the spoiled Zi Nu and joked, and then walked upstairs with brisk steps, just about to get a pair of wings.

"Luo Zhengchun!!"

The beautiful purple woman looked at Luo Yan with cold eyes, and whispered with some teeth grinding.

She was lied to again and taken advantage of.

Chest pain.

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