Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 561 Lu Buwei is gone

After explaining all the trivial matters about the Jade Tiger, before Luo Yan could go to Bai Jie to express his feelings, Li Si suddenly came to the door and made a suggestion that surprised Luo Yan.

"Do you want Marquis Wenxin to teach in the Academy?"

Luo Yan looked at Li Si who looked sincere in front of him and said with a strange expression.

To be honest, he didn't expect Li Si to say these words. Now that Lu Buwei can be said to be a trouble, Li Si actually leaned on him and even took the initiative to speak for him. That is Luo Yan. If it were Ying Zheng, Li Si's career would be estimated I have to endure the storm again.

But considering that Li Si didn't know about Lao Ai, this matter seemed a lot normal.

Lu Buwei still has abilities and talents.

In other respects, Luo Yan wouldn't mind squeezing out Lu Buwei's value, but when it came to the academy, he couldn't agree, because he first had to ensure the purity of the academy, at least at the beginning, and it had to be clean, and Ying Zheng couldn't let Ying Zheng Feel uncomfortable.

The disciples of the Academy are related to Luo Yan's future immortal golden body, and they must not be affected by Lu Buwei.

"Marquis Wenxin has been the prime minister for more than ten years, and his literary skills and military skills are not low. It would not be a pity if he is allowed to retire and return to his hometown. What's more, the academy has just been built. Once disciples are recruited next year, there will be a shortage of people in all aspects. If there are Wenxinhou With Marquis Xin’s help, this matter will definitely not be a problem, and Marquis Wen Xin’s connections in Qin are enough to save the academy countless troubles.”

Li Si nodded and said in a deep voice.

"Your proposal is good, but you seem to have overlooked one issue."

Luo Yan tapped his thigh lightly with his fingers and said softly.


Li Si looked at Luo Yan puzzledly, not understanding what Luo Yan meant. He proposed these things completely carefully and had no harm at all. Even if Ying Zheng didn't like Lu Buwei, Lu Buwei had already delegated his power and went to the academy to contribute. Isn't it good to put in the last effort?

Luo Yan nodded, met Li Si's gaze, and asked with a half-smile: "As Marquis Wenxin, once he enters the academy to teach, will the academy listen to him or me?"

"Listen to your Majesty."

Li Si was stunned, pondered for a moment, and said in a deep voice.

Hey, it's very clear, but unfortunately it's not clear enough.

Luo Yan shook his head and sighed softly: "The academy recruits disciples. These disciples will inevitably be distributed all over Qin in the future. They will become the cornerstone of Qin's great cause. Marquis Wenxin has resigned from his post, but his identity is here. The relationship between the DPRK and China is even more profound, and many high-ranking officials were promoted by him.

If Lu Buwei had not stayed away from Xianyang City and even entered the palace to teach, have you ever thought about what would happen in the future? "


Hearing this, Li Si felt a chill down his back. He understood what Luo Yan meant. Lu Buwei's resignation was to protect himself, but if he continued to teach in the academy, what would Ying Zheng think if the academy became too popular?

Especially when the relationship between the academy and Lu Buwei becomes more entangled, those disciples will be labeled as Lu Buwei, which is likely to cause many lasting sequelae.

It will also affect the future of the Academy.

The academy founded by Luo Yan must be kept clean.

"It's my subordinates who are troublesome."

Li Si lowered his head, bowed respectfully to Luo Yan, and said in a deep voice.

"Don't interfere too much in the affairs of the Academy."

Luo Yan said lightly, then lowered his head and served tea, indicating that Li Si could leave.

Li Si's eyes narrowed, he cupped his hands in response, turned around and walked out of the room.

"There are quite a lot of thoughts."

Luo Yan took a sip of tea and muttered in his heart.

Li Si suddenly wanted to get Lu Buwei into the academy. He obviously had some ideas about the future of the academy and wanted a share of the pie, but how could Luo Yan let him get what he wanted? The academy belonged to him alone, how could he let others divide it? cake.

He, Luo Yan, was not a saint, and he had selfish motives in founding the academy.

Luo Yan would never do anything that was harmful to others but not beneficial to himself.

Whatever you do must be good for you.

He is such a realistic person.

"Marquis Yueyang~"

Not long after Li Si left, Bai Jie, who was astonishingly ambitious, walked in with a light step and a touch of ladylike tenderness. Her long skirt wrapped her graceful body, her rosy lips parted lightly, and her voice was slightly indescribable. Facing Luo Yan's emotions, she couldn't remain calm after all.

Luo Yan watched Bai Jie enter the room, nodded, stood up and walked over, then skillfully closed the door tightly with his feet.

Then he walked towards Bai Jie step by step, with a gentle smile that a scholar should have.

It's just that in his actions, he seems a bit gentle and animalistic.

It’s not enough to talk to outsiders~

. . . . . . . . . . . .

A few days later, Lu Buwei set out to leave Xianyang City. When he left, the thousands of guests he had raised were reluctant to leave and saw him off with great fanfare. It seemed that everyone in Xianyang City wanted to know that Lu Buwei was leaving today. .

On top of a pavilion, Luo Yan watched this scene and couldn't help but sigh at Lu Buwei's power. If he hadn't taken the initiative to resign, Ying Zheng would have been in big trouble if he had other thoughts.

Fortunately, this did not happen. Lu Buwei's loyalty to Qin did not deteriorate. Even under Ying Zheng's initiative, he just gave in and did not choose to confront the enemy head-on.

Otherwise, Qin might really have to shake things up and give other countries an opportunity to take advantage of it.

"The letter has been sent."

Da Siming pushed open the door and came to Luo Yan's side with his long and alluring legs. He supported his slender waist with one hand and looked at Luo Yan with a very elegant look. His beautiful eyes were as cold as ice and he had a unique look. Her cold and arrogant attitude makes men quite eager to conquer.

Of course, Luo Yan doesn't have it, he knows everything.

"Well done."

Luo Yan turned around and leaned on the window edge, looking at the cold and charming Da Siming, and chuckled.

Da Siming didn't answer, and stood calmly aside, silently meeting Luo Yan's aggressive gaze. Some things would be fine once you get used to them.

The most painful thing is always the first time.

"Lu Buwei is gone, why don't you go see him off?"

Da Siming glanced at Luo Yan and asked.

Luo Yan tilted his head and looked at Da Siming as if he were an idiot: "Do you think there are many dignitaries who are going to see him off today?"

The king has never held a farewell party for Lu Buwei, how can they, the ministers, go to see him off.

Besides, these are all superficial efforts.

Those who wanted to see him off had already gone to see Lu Buwei in the past two days, including Luo Yan.

Luo Yan felt a little ashamed to accept Lu Buwei's "legacy". After all, the old guy had his reasons for being forced to leave, and Lu Buwei didn't know about these.

When I thought about how Lu Buwei once wanted to recruit him as his son-in-law, it was really inappropriate for him to plot against an old man like this.

The moral bottom line is getting lower and lower, but he doesn't feel ashamed. Everything is forced by life.

Luo Yan muttered in his heart, and then looked at the cold and arrogant Da Siming in front of him. He inexplicably thought that he had not taught her a lesson for several days. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand to pull her down to his side. Regardless of his resistance, he pressed her against the window sill. After a while, It was in the midst of Da Siming’s painful cries that he started to be whipped...

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