Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 553 It’s not good to teach bad children

Old Qin people never talk.

Luo Yan, who walked out of the Prime Minister's Mansion, thought of this sentence inexplicably in his mind. Qin people never like to push too much, and they never use their mouths when they can do something. This is a bit like the Northeastern Big Brother in later generations, and this sentence also explains what Qin The folk customs of the country, both in the past and now, are famous for their fierce tigers and wolves.

This has something to do with the history and culture of Qin.

The Qin State did not have the same Confucian culture as the Qi State. In addition, it later rejected Confucian preaching and constantly competed with the tribes in the northwest for territory. Naturally, the folk customs gradually became more straightforward and less roundabout.

The Qin State is able to achieve its current grand situation because it was made with the flesh and blood of the old Qin people.

As for the current situation, it is entirely because of the mistakes made by King Zhaoxiang back then, that is, the Bai Qi incident.

Bai Qi's death caused the Qin army to be depressed and defeated like a mountain. This incident made King Zhaoxiang extremely angry. He believed that the old Qin people only recognized Bai Qi but not him as the king, and had betrayed him. For this reason, he dismissed the state captain Sima Geng. He killed Sima Jin, who had complained about Bai Qi, and drove all the descendants and trusted generals of the Yicheng "Meng Xibai" and Xiayang Sima clan out of the army.

Later, Gongzi Hong broke out. He was unable to blame his grandfather. The only targets of his revenge were Prime Minister Fan Sui and the Guandong Shiqing. However, Gongzihong was a pure warrior. He could not defeat the machinations of the Guandong Shiqing and eventually fell into the trap. He fell into Fan Sui's trap and committed a major crime of rebellion. He should be executed according to the law. The Bai family and Sima family who were implicated will also be bloodbathed.

This incident almost caused hundreds of thousands of Qin soldiers in the Lantian camp to mutiny.

When King Zhaoxiang realized his mistake, it was too late. In order to make up for it, he dismissed Fan Sui, expelled some officials from Guandong, exiled Gongzi Hong, and imprisoned the Bai and Sima families. From then on, the king of Qin and the local elders This is how the gap between the Qin people came into being.

Later, the strength of the Chu clan gradually grew stronger. If Lu Buwei had not come to power to help, most of the people in the Qin State today would be from the Chu State.

Overall, it's a bit outrageous.

But some things are just like that, and they are always more magical and incredible than what you see in novels, because history is created by people, and you never know what those who created history were thinking in their heads during that time.

Human nature is sometimes terrible. There is no need to follow logical right or wrong when doing something, just do it on impulse!

And that's human beings, it's easy to be emotional.

Robots may only perform based on right or wrong, but humans will not.

"The destiny lies with Qin~"

After Luo Yan got on the carriage, he couldn't help but have this thought in his mind. The Qin State was really incredible. It seemed to have come into being at the right time, so brilliant, and finally bloomed like fireworks, and then disappeared into the night sky of history.

But the ideas left by Qin have influenced generations of China.

This is also the most precious thing in Qin.

Otherwise, the next generation may look like Europe or India.

"Oh, there's no such thing as fate, everything just depends on man-made things."

After thinking for a while, Luo Yan smiled mockingly and whispered to himself.

It may be a bit lucky for Qin to reach this point, but without the efforts of generations of Qin monarchs, how could it have reached this point.

It would be a bit ridiculous to attribute everything to fate.

Prime Minister's Mansion.

Lu Buwei clasped his hands behind his back and looked at the night sky full of stars. He had not enjoyed this leisurely and contented night for many years. Looking back on the past, he seemed to be completely immersed in the game of power. The life of all-powerful people is like a dream.

"Lü Yi, have you ever regretted following me to Qin and staying with me for more than thirty years?"

Lu Buwei turned to look at the old man beside him. Compared to him, Butler Lu was even more shaky and older, as if he had half a foot in the coffin.

"This old slave's life was saved by me. Without me, I would have died in a mass grave."

Butler Lu lowered his head and said respectfully.

"The grace of saving my life is not worth protecting me for thirty years."

Lu Buwei sighed softly.

"If the old slave thinks it's worth it, then it's worth it."

Butler Lu opened his half-closed eyes, looked at Lu Buwei, and said in a deep voice.

When Lu Buwei heard this, he smiled, with a bit of reminiscence in his eyes, as if he thought of the scene when he first met the other person. After a moment, he whispered to himself: "Yes, if you think it's worth it, then it's worth it."

How could he not be like this before? After more than thirty years in Qin Dynasty, he suddenly felt like a dream.

. . . . . . . . . .

Meeting the next day.

Early in the morning, Lu Buwei asked Ying Zheng to resign and no longer serve as the prime minister of Qin.

Ying Zheng looked at Lu Buwei for a while, without persuading him, he just agreed and rewarded him with many things.

This incident directly caused shock in the government and the public. Although many people had guessed the possibility, no one expected that it would happen so quickly. Lu Buwei, who had all the power in the government and the public, just stepped back without any nostalgia, leaving many waiting to see. The lively people were dumbfounded.

Those civil servants and generals who had been following Lu Buwei were also shocked and did not understand why Lu Buwei retreated so quickly.

They didn't even discuss the matter with them.

The boss surrendered directly. What would the younger brothers do?

That would be too hasty.

Xianyang Palace, back garden.

Ying Zheng was taking a walk here in a good mood, with Luo Yan accompanying him, and Zhao Gao and Gai Nie following behind.

Ying Zheng looked at the surrounding scenery, then his eyes fell on Luo Yan, and asked: "Sir, do you really have no idea about the position of prime minister?"

Lu Buwei has given up the throne. Next, the position of Prime Minister will become the center of the storm, and many people will covet it.

"Lack of energy, difficult to balance."

Luo Yan shook his head and said calmly.

The position of Prime Minister is of no value to him, but it is just the icing on the cake. Different people have different powers when they become Prime Minister.

Take Lu Buwei for example. He has been in power for more than ten years, relying on his ability and his own charisma to win over and cultivate a group of people.

What can Luo Yan do if he sits on it?

As a Chihuahua?

The position of Prime Minister needs to assist Ying Zheng. Without this ability and energy, things will easily go wrong. Luo Yan thinks that he is not capable enough and cannot hold this position firmly. He still has this self-knowledge.

"Forget it. Since you don't want it, sir, I will promise the position of Prime Minister to Lord Changping."

When Ying Zheng heard this, his expression did not change, and he said calmly, Lu Buwei gave way, and now the court has become a chessboard for Ying Zheng alone. People who were originally reluctant to move can now move. Lord Changping chose He, of course, he couldn't let Lord Changping get nothing.

After all, it’s just good control.

Ying Zheng will not let it happen again, similar to what happened to Lu Buwei.

"Changping-kun? He is indeed suitable for this position."

Hearing this, Luo Yan nodded in response, but he didn't say anything bad about Lord Changping. He had eaten up a lot of the good stuff from Lu Buwei's side, and it didn't matter whether he wanted the remaining ones or not.

You’ve got the best stuff, why do you still need to worry about these little things?

Think of this.

Luo Yan also told Ying Zheng about the conversation he had with Lu Buwei last night, which naturally included those about Luo Sheng. There was no need to hide these things from Ying Zheng, because he would know sooner or later. It would be better for him than others to tell him. Just confess.

Trust also needs to be cultivated and cannot be gnawed away forever.

"The snare? Since he handed it over to the master, he should be in charge of it."

When Ying Zheng heard this, he pondered for a moment and then decided not to ask questions. Since Luo Yan confessed these things to him, he would still give him the trust he deserved.

Besides, Dongchang and the Shadow Secret Guards are what Ying Zheng cares about more.

The two are the puzzle pieces of Qin's future.

Zhao Gao's eyes flickered when he heard this. According to Luo Yan, the snare was now completely in Luo Yan's hands. Except for the Tianzi-level killer, the best parts were swallowed up by Luo Yan.

To be honest, Zhao Gao was a little jealous. If Dongchang could annex Luo Wang, he could eat him into a big fat man.

But he obviously couldn't compete with Luo Yan.

"Li Si, the king also needs to be promoted. This person is very power-minded and needs to be given some sweeteners~"

Hearing this, Luo Yan nodded, then thought of Li Si and couldn't help but smile.


Ying Zheng was slightly startled, obviously not expecting Luo Yan to suddenly say such a sentence. After thinking for a moment, he responded: "Promote Li Si to the position of Zhonglang!"

"Is it too high?"

When Luo Yan heard this, he couldn't help but said that he promoted Li Si too high at once. He was worried that Li Si would drift away and not feel comfortable working for him, so he came to Ying Zheng to shake his tail.

In recent years, he has been unable to live without Li Si.

We are short of people!

"I like that "Book of Remonstrance and Expulsion of Guests" very much."

Ying Zheng said softly.

There is no doubt about Li Si's talent and ability. Although he has flaws, his flaws cannot be concealed.

"As for Li Si's character, just sharpen it slowly. I believe you have a solution."

Ying Zheng looked at Luo Yan and said softly.

I understand, I will assign a task to Li Sijia!

Luo Yan understood what Ying Zheng meant. As long as Li Si was busy enough, he wouldn't have the time to think about so many things. This thing is just like a husky. As long as you run around it as hard as you can and exhaust it, it won't make a fuss. .

I know!

However, Ying Zheng didn't understand what Luo Yan understood. He pondered for a moment and continued: "Sir, I would like to ask you to be Fusu's teacher to enlighten him, teach him, learn his karma and resolve his doubts."

Aren't you afraid that I might miss your son?

When Luo Yan heard this, he was a little surprised. He was still a little bit unsure about his level. He was not that good at teaching, but his ability to educate people was very strong. Ying Zheng suddenly wanted to hand over his son to him and let him educate him. This trust in Luo Yan The words are touching, but after being touched, there is pressure.

It’s not good to teach bad children.

But then I thought of Fusu's character in the original work...forget it, it can't be any worse.

A person who would commit suicide because of a false imperial edict has a character problem.

After all, Luo Yan was going to be the principal in the future. After a moment of silence, he raised his hands to Ying Zheng and said, "If your Majesty is not worried about my teaching ruining Fusu, I am willing to give it a try."

"Mr. Idiot!"

However, Ying Zheng was obviously more confident than Luo Yan and said in a deep voice.

Not far away, Gai Nie and Zhao Gao had different ideas. Fusu was Ying Zheng's first son, and they attached great importance to him. Now, the meaning is self-evident!


Luo Yan sighed in his heart, and immediately a question emerged in his mind.

What should Fusu call himself?

PS: The next chapter should be as long as possible. No need to wait. It might be after twelve o'clock. I'll read it tomorrow morning.

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