Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 434 To learn a foreign language

People these days are really idealistic.

Luo Yan stood under the moonlight, facing the icy cold wind, watching the six-fingered black man go away, with a little admiration deep in his eyes. It has to be said that no matter in any era, there will be some people who selflessly dedicate themselves to the world and righteousness. , this kind of people are very stupid but admirably stupid.

"I hope we have these things in this era~"

Luo Yan just wanted to give it a try. In the Qin Dynasty, the world had the power of heaven and earth, which was the so-called spiritual energy, so the yield of crops was not ridiculously low, and was better than those times in history.

Of course, it's just better.

After all, the destructive power of wars these days is far more exaggerated than in those eras in history.

Machine beasts, gunpowder, poison and other gadgets, each one has terrifying lethality.

High-intensity war is destined to strengthen the physique of soldiers. In this world, if ordinary soldiers want to strengthen their physique, they can only eat and absorb nutrients through food.

Neither external strength nor internal strength can be afforded by ordinary people.

Therefore, the slightly increased food production due to spiritual energy these days is actually still not enough. In order to meet the needs of the war, it is natural to plunder it from the private sector.

"It would be great if we could really find it..."

Luo Yan murmured. Although he was not a saint, just a common man, he would not be stingy with his hands if he could do it.

It is convenient for others and convenient for yourself.

If you want to live a luxurious life, how can you enjoy it with peace of mind if the people below are living a miserable life? ?

What's more, he didn't do anything about this matter at all, he just gave a clue and route.

Whether the Six-Fingered Black Man can find these things depends on luck, God's will, the structure of the world, and how much the Mo family can pay for these things.

Whether you can open the dungeon of riding the ocean horse depends on the performance of the Mo family this time!

Master, please help me realize my dream. I just want to learn English and miss my former teacher, who was my lost youth... Is there any English these days? !

No matter what, if you don’t understand it, it’s a foreign language.

Luo Yan murmured in his heart. After all, he had lived in modern times for nearly thirty years, and most of his memories were in modern times. It was impossible not to miss him.

"What are you thinking about? People have come to you and you haven't even noticed~"

Along with soft words, a beautiful figure appeared in his sight.

Yan Lingji is wrapped in a snow-white cloak, and her furry neckline moves with the wind. Under the moonlight, she looks even more beautiful. Her dreamlike eyes are as bright as stars. Just looking at her is a bit intoxicating. This is a beautiful woman. An irresistible woman.

"Thinking about how we got to know each other, bit by bit, I still remember that night, with the moonlight like this, you set me on fire~"

The moment Luo Yan looked at Yan Lingji, the melancholy in his heart dissipated involuntarily, but he still maintained the emotion of reminiscing in his tone. He looked at Yan Lingji and said softly.

At the same time, he reached out and hugged Yan Lingji into his arms, feeling the reality.

"Has it gotten bigger?"

Luo Yan felt it and couldn't help but say.

Yan Lingji's pretty face turned red, her beautiful eyes rolled her eyes at Luo Yan, and she retorted: "How can it become bigger~"

"Why won't it get bigger? Mine will get bigger."

Luo Yan said seriously, what he said was the truth.


Yan Lingji's beautiful eyes widened and she blinked, as if to confirm whether Luo Yan was serious.

Luo Yan was so thick-skinned that he hadn't broken his guard for a long time, and he looked at Yan Lingji with an innocent face.

"...I'll bite it off for you in one bite!"

Yan Lingji pursed her red lips, lightly scratched Luo Yan's chest with her fingers, opened it slightly, and spat lightly. Her beautiful eyes were a bit fierce and cute, and she glared at Luo Yan.

"It's a deal!"

A smirk appeared on Luo Yan's lips and he joked.

Yan Lingji blinked her eyes and reacted belatedly, but it was obviously too late. Luo Yan picked her up and walked towards the warm study.

"What are you going to do!"

Yan Lingji put her arms around Luo Yan's neck and said knowingly.

"Come on, so you have to study hard tonight, read carefully, hold the pen tightly, I'm going to teach you how to write!"

Luo Yan looked into Yan Lingji's soft, watery eyes and hummed.

"Master, do you have enough ink?"

Yan Lingji was no longer shy, and asked with a sweet smile. Xianglan confided, like a seductive fairy, leaning against Luo Yan's ear and whispering.

Luo Yan felt that he had been underestimated, sneered and quickened his pace.

The best rebuttal is to prove it with actual actions!

So that Yan Lingji can know how he, Luo Zhengchun, came to be!

It was all done with real skills, real materials, shot after shot, and there was no room for any fraud!

. . . . . . . . . .

The Six-fingered Black Man had already walked out of the Taifu's Mansion without encountering any obstacles along the way. After leaving the Taifu's Mansion, he hurriedly plundered in the distance without stopping at all, because the things in his arms were too large. It is so important that there is no room for error.

These are all the efforts of Luo Yan's late teacher.

How could the Six-fingered Black Man live up to Luo Yan's expectations and trust? This time when he returned, he mobilized all the strength of the Mo family and went to sea to find these things at all costs.

As long as you can find it, it doesn't matter how much you pay.

For the sake of all people in the world!

The Mohist belief is to save the world and love the world. This is the Mohist belief!

The entire journey was silent.

The Six-Fingered Black Man quickly returned to the Mo family's stronghold in Xianyang City, letting him go all the way, and soon entered the back room. At the same time, another important figure from the Moh family also appeared.

Ben master.

A descendant of Mozi, except for the giants of the Mohist family, one of the highest-status people in the Mohist family, and a master of non-attack mechanics.

When it comes to organ skills alone, the Mohist family is absolutely the leader.


In addition to Mr. Ban, there were two other Mohist disciples who were responding. The three of them were relieved to see the giant return safely and unharmed.

After all, what the Six-Fingered Black Man is going to do tonight is somewhat risky.

"Get ready, we are leaving Xianyang City now, and then we will go to Jing Lake."

The six-fingered black man looked at Master Ben and said softly.

"Jinghu? Big man, are you injured?!"

Master Ban was stunned for a moment, and then asked nervously.

Now the Mo family is supported by the giant alone. If something happens to him, the consequences will be quite serious, and the Mo family may even collapse.

There is no way around it. Although the Mohist family has a great reputation among other schools of thought, its talents are really scarce.

There are really very few people available.

There is no comparison with a big family like the Yin Yang Family and the Tao Family.

Because the Six-Fingered Black Man has always held the idea of ​​​​preferring lack rather than excess, he will not accept anyone who has different ideas. In addition, he has been helping weak countries against strong ones all the time, resulting in many casualties...

To put it simply, it is easy to be cheated in this profession of being a good guy.

The Six-Fingered Black Man's ability to survive for so many years is entirely due to his tough luck and excessive cultivation.

"I'm fine. I just went to deliver some things...to fulfill an agreement."

The six-fingered black man shook his head, paused, and said softly.

Luo Yan asked him to help contact the descendants of the medical family and asked them if they were willing to go out to teach medical skills. The State of Qin was willing to establish a medical school for the medical family to specialize in training doctors. There was no need to participate in disputes between countries. It only needed to treat diseases and save people, organize medical skills, and innovate. Prescriptions and so on.

In order to express his sincerity, Luo Yan even took out two precious medical books left by his teacher as gifts.

Ask the Six-Fingered Black Man to be a lobbyist for a while.

The Six-Fingered Black Man agreed.

In addition, Luo Yan also invited the Six-Fingered Black Man, hoping that the Mo family could join the academy and preserve the knowledge of the Mo family for the world to learn from. To this, the Six-Fingered Black Man agreed.

But only in terms of concepts.

As for martial arts and mechanism skills, Six-Fingered Black Man has not agreed and is unlikely to agree.


Master Ban was slightly stunned. He looked at the Six-fingered Black Man and scratched his head with his mechanical arm. He seemed a little confused about what agreement the Six-Fingered Black Man had reached with the other party, and why he needed to rush to Jinghu Lake in such a hurry.

Could it be to save people?

The doctor has a very bad temper, and it depends on his mood to save people, so he is not easy to hire.

"In addition, recall the Mohist disciples from the seven countries and ask them to return to the city immediately!"

The Six-Fingered Black Man pondered for a moment and continued.


Master Ban and the two Mohist disciples behind him were also stunned.

"Yes, everything!"

The six-fingered black man said in a deep voice without any hesitation.

"Why all of a sudden?"

Master Ban frowned and couldn't help but ask.

He didn't understand why the Six-fingered Black Man suddenly made such a decision after meeting the other party.

Could it be that the giant succeeded in persuading the other party?

But there is no need to transfer back the Mohist disciples within the Seven Kingdoms.

The Mohist giant, Six Finger Black Man, did not answer. He just turned around and imagined the freezing night scene outside the door. He seemed to be thinking of the hungry and cold people, and said in a deep voice:

"Because we have more important things to do, more important than our lives..."

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