Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 407 The prototype of Dongchang

The next day.

Luo Yan was still in high spirits after working hard all night. He didn't know whether it was the sequelae of the Three Ultimate Gu Mother Gu or his own high energy. However, he was not sleepy at all, his eyes were bright, his energy was wanton, and he looked like he could still fight for 300 rounds.

In fact, to describe this state in professional terms, it is entering estrus.

Just like women have a few days a month when they are weak and visit relatives, the same is true for men, there are a few days a month when they are full of energy and strength.

What's more, Luo Yan, an eighteen-year-old strong man who possesses the Three Ultimate Gu Mother Gu.

In fact, it is no longer appropriate to say that he is eighteen years old, because the year is approaching and Luo Yan has been in this world for more than half a year and will soon become a nineteen-year-old boy.

"Time flies so fast~"

Luo Yan sighed inwardly, and at the same time, he couldn't help but look at the Jing Salamander who was feeding Xiao Yan'er some porridge not far away.

Wearing a plain skirt, her face without any makeup showed a bit of coldness, and her temperament was extremely cold. However, at this moment, a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Xiao Yan'er in her arms with a bit of tenderness. Now that her life has settled down, her body The killer aura is getting weaker and weaker, while the life aura is getting heavier and heavier.

There is no gentle charm in the cold temperament.

It’s getting prettier~

It’s all my fault!

Luo Yan looked at the beautiful and effervescent Jing Salamander, and he felt shamelessly taking credit for it.

Jingyu naturally noticed Luo Yan's gaze and didn't pay attention at first. However, Luo Yan kept staring at her, which made her raise her head and look over, thinking that something was wrong with Luo Yan.

“It’s so beautiful~”

Luo Yan's little mouth seemed to be covered with honey, and he looked directly at Jing Salamander and praised it.

Jingli twitched the corner of his mouth and seemed a little speechless. Unexpectedly, Luo Yan was staring at her because of this. He glanced helplessly at the nymphomaniac Luo Yan, lowered his head again, and looked at Xiaoyan in his arms. Xiao Yan'er continued to take care of Xiao Yan'er for breakfast quietly and elegantly.


Luo Yan swallowed the millet porridge very quickly, then moved his buttocks, stretched out his hands to insert his hands into Xiao Yan'er's creaking nest, and hugged Xiao Yan'er who was sitting in front of her under the confused gaze of Jing Salamander. In his arms.

While playing with Xiao Yan'er's fleshy little face, she looked at her mother with a smile.

Xiao Yan'er's bright black eyes blinked, and she raised her head slightly to stare at the strange dog holding her. She didn't understand why the strange dog was staring at her mother.

The Jing Salamander stopped feeding and stared at Luo Yan calmly, as if to say: What exactly do you want to do?

"Do you want to play in Luowang?"

Luo Yan did not challenge Jingshao's patience and chuckled.

Jing salamander was slightly stunned and looked at Luo Yan with some confusion, not understanding what Luo Yan meant by this sentence.

"Didn't we make an agreement before? I will take you to Luo Wang's base camp when I have the opportunity. Last night, I was killed by the Six Sword Slaves in the sun. Lu Buwei owes me a favor. I can persuade the King of Qin, um... To put it simply, now I am qualified to join the trap and become one of its controllers.”

Luo Yan organized his words and then spoke slowly. Then he felt that the detailed introduction was a bit complicated and Jingli didn't necessarily want to know, so he just summarized it directly.


Hearing this, Jing Sala looked at Luo Yan with some confusion. In just over half a year, she felt like she was riding a roller coaster.

Life has its ups and downs.

From being chased by a snare to where he is now, Jing Salamander feels like he's in a dream.

There was silence for a moment.

Jing Salamander shook his head slightly, his beautiful eyes a little gentler, he looked at Luo Yan and said softly: "I don't want to have any more contact with Luo Wang."

"I guess that's what you'd say."

Luo Yan smiled, not surprised by Jing Salad's words. Jing Salad had wanted to live a peaceful life from the beginning and had no other thoughts.

"I will take care of things on the Luowang side, and we will live a good life from now on."

As he spoke, Luo Yan held Xiao Yan'er high in his arms.

However, Xiao Yan'er's personality was similar to that of her mother. She was very quiet at a young age, and her expression didn't change much when she was lifted up. She was neither happy nor afraid, and her bright black eyes were like gems, staring at Luo Yan.


Jingyu's eyes became gentler and he responded softly. Then he hesitated and added: "If something happens, don't hide it from me."

"...No, you are the closest person to me in this world."

Luo Yan was stunned when he heard this, then stretched out his hand to hold Jing Salamander's hand and said softly.

The Frightened Salamander is, after all, something special to Luo Yan.

During the most difficult days, they supported each other to reach this point.

If it weren't for Jing Salamander, Luo Yan wouldn't have integrated into the world so quickly, and his strength wouldn't have improved so quickly. He might even have died in Korea.

Hearing this, Jing Salamang's beautiful eyes were blank for a while. He looked at the hand held by Luo Yan for a long time and nodded slightly.

Xiao Yan'er tilted her head and looked at her mother and the strange man.

. . . . . . . . .

Xianyang Palace.

There was no court meeting today, so Luo Yan naturally entered the palace to discuss last night's affairs with Ying Zheng, meet Zhao Ji by the way, and ask Zhao Gao what he thought of Luo Wang.

Yong Temple.

Luo Yan gave Ying Zheng a general explanation of the conversation with Lu Buwei last night and Lu Buwei's attitude.

Ying Zheng listened to Luo Yan's words calmly, and then did not get too entangled in this matter. It was a scandal involving his mother, and he just wanted to eliminate it as soon as possible. Besides, as an emperor, he needed to consider It is more about the future of Qin and its own control of the empire.

"I want to form a private army. I only need to be responsible for myself and monitor the world, but I have the power of life and death. I kill first and then report. What do you think, Taifu?"

Ying Zheng looked at Luo Yan and repeated what he had said to Gai Nie last night, hoping to see Luo Yan's opinion on the matter.


When Luo Yan heard this, he immediately understood. In the original work, the Shadow Guards were the escort of Ying Zheng, and they were also similar to the Jinyi Guards of the Ming Dynasty. If Luo Sheng was a killer organization secretly, then the Shadow Guards were on the surface and possessed The formal organization of killer license.

Power is also above the net and has a special status.

"The king's idea coincides with that of the minister. The reason why I came here today is for this matter. The king is about to take charge, but his control over the Qin State is not complete. Now we urgently need ears and eyes. This kind of private military power to monitor the world If necessary, this can strengthen the king's control over all parties in the Qin State, and at the same time protect the king's safety."

Luo Yan took advantage of the situation and said to Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng's safety is still under Lu Buwei's care, how can this be done?

How could Luo Yan get to the top if he didn't kick Lu Buwei away?

"I think so too. Unfortunately, I have too few available people around me now."

Ying Zheng said with a somewhat dull expression.

This kind of private army must be extremely loyal to him, and Ying Zheng currently has too few people available. Luo Yan obviously cannot be responsible for this. As for Gai Nie... let's not mention it.

"This matter is not urgent. The first thing that needs to be considered now is the safety of the palace. I have a suggestion. I would like to select loyal chamberlains in the palace to form a group of private troops responsible for the king. I will use them for the time being and wait until a suitable one is found in the future. The candidates are then slowly transformed into the private army the king needs."

Luo Yan said slowly, and at the same time began to introduce the benefits of the East and West Second Factory.

"The servants in the palace can only be responsible to the king and the queen mother. The king's words can determine their life, death, glory and wealth. Therefore, at this stage, their loyalty to the king is definitely more than that of outsiders, and they are also the most suitable for the king. Men."


Ying Zheng was slightly stunned at first, and then he thought about it carefully. He felt that Luo Yan's idea was a bit clever.

"In addition, this suggestion is also to prevent the private army from having too much power in the future. The two can supervise each other and maintain a balance. This also facilitates the king's control."

Luo Yan said seriously.

"This is a very good idea, Taifu, so I will follow what Taifu said."

Ying Zheng also had a smile on his face. He looked at Luo Yan with bright eyes and asked, "Sir, if you say so, you should have someone in mind."

"Of course, the king must have guessed it."

Luo Yan looked at Ying Zheng and said softly.

"Zhao Gao at the Queen Mother's side? This man is really good, and Wu Sui has not yet been rewarded."

Ying Zheng nodded, having made up his mind about the candidates. After speaking, he looked at Luo Yan and continued to ask, "Can the Grand Master name this private army?"

"The East and West factories are responsible for the safety and security of the palace, supervising the officials, and the west factory is responsible for monitoring the world, gathering intelligence, etc. The two monitor each other. In the future, they can be divided according to the actual situation."

Luo Yan was full of bad taste in his heart, but he spoke seriously on his face.

"The name East Factory is acceptable, but West Factory is fine..."

Ying Zheng glanced at Luo Yan with a strange look. He felt that the master's naming skills were a bit poor. What the hell were these names? However, Ying Zheng was very cultured and knew how to save some face for Luo Yan. Anyway, Dong The factory is in charge of the palace, and its name means nothing. As for the West Factory.

In front of the world, this name is really embarrassing to Qin.

After all, Ying Zheng is still a young man who wants to lose face.

"I also gave this private army a name last night, Shadow Guards. What do you think, Master?"

After saying that, Ying Zheng looked at Luo Yan with a bit of teasing and smile in his eyes.

No matter how I looked at it, I couldn't tell that Secret Guard sounded good.

Your Majesty doesn’t understand my taste~

Luo Yan muttered in his heart.

"It's better than Chen's."

Luo Yan chuckled, and at the same time he laughed in his heart: Zhao Gao, the future governor of the East Factory? !

Just thinking about it makes me happy.

Ying Zheng smiled and discussed the details, personnel composition, etc. with Luo Yan. Who made Ying Zheng have too little control over the palace? As the King of Qin, how could he not be anxious?

"By the way, in the case of Zhao Gao, the Queen Mother may not let him go."

Ying Zheng suddenly thought of something and couldn't help but said to Luo Yan.

Zhao Gao is also the man who set up the trap, and he is also the most important subordinate and confidant around Queen Mother Zhao Ji.

"Your Majesty, there is no need to worry about this matter. The Queen Mother's attitude last night said everything."

Luo Yan didn't feel any pressure at all and said softly.

He already has a plan.

Leave Luo Yan to Luo Yan.

If Dongchang is handed over to Zhao Gao, it must be a brand-new and powerful new organization. It is an organization built by himself. It is definitely very attractive to Zhao Gao, even more than Luo Sheng.

As long as Zhao Gao is interested in power.

Luo Yan was really worried about this half-brother.

PS: I’m coding, don’t rush, my head is already hanging from the beam~

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