Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 141 After the Fall

It turns out.

Madam Mingzhu was far more interested in him than Han Wangan was.

At this moment, Luo Yan, who was sitting on his knees in the Baixiang Hall of Madam Mingzhu's palace, sighed helplessly in his heart. At the same time, he felt that it was unreasonable for South Korea to survive. He, Luo Yan, not only knew how to paint, he also had great talents. Great talent could not attract Han Wangan, but other aspects attracted Madam Mingzhu.

Madam Mingzhu didn't seem to have enough fun with him last time, and she came to him again half a month later.

What does Mrs. Pearl want to do this time? !

Luo Yan felt a little uneasy, but also vaguely expected.

He has all the bitches a man should have, so he clearly knows that Mrs. Mingzhu is a dangerous and vicious woman, but there is still some uncontrollable expectation in his heart, hoping that Mrs. Mingzhu will play with him.

It's like someone who likes bungee jumping. They know that if the rope is broken, they will definitely die, but they still like to jump.

Enjoy the excitement.

The ending is not important, what is important is the process.

"You're a bitch!"

Luo Yan made an internal evaluation of himself. Although he was thinking wildly, he maintained the formality and etiquette that a scholar should have on his face.

Without squinting his eyes, he knelt down in front of the table upright, with his back straight, and drank tea calmly.

This is a set of methods for self-defense.

Luo Yan has an advantage, that is, he can learn quickly.

"Da da~"

Not long after Luo Yan waited, the sound of crisp footsteps came from not far away. It was clearer than the sound of purple women's high heels. It was like the impact of jade, crisp, sweet, and rhythmic. It seemed that every step controlled the rhythm.

When Luo Yan heard the sound, he suddenly felt a terrible omen sweep over him, with a threatening momentum.

Mrs. Mingzhu is still wearing the dark purple tube top dress with lace decorations on the cuffs and arms. She is elegant and enchanting. The hem of the skirt shrinks sharply, outlining perfect curves and highlighting the outlines of various parts. She seems to be stretching herself The proud side is highlighted.

There is no trace of shyness, and she is extremely proud, as if she is deliberately showing off, like a queen.

The black silk is like a waterfall, and a few strands with pearls sway gently as she moves, giving her a noble aura.

The neck is long and slender, like a white swan that has always been proud. There is a round pearl hanging on the delicate collarbone. Looking further down, it is not allowed to look directly at it, as it is insulting to elegance.

I, Luo Yan, am a scholar!

Luo Yan took a deep look for a few times, then stood up "at a loss", lowered his head very respectfully and shyly, not daring to look directly at Mrs. Mingzhu's figure, bowed deeply, and said respectfully: "Zhengchun has seen her before Madam, I wish you eternal blessings and eternal youth!"

"Da da~"

The tall and proud Mrs. Mingzhu walked up to Luo Yan and stopped. A fragrance came with the wind, which was charming but not vulgar, yet lingering, as if it was teasing the deepest desires in your heart.

"Enjoy eternal blessings and eternal youth? Sir, your words are still so interesting~"

Madam Mingzhu reached out and waved away the maid behind her. At the same time, she stretched out her slender jade finger, and the nail of her index finger gently scratched the back of Luo Yan's hand. Her narrow and charming eyes were smiling and full of interest. She poured out the pandan, bent slightly, and her words seemed to be It sounds like it's ringing in the ears, soft and sultry.

"Zhengchun is not joking, this is Zhengchun's most sincere blessing to his wife!"

Luo Yan did not dare to stand up and look directly at Mrs. Mingzhu's face. He seemed to be "afraid" of Mrs. Mingzhu. He even took a step back and said again with his hands in hand.

And during the conversation between the two.

The maid had already walked out of the hall and locked the door of the hall.

At this moment, the word "big evil" was almost stuck on Luo Yan's forehead.

"Sir, you seem to be afraid of me?"

Mrs. Mingzhu looked at Luo Yan who was afraid of her, her eyes blinked slightly, her long eyelashes trembled, her flirtatious charm flowed, her lips moved slightly, and she said with interest, and at the same time she directly slid her fingers on the back of Luo Yan's hand, It seems that using nails alone is boring.

Itchy feeling~

For a moment, Luo Yan felt goosebumps rising, and he inexplicably remembered a massage technique called acupressure in his previous life.

I never expected that Madam Mingzhu would be a master in this way!

"No, this is not fear, this is respect. Confucius said: To restrain oneself and return to propriety is benevolence!"

Luo Yan was as reserved as a Confucian scholar, speaking in a neither humble nor overbearing manner, with traces of righteousness in his words.

"According to what the gentleman said, is it possible that the gentleman has lust for this lady in his heart?"

Madam Mingzhu slowly retracted her finger, her beautiful eyes moved slightly, and she asked in surprise.

"Beauty is what people want. My wife's beauty is unparalleled in ancient times and today. Zhengchun saw her only a few times in her life, so she didn't dare to get close to her. The Master said: Don't look at her if it's not polite, don't listen to her if it's not polite, don't say anything that's not polite, don't move if it's not polite!"

Luo Yan looked upright and spoke with reason.

It's not my fault, it's just that the lady is so beautiful, so beautiful that I have distracting thoughts.

Mrs. Mingzhu's beautiful eyes were smiling more and more, and she seemed to think it was very interesting to make Luo Yan lustful. Not only did she not feel shy, but her voice became softer, teasing and plaintive: "No wonder it's so difficult for you to teach me how to paint. I don't want to ask you." When you enter the palace, sir, you will just pretend that this is no longer the case~"

"Zhengchun doesn't dare!"

Luo Yan's whole body tensed up and he seemed a little nervous.

This nervousness was not fake, he was really a little nervous. He felt that Mrs. Mingzhu wanted to eat him.

Just like the black widow in the animal world, she is beautiful and vicious, weaving a cobweb that attracts people, waiting for Luo Yan to fall into it, and then naturally eat her alive.

"Then sir, let me tell you, am I more important in your heart or are the Confucian ones~"

Madam Mingzhu's voice became more and more gentle, her beautiful eyes were smiling, and she spoke softly.

"As important!"

Luo Yan replied without thinking.

Mrs. Mingzhu was obviously dissatisfied with the answer and continued: "I can only choose one."

Luo Yan hesitated and shut up. It seemed that this question was difficult for him to answer. He was so entangled that he didn't know what to say for a while.

Mrs. Mingzhu was not in a hurry, she just looked at Luo Yan and waited for Luo Yan's answer.

She had a whole day to play with Luo Yan.

Mrs. Mingzhu is very interested in Luo Yan. The most important thing is that Luo Yan is very interesting. Playing with it is different from the dead animals she used to play with. There is a sense of novelty in hunting, which makes her enjoy slowly playing with Luo Yan. opening process.

Mrs. Mingzhu is very patient.

Luo Yan naturally has more patience, not to mention he is still young and has quite good waist strength.

As for Mrs. Mingzhu, Luo Yan didn't believe that she could last longer than him with two heavy fruits.

After a while.

As expected, Mrs. Mingzhu lost her patience. She gently supported her waist with her slender hands and stood up slowly. She looked at Luo Yan who was hanging his head in silence with her narrow eyes. For a moment, she felt that Luo Yan was a boring gourd who couldn't even say a few nice words. Can't you tell?

Could it be that Confucian scholarship is really more important than myself?

And at this time.

Luo Yan spoke with difficulty: "Madam is important!"


Mrs. Mingzhu's eyes flashed slightly, and she felt inexplicably happy for a moment. She felt that Luo Yan was not telling lies. After all, if he was really telling lies, he would obviously not hesitate for so long. This answer must have been given after careful consideration.

In the heart of a scholar, she is actually more important than Confucian academics. This is a novel feeling for Mrs. Mingzhu.

After all, in the eyes of many people, she is just a victim in the power struggle.

No one cares about her happiness.

They will pursue power, and Mrs. Mingzhu gradually understands the importance of power. As long as she confuses King Han in the palace, her words will represent South Korea's attitude.

Mrs. Mingzhu looked at Luo Yan, who was bending down in front of her, and felt a little mocked for a moment.

The relatives and friends around me are worse than an outsider.

Luo Yan suddenly aroused some thoughts, and Mrs. Mingzhu was no longer in the mood to play with Luo Yan. Her tone was no longer soft and flirty, but more dignified: "Sir, please get up. I'm just asking you to come here to paint!"

Do you believe this? !

If it was really just about teaching painting seriously, would it have been so exciting last time?

Luo Yan complained in his heart, but he stood up obediently. At the same time, he looked at Mrs. Mingzhu, and their eyes met.

A cool and noble pair.

A serious pair.

What sparks will this create? !

Of course, everything is fine.

Luo Yan pretends to be serious, while Mrs. Mingzhu pretends to be dignified.

Both of them started painting seriously, but Luo Yan was painting, while Mrs. Mingzhu was posing.

Take this opportunity.

Luo Yan began to observe Mrs. Mingzhu from all angles, and at the same time secretly compared herself with other women. Compared with Zi Nu, Mrs. Mingzhu was obviously more like a royal sister. This charm was not caused by Zi Nu's heavy makeup and pretended temperament. What can be compared is the feeling of a royal sister that radiates from the bones.

The influence of years and complex experiences have allowed Mrs. Mingzhu to develop this charm, which is very charming.

"It's a pity that she is Han Fei's stepmother. I can't call her, Auntie, I don't want to work hard anymore?"

While Luo Yan was painting, he began to have random thoughts in his mind.

People of this generation don't seem to understand the term aunt, but women like Mrs. Mingzhu are obviously not the kind of people who can be deceived by a few words.

Even if you get this kind of woman's body, you can't get her heart.

If the trick with Mrs. Mingzhu is exposed, the consequences will be disastrous.

So Luo Yan doesn't plan to play tricks, he plans to be pure and innocent. Generally, such dangerous aunties will not bully innocent little puppies.

It stands to reason.

There are exceptions to everything, but you have to give it a try.

While Luo Yan was "concentrating" on painting, Mrs. Mingzhu was also looking at Luo Yan in a daze. What Luo Yan just said brought back some thoughts and memories to her.

When she was young, Mrs. Mingzhu was very similar to Princess Honglian. She was also naive and romantic, but the reality was always cruel.

Slowly she became a trendy succubus and the Pearl Lady.

And this road is littered with corpses.

Just to control your own destiny.

Madam Mingzhu's eyes gradually regained their composure, her beautiful eyes came back to attention, and she looked at Luo Yan, who was still painting. He was very "clean" and his eyes were "pure", but she didn't like these things very much. She had a feeling of ruin. These impulses.

An inexplicable thought emerged in her mind: she wanted to see what Luo Yan would look like after he fell.

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