Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 799: Facheng

"Chen Yu, how brave you are!"

Guo Kejing couldn't afford to offend Xue Tuo, so he could only bury his grandson in his head, but he was so frightened that the other party was walking here, and he couldn't help anger: "Everyone is on standby in front of you, but you are absent in private, just follow me Go to pay with the general! "

He reached out and grabbed a large hand formed of water and gas from the void, and was about to be captured over a dozen feet away.

Aquaman's Grappler!

Gu Yi glanced and grabbed in the void, also jumping out of a light blue big hand.


The two giant hands collided, regardless of the outcome, and turned into drizzle, rising in succession. Guo Kejing hesitated, he didn't have time to think about it, and his heart furiously ran up, "Unscrupulous! Can't you catch it now?"

He opened his mouth, and more than a dozen Tao Gengjin swords cut through the void and whistled away.

Gu Ji made the same move again, hey! A large amount of Gengjin sword gas hedged, and the turbulent air flow was like a sharp blade with a razor-sharp blade that destroyed the trees and rocks.


Guo Kejing stopped moving and looked at each other in amazement.

During the gas recovery period, the disciples at most sprayed three or five gengjin qi, and only in the period of concentration could they exert more power. He glanced carefully and drew a **** in his heart, "When did you break through?"

"Just now."

Gu Min jumped from Qingshi and smiled, arching his hand: "I have been studying here for the past few days. Fortunately, I have done it. I also want to thank the Minister for mentioning it."

Once promoted to the gods, you do not need to be a disciple, but a solid force under the Taoist system. Although there is no instruction, they are equal in principle.


Guo Kejing's face was red and white, shameless.

However, the two Taoists who came along looked at each other. If they were enlightened disciples, they took it, but their demeanor was different, and they looked at each other very young, had a bright future, and it was even more inconvenient to offend.

"This Daoist, the general has been waiting in front of me, and seeing that the roster is lacking, he sent us to investigate. If you are okay, it is best to follow us back to Luanming one or two."

"Oh, bothers are bothering, it will take a while."

Gu Yi said, turned around and looked at the waterfall that flowed down.

Mo is weaker than water in the world, and the strong can win. For its weakness, Gein is ever-changing; for its strength, because of its ever-changing nature, it is not limited to form ...

The meaning of this law was clear to him three years ago, but his state was too low to bear. Now promoted and condensed, it is precisely to strike iron while hot.

He looked at the waterfall that was no longer familiar to him, and suddenly a strange feeling came to his heart, as if he had no form, and could change as he wished.

This is the meaning of law.

Gu Yan instantly understood.

Surgery, in fact, is the use of tools like swords; the meaning of law is a preliminary understanding of rules. If you have the meaning of the law in your heart, you will be able to comprehend the Taoism, and then you will be able to show the grandeur of the world between the heavens and the earth.

"I have been sitting under the waterfall for three years, and you have been with me for three years. Now that you want to leave this place, why don't you see the wide world with me?"

Gu Yi smiled, and his big sleeve waved, the French and Italian inspired the Qi, and the French and the French merged with the Qi, and the two merged with the waterfall.

The law moves by shape, is born by the situation, the five actions are based on the essence, the law is from the heart ... The waterfall is no longer dead in his eyes, but a living dragon struggling to escape from the cage!

This is what it looks like! Its potential!

"what is this?"


Guo Kejing and the two monks stepped back together, looking up stunned. The good water of the waterfall suddenly surged as if there was life.

Top to head, end to tail, a huge head quickly formed, covered in scale armor, and four feet on the abdomen ...


The Milky Way hangs upside down, and the water screams dragons. A water dragon as high as the green hill shakes its head and swings its tail. And the waterfall that has not flowed for many years has finally stopped, leaving only a smooth and flat crystal wall.


Gu Yue jumped into the water dragon and laughed: "Three, I'll go one step ahead!"


"Someone understands Fa?"

Before Lu Ming watched, Xue Tuo, who had been waiting impatiently, suddenly looked up and looked back at the mountain, and saw a waterline dragon about 30 feet long flying in the sky, with a figure standing on his head, like a boy. appearance.


He narrowed his eyes, grabbed a tall horse next to him, and smashed it like a stone thrower.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

The horse was so scared that it scrambled around, watching his body rush towards the other side uncontrollably.

"What the hell?"

Gu Yan saw a large face that was scared into an expression pack alive from afar. He couldn't help but sigh, but immediately felt an unreasonable pressure.

The horse weighed at most, but the momentum he felt was slamming down on himself like a towering mountain.

"Oh? Is it French?"

This kind of thunderous weight, once face to face, knew the other party's realm, he did not dare to connect it, but jumped off the faucet and waved his hands.


The water dragon suddenly turned into a sky full of water and gas. Countless drops of water undulated in the air, followed the drops and hurriedly flew towards the black horse.

puff! The sky was full of blood, and the black horse could not die anymore, but its heavy weight smashed it down, and only a part of the water droplets were scattered.

Mountain smashing dragons can be killed. How can mountain smashing rain?


As the black horse's body fell to the ground, a terrible pit was smashed, Gu Min also reached out, and the water droplets condensed into a water dragon again, and slid into the body.

In a short time, a deep blue rune in the sea was shining, which meant that this method, which was N times stronger than water dragon art, had become.


The audience was silent, Xue Tuo shot too suddenly, and the next development was even more sudden, so that everyone had not turned.

Gu Yan stunned his shirt, strode forward, and Xue Tuo drove the horse, looked at him for a while, and asked, "You are Chen Yu?"

"Back to General, it is me."

"When is the breakneck?"


"When do you realize the meaning of the law?"

"Just now."


The audience exploded instantly, and Long Yunfeng and others widened their eyes, it was incredible.

There is an essential difference between the period of consciousness that comprehends the meaning of the law and the period of consciousness that does not understand the meaning of the law. To what extent? It ’s you holding a 98k with a high-power lens. I do n’t ...

"I have already given orders, and today I will rush to Lu Mingguan to let everyone be on standby, but you are absent without permission."

Xue Tuo's tone sank suddenly and his murderousness pervaded. "You know the military order is like sky, the offender is cut?"

"It's just a roll call. I think it's important to upgrade."


Xue Tuo stared at him for a while, and everyone laughed when he thought he was going to explode on the spot. "Okay! There is always a decent figure in this shabby place!"

He actually stopped paying attention and waved high, "Keep moving on!"


Xue Tuo's army has 10,000 people and belongs to partial divisions.

His task is to go to the south of the Eastern Yuan Dynasty, cooperate with the main attack, and stop the fugitives by the way. This road passed through many palace views, all of which were to recruit troops on the spot. When they reached the border of the Eastern Yuan Dynasty, there were already more than 100 monks.

The highest one is the period of getting out of trouble, don't belittle it. There are five realms in total, and getting out of the way is already a first-rate master.

Xue Tuo is a master and knows the military affairs, which is extremely rare. He divided two small teams of three hundred people, each team took two corner strongholds, and took the main force straight to the atrium.

Therefore, the army was divided into three parts. Gu Ye and Lu Mingguan's friends were on the left. The goal was to win the county town in front of them—Qingyun County.

"Well, it's also the big girl who got into the sedan head. This fight is really different from the fight."

On the hills outside the north of the city, Gu Rong looked at Qingyun County on horseback and muttered.

Dongyuan and Zhenyang are close to each other. The county wall is thick and there are also defensive prohibitions. The monks of the local Taoist temple have been retracted into the city, and the walls are clear and wild, posing in a defensive posture.

He couldn't see what was going on, and he returned. The three hundred people have already camped, and the leader is a famous school called Li Zhao.

The soldiers were responsible for the post-occupation, and it was the monks who really did it. After the meal, Li Zhao summoned everyone to discuss the matter. Guo Kejing, Qi Yu, Long Yunfeng and Gu Yi were the most important.

In fact, he was full of confidence. At the county level, at the county level, a county like himself had jumped out of the four stares, and the other party was unlikely.

"Masters, I respect you in this battle. I'll cooperate. I don't know if you have any ideas. Let's discuss it."

"Qingyun County does not have a garrison, it's all based on the ability of the Taoists. To put it plainly, as long as you break the defense of that gate, you can drive straight into the city and kill the enemy." Guo Kejing said.

"If you are right, you don't know what restrictions the other party has placed, you must first investigate." Long Yunfeng said.

"Everyone is a Gaussian, and you can trust it. Guo Guan's major is advanced, and he is safe, so please go ahead." Li Zhaodao.

"Well, since he came with the army, he would not let it go."

Guo Kejing still had a clear understanding of the stakes. If he could not resist, he accepted, and it was not a tragedy. Because on the battlefield is the easiest place to contribute.

Not only did he promise, he turned his head and said, "Chen Yu, how are you going with me?"


Gu Yan nodded, sneering in his heart. This person is too narrow, and the flaw must be reported. If he catches the opportunity, he will certainly kill himself.

With that said, the two left the camp and came to the front of the North Gate. When the guards and monks on the wall saw someone coming, they immediately tightened their nerves and stared at their every move.

The north gate is quite open and the terrain is flat. Gu Xun steps forward and pays close attention to the surroundings.

Three hundred feet, nothing.

Two hundred and fifty feet is fine.

When I reached 200 feet, there seemed to be some people on the wall who couldn't hold back, and flew out a few tricks. There were gold lines, fire lines, water lines, thunder lines, and so on. Gu Gu just wanted to hide, suddenly felt something wrong, put a layer of gold armor on himself, sunk into the soil, and hurried forward.

Blinking to about a hundred feet, as if touching the switch, sharp knife-like Geng Jin rushed towards the face. He hurried back and flew up to the ground. The sound of air cracking behind him kept blasting his eardrums.

Sure enough, the previous attack was a sway, and a hundred feet was the forbidden touch distance.

He turned to look around, and saw that the entire city wall was wrapped in a thick golden atmosphere, turbulent and turbulent, killing sharply, and twisted everything into the meat.

Guo Kejing was even more miserable. He rushed ahead of himself, and the guard saw that he had a chance to ride, and even launched a large magic weapon.

A huge crossbow formed by countless golden gas quickly formed in the city head, the arrow pointed directly at Guo Kejing. The goods scared the liver, and ran away in a panic, almost hitting.

And the crossbow fired, and the power and momentum it carried was alarming. Gu Yan has no doubt that the so-called monks in the period of conviction can strangle themselves in one shot!

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