Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 793: Grant?

? Jian Feng is not long, but it is enough to penetrate a person's throat.

Xu Jie's eyes burst out, and he fell backwards with an unbelievable expression on his face, and fluttered out of breath. What followed was Guo Kejing's angrily drinking: "Bold! I have told you to stop, why do you want to die?"

"Senior joked, you nodded notarizing, regardless of life or death, why can't I kill him?"

Gu Yan wiped off his blood, and put his sword into his sheath.


Guo Kejing became increasingly angry, and Xi Yu frowned, leading the way: "Brother, we have witnessed from beginning to end, there is no violation, you are a little irrational. Or say ..."

She glanced at the other person and said coldly, "What connection do you have with Xu Jie to be so protective?"

"Hugh nonsense! I act honestly, how can I be linked to it?"

Fraud in secret is a major crime. Once verified, it will be discarded and expelled from the palace. Guo Kejing's face flushed and he immediately denied it.

"Then follow the rules, Chen Yu won, and should be selected. Look at the Lord, what do you think?"

"Well, it should be so." Wu Laozi responded slowly.


Guo Kejing also stopped arguing and walked away, but he defaulted on the result.

Saitama ignored him and only said to Gu Yan: "Go home and get approval from the treatment center. I will inform you about it in about three or five days."

"Xie Guanzhu is strict, Xie teaches to carry love, and his disciples can't be repaid."

Gu Yan saluted the two, but didn't say much, and returned home.

Go out early in the morning and come back at dusk. It was so easy to see the figure of the young master, and it was good news.

Dad called him to the study and asked for details. After listening, he groaned and said: "Although it's a bit reckless, but you kill it and you kill it, but after you have been rehabilitated, the repair progresses rapidly. Gifted, so much time wasted. "

Gu Xie smiled and asked, "Will the Xu government act carefully?

"There is no fear! Xu Fu relies on nothing but the third grade of North Korea, and there is no foundation for the rule. Before, we may make a concession, but now it is different. Your entrustment is a foregone conclusion. Father Li's teacher, Master Li, has also returned to the courthouse, and the trivial officials have not yet taken notice. "

"In other words, Xufu ... forbearance?"

"Not only will I endure, but in the future, my Chen family will be the first to look forward, and Luming County will be invincible."

Chen Jing has been very upset recently, and whispered, "I have also received news for my father. Will will be announced from time to time, and the place where he took office is likely to be in the four eastern provinces."

There are twenty-four houses in Zhenyang State, four in the east, six houses in the west, south, and north, and two capitals in Zhili, Zhili. The East Four Houses are next to the Eastern Yuan Dynasty, and trade is frequent, and it is a first-rate rich land.

Neither of them thought too much, only thinking it was a compensation to Chen Jing.

At night, Gu Ye returned to his courtyard, and Qingya led the girl-in-law to wait for a long time. He rewarded some red seals, sent the crowd away, closed the door and talked with Qingya.

"I will live in the view most of the time. Would you like to continue to follow?" He asked.


Qingya fell to his knees as soon as he heard it, and the clever big table loyally said, "Slave is willing to follow the young master all his life!"

joke! At the age of nine, my father and dad were promoted, and the future was immense, and it was a fool not to follow!

"Well, I talked to my father about that Zhuangzi in the south of the city, and you and Cao Huazhang will stay there later."


"Besides, Cao Huazhang's brothers, it should be a while to come. What they do on weekdays, you don't need to bother, you can save the good food for me."

"Slaves understand!"


Gu Yan looked at her, but suddenly he didn't say anything, it seemed to take a while to raise his right hand.

brush! A golden light flew out and was laid around the bedroom. This was a very simple way of forbidden Taoism to prevent eavesdropping.

Followed by, he took out another turquoise rune, which is "Spring Yin with Rain", and said, "Drop a drop of blood on it."

Qingyaya bit her finger, dripped a drop of red blood, and drew her green eyes into her head, still not looking back.

"You are flat-bodied, but some diligence will have some achievements. I will stay at home for three or five days and ask me if I don't understand."

Until then, the girl reacted, just got up and fell on her knees, more sincere than before, and kept hoeing, "Thank you master! Thank you master!"


As expected from Chen Jing, the Xu family quietly went to Daoguan to collect the corpse, and silently performed the funeral without any change.

The efficiency of the office was not slow. Three days later, news came and officially approved: Lu Mingguan reported to Chen Yu and Lu Xiaolian that they were recorded as disciples of this concept. After examination by the office, the situation was real.

Of course, Gu Ye didn't know how they checked, and only left immediately after receiving the notice.

From ordinary people to Taoists, there is a very critical process to teach. Alas, the identity credential is the only credential.

From Zheng Yipin to Jiu Pin, there are nine levels of official positions, each with different ties. An ordinary disciple under the nine grades also has a white magpie, no grade.

There is only one Zhengyi product, that is, the person in charge of Chongxuanyuan, which was personally awarded by the state owner. Manchu and civilians of the Manchu dynasty will attend, and the scene is magnificent. Such a white-skinned identity is naturally far behind.

The ceremony was abducted by Wu Laozi, and the venue was in the Hall of Views. The attendees were the ten disciples besides Guo and Yan.

Five men and five women are very young. Thanks to the spring exam every year, the fittest is the best. The quality of the disciples is very high. They both expressed goodwill to the two newcomers. After all, once the entrance wall is in the system, they are their families.

The procedure is relatively simple, the smoke is suffocating, and the room is full of incense. Wu Laozi was wearing a suit and hesitated a few words in a vague manner, and held two white jade plates to award them.

Gu Yi glanced at, the size of the jade plate was palm-sized, white was flawless, the back was cloud pattern, and the front was engraved with a few lines of small words: Chen Yu, a disciple of Lu Mingguan under the rule of Zhenyang Benzhu, was awarded Chongxuan on a certain date in a certain year Dugong Yuge.

Chongxuan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The highest institution; Du Gong refers to the granting of Du Gong Zhizhi to this position; Yu Ge refers to that from today, you have the qualifications of Taoists and enjoy Yu Gong.

The 12th rule of Zhenyang is equivalent to all provinces, all of which are equivalent to senior officials plus secretaries, and has great power.

Gu Yan followed the instructions and input the true energy into it. The white light of Yuyu disappeared and disappeared. When he felt that the soul was bound to something, he secretly sighed the mystery. This jade pendant blends into the soul, and it will never be lost, let alone posing.

Soon, the ceremony was over. Gu Yan and Lu Xiaolian met with three Taoist officials. This time, they can't be called seniors. They have to be called Guanzhu, majesty and teaching.

Guo Kejing still doesn't have a good face, but he has become a boat and he has to pinch his nose to recognize it.

Wu Laozi is still half-dead, with very few words. Xiu Yu is as gentle and friendly as ever, but Gu Yi always feels that she is too partial to herself, maybe there is something inside.

Then the people dispersed, Gu Yan and Lu Xiaolian took the robes and door amulets, and went to clean up.

(And at night ...)

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