Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 788: Rain and rain

As a young son of Chen, Qi Qi has a separate courtyard, three main rooms, east and west rooms, a study room and a quiet room, and a special kitchenette.

The four newcomers went to clean up, and Qingya followed Gu Yan into the house. Although after the attack in the mountains, the seven masters seemed to have become a personal person, and learned a lot in the night, but she was notorious in the past.

The bedrooms are large, divided inside and outside, with carved big beds inside, and a long couch affixed with curtains—this is used by the maid to accompany the night. The master woke up in the middle of the night to drink water, pee, pap, poop, all have to be satisfied.

Of course, in some people, for example, the place where the ash is picked, the place where the young uncle is raised ... the extravagance is the style, the nature, the girl-in-law often spends the night in bed.

"Master, what do you tell me to do?"

Although Qingya is meticulous and meticulous, after all, he is a family child, and the concept of master and servant is deeply entrenched, and he is ready to be chaotic with a rubber band.

"Oh, there are a few things to tell you."

Gu Yan sat in a chair, looked at her, and said, "I'm not fond of common affairs. I'll ask my mother to give you a classmate, but you have to make a good yard for me.

First, the study and the quiet room only allow you to go in and clean up. If someone else enters, you will find ten sticks once, and you will be expelled from the house twice.

Secondly, from tomorrow on, I will get up at any moment, without your care, I will go to practice. Prepare breakfast at Chenshi and cook another pot of purple bamboo shoots. You are free during the day, and I will continue to practice after a long time. The court must not be fraught, and the offenders will be punished severely.

Third, I will occasionally retreat in the future. My mother asks you, and you tell me the truth. Take three meals and place them at the door of the quiet room ... "

Qingya was still very nervous at first, but the more he heard it, the stranger he was. One by one, Master Seven gave him a clear explanation, even as fine as the time of daily bathing.

"In short, the four are entrusted to you for management, and the affairs in the hospital are also under your care, but if something goes wrong, I'll ask you only! Understand?"


Qingya nodded quickly, afraid that the other party would not believe it, and said, "I have taken it down, will you repeat it?"

"No, you picked it by yourself, and I believe it."

Gu Ye waved her hand and said, "Okay, I'll go to practice in a moment, and I'll take care of you here."

He used the word "please", and Qingya was flustered for a while, but before he could speak, Master Seven had stepped out and slammed and locked himself in the quiet room.


Qingya paused for a moment before murmuring: "This is the blessing of misfortune. Master Seven is really different."

In fact, if the small world has data attributes, her blessing must be full value-that is not the son of the plane, that's called a bit! surface! he! father!


The night is quiet and the rain is lingering.

In the quiet room, the pearl is suspended from the ceiling, the light is soft and not dazzling. Gu Yan, sitting on a mat woven from flexible grass, is studying the practice system here.

Taoists joined the WTO and practiced extremely prosperously. Some accumulated families have inherited them. The small world, with its roots in imagination and Fufu, has evolved something completely different.

Five levels of division, simple and clear:

Gas production environment, can freely transport internal gas.

Concentrating on the realm of consciousness, thinking of higher order, directly acting on the soul.

Out of the realm, the spirit can be briefly removed.

Wandering in the realm, the spirit is free and free.

Tianrenjing, the highest combat power of the small world, is said to be only one step away from soaring. But throughout the history of practice, there is no record of true ascension.

The Chen family has only one piece of gas extraction method, called "Spring Rain and Rain". It sounds like the wetness is not so serious, but it is the basic method of the Eight Classics, although the grade is lower.

According to the collection of books in the clan, there are thousands of types of gas produced in the world. The highest ones are the gas of Tianyang, the gas of Diyin, the gas of Five Elements, and the gas of Huiguang.

Those in the middle class use the spirit of travelling, the spirit of vulcanism, the gas of gold and jade liquid, and so on.

The lower ones are the gas of the waterfall, the gas of the wall blade, the gas of the cold frost, and so on.

As the name suggests, "Spring Rain with Rain" is the best practice when it rains in spring, and it will weaken a lot on weekdays. Because of this limitation, the application is narrow, so it falls to the bottom.

At this moment, Gu Yi picked up a blue and blue magic charm and dripped a drop of essence blood. Lingfu flashed and fell into his head, then sat on the mat and closed his eyes.

If you let your father and mother see you, they will be scared to death in minutes, and your son with ADHD will only spend a few breaths and enter a perfect state of quietness.

Here, thinking is the root of everything, and Fuyu is the carrier of everything.

It's not about thinking of spring rain, but of spring rain. The predecessors of the clan have taught in the book that the rain is like sadness and lingering, so it is necessary to keep thinking about the endlessness and silence of the moisturizing material.

This theory was believed to be true for generations, but Gu Yan did not catch a cold.

"The Red Building looked cold and cold from the rain, and the beaded foil lantern returned alone."

"The rain in Weicheng is light and dusty, and the guest houses are green and willows."

"The water is bright and sunny, and the mountains are empty and rainy."

In the eyes of different people, spring rain is cold or lonely, or hurts, or is comfortable ... and he only feels that his spirit is very clear, like going out in the morning, facing the rain, the grass is green, the willow is flying low, and the smoke is A distant maggot rises.

Refreshing, cool, and at ease!



In a flash, Ye Yu knocked into the window, crisp and sweet. Gu Yi shuddered suddenly, and he had the intention that he thought of, turned into gas, a little bit of breeding in the body, and easily wiped out the accumulation before.

Everywhere I pass is like the breeze blowing, the drizzle washing, all revealing a comfortable and comfortable ...

I don't know how long it took, Gu Yi woke up from the silence, full of surprise.

Xia Guo's entry exercises are all performed on a weekly basis like internal exercises, and then produce a sense of qi. And the gas extraction here is actually a fictional meaning, the real meaning is to think about its meaning, and then generate gas.

He now feels that the breath in his body is very obvious, far more than the previous half-hanger accumulation.

This transformation is extremely mysterious, and the carrier is the green charm in front of it.

"It is said that each kind of exercise method corresponds to a rune.

Gu Yan picked up the green amulet and savored it carefully, and said to himself: "No, not only the Fa, but also the arts and magical powers ... Oh, this routine is a bit interesting."

After just one night of experience, he has already defined the tone of the practice of the small world: the stream of consciousness, the big stream of consciousness!

The monk's subjectivity occupies a core position ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is extremely important to understand the meaning of the world. Take the application system as an example. The most basic thing in the small world is surgery and learning.

Further up, the magical powers of law and size depend on enlightenment.

When your understanding is reached, you can also comprehend Dharma and magical power during the gas collection period; if you do not have the understanding, you can only practice in the period of awakening.

Also, the emphasis here is not on form, and the emphasis on God is not on the body. They feel that they can temper the flesh at the same time they think about it, and as long as they are cultivated, the flesh will naturally be strong.

That's right, but in the early stage of wretched development, having a strong body can save a lot of trouble.

"This is a branch, it needs to be changed!"

Gu Yan scratched his cheek, and initially set his goal.

(All aunts are in the hot spring! All aunts!

In addition, the story of the copy will not be written very much, let alone the number of words here, but it has only developed to this point, a story that must be presented. )

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