Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 620: Fight

"Life is destined, death is no difference, goodbye on earth!"

Xiaozhai passed on a hint of divine thought, and he did not look at Gu Yan again, but turned into a stream of light and submerged it into the sea of ​​light, like a water drop dropped into the sea.

She maintains the most primitive form of light sphere, traveling through the vast and boundless soul realm, the environment changes suddenly, the basic elements change from aura to soul power, and it takes time to adapt to this.

She didn't ask for directions, she didn't ask where she was, and she walked for a long time, like a person running at full speed, to maximize her body's kinetic energy.

Finally, she stopped, as if her blood was unblocked, her muscles were firm, and Yuanshen had coagulated for a few minutes.

Xiaozhai tried to run the exercises, and as expected, none worked, and then he looked at a nearby ball of light and slammed it hard.

The light mass was swallowed up instantly, and the poor consciousness came to mind:

Ya is actually a modern person. I do n’t think it ’s gambling or blood loss, the little turtle died, the weather is hot, weight gain, no holidays, heavy work, no shampoo for three days, sexual life is not harmonious, and I am disheartened and go to the rooftop ...

"It's a pity!"

Xiaozhai snorted, the soul slowly sinking, hidden among a group of weak chicken fragments.

At the time Gu entered the realm of the soul without any guidance, he wasted a lot of time in vain. He has an article on illusions, which can temper the spirits, and Xiaozhai also has a full set of "Shen Xiao Da Lei Lang Jade Book", which contains the method of refining gods.

And as a forerunner, Lao Gu can exchange a lot of experience.

So she went straight to Jiuzhong without risking, and chose to grow at the bottom of the farm, submerging mines, and the safety factor was undoubtedly much higher.

Satian Shi's "Large Book of Thunder Xiaolang" was born out of Leifa of Shenxiao School. Shenxiao School has inextricably linked with her teacher.

It can be said that Xiaozhai is a Taoist disciple of the Eight Classics. Like Zhang Shouyang and Wu Kongtu, he guards the incomplete inheritance and hopes to shine in his ancestral court.

"The Thunderer, Cardinal World.

The command of Lei Nai Tian has the greatest power, and everything in the Three Realms and Nine Places is the total photo of Lei Ke.

The thunder **** is in my god. He is in one breath, reverts to life, uses the Tao as the body, and uses the law as the source.

Those who cut mines must think about the hundred gods, capture all things, transport thunder, and hold heaven and earth in their bodies ... "

Gu Yan refining the gods, he needs to run the illusion thousands of times, washing the gods over and over again, and slowly growing. Xiaozhai refining the gods is a more traditional way of saving Taoism.

Mindfulness, Taoist terminology, is similar to that of the Buddhism.

"Cut out mines, think about the hundred gods ..."

That is to say, Taoism believes that God is omnipresent, and that God exists both inside and outside. If we can think about these gods, God will set them up for the purpose of long-term vision.

Like Ge Hong, there is a way to think of Laojun.

The Shangqing School also has the law, thinking about the gods of the five internal organs.

There are also mysteries of various factions, including Sanqi Sandong, Yunqi Warriors, Sun Moon Stars, and so on.

However, after Xiaozhai became quiet, she did not rush to practice, and her consciousness gradually became empty, such as the beginning of Hongmeng and nothingness.

I don't know how long, suddenly, there was a faint purple light in Hongmeng, followed by rumbling, a purple snake cut through nothingness, and brought the first shock in the world!


Xiaozhai's consciousness moved slightly. After being let out, the first scene that appeared was thunder, and he had already practiced the thunder law.

But her thoughts turned sharp, and her heart was decisive, not enough!

Think of Thunder, of course, it can enhance the power, like Ren Yizhen ’s supreme fire, but not enough!


The purple snake cut through the void, winding down and slowly disappearing. Immediately afterwards, the sullen thunder rolled more and more densely.

boom! boom! boom!

One after another, the power of the thunder, with an immense magnificent might, raged arbitrarily in the world that opened in the beginning.

This thunder became more and more fierce, and it seemed to be manifested intentionally. How could Xiaozhai be unmoved and re-enter a state of imagination.

Finally, when the heavens and the earth were about to be torn, the power suddenly abated, until they were silent. And from that empty chaos, a figure emerged softly.

It is Xiaozhai himself!

"The thunder **** is in my god, the fetal deification is deified, and he holds the heavens and the earth in his body as the immortal god!"

I'm thinking about Thor, how can I be at ease for Thor?


"A sneeze!"

On Fenghuang Mountain, Gu? With a pair of children's left-behind old father? Su suddenly sneezed, followed closely, as if contagious, Changsheng and Jiuru also sneezed.

"What's going on? Do we still catch a cold?"

Changsheng rubbed his nose and was very puzzled, and then he had another meal. In the midst, he felt the coercion of an adult named mother, breeding from the deep inside, and immediately shook an excitement, his face pale.

Gu Min, through his own trace, captured the faint fluctuations. He didn't know what was happening there. In short, nothing happened. Then, "Don't think too much! Jiuru, converge, and I will make it for you Sword. "

"it is good!"

Jiu Ru immediately calmed her mind, completely forgotten, and then felt a shout in front of her, as if a flame was rising, the flame contained a majestic sword, burning hot, burning skin extremely uncomfortable.

This thing approached the forehead, and slipped into it.


The little girl frowned, and every cell was severely cut. She resisted the pain, keeping in mind the method taught by her father, and released all the sword swords that were condensed and formed.


The sword gas collided with the flame, and it trembled sharply. The internal organs almost turned over.


Changsheng stared at his sister / sister with wide eyes, and there was a trace of blood on the ruddy mouth. He quickly turned his head again, looked at Gu Ye, and saw that his expression was calm, only a little relieved.

boom! boom!

The body turned over and over, and it was painless, and Jiu Rudu stiffened. After the sword kind and sword qi collided repeatedly, she became gradually stable. She quickly guided with sword qi, and fell a little bit.

Follow the meridian qiao points to Dantian, and finally it looks like the west **** of Chiyang.

A flaming sword was floating on the sea of ​​air, and a lot of information washed away the little girl's consciousness. With only a little thought, the sword was flipped.


A Chiyang sword qi burst out along the fingertips, and it was quite magnificent, quite a bit of his father's style.

"It's done!"

Jiu Ru slowly opened her eyes, Xiao Ding nodded her child, and showed some grandeur of Yuan Yuan Yue Yue. After she adjusted her breath, the first thing she did was to watch Changsheng and yelled, "Boy, come and fight!"


Changsheng played with that Fang Leiyin, didn't bother to care, and turned to Gu Yi: "Dad, I have something to tell you."


"Jiuru already has a sword type, and I have been repairing mines for several years. We, we want to travel down the mountain."

As soon as this word came out, both children blinked big eyes, Baba stared at his father, full of longing.

Gu Xun didn't even think about it, he refused: "No."

"Why not? Although we are not as good as humans, we are also innate masters!"

"Yeah, we are ten years old, not eight or nine years old!"

"Experienced Hongchen, secondary skill, tempering mood is the main topic. You are too young, you have not experienced basic human reasoning, let alone tempering mood." Gu Yan said.

"Huh ..."

The two children were so tacit at this moment that they leaped to the left and right, hugged his two arms, hummed and didn't speak, and kept shaking.

As the saying goes, little can't bear to sell big Meng.

They have precocious puberty and have basically said goodbye to children since they started practicing at the age of three or four. At this moment, it seems that when the two glutinous rice dumplings returned, Xiangxiang was soft and could not help it.

Not to mention, Gu Yan was really cute.

Of course, he thought about it, holding one hand in his arms, and said, "Experience is impossible ..."

The two children were miserable and listened to his words. "But there are other ways. You have to wait another year to let you see the masters in the world."


Tianzhu Mountain, Taoist Temple.

The Taoist Academy was established for 16 years and received five batches of apprentices. There are 36 disciples in the upper court, 520 disciples in the lower court, and five immortals.

The same is true for Phoenix Mountain. Although there is only a ceremony to open the mountain, there are scattered recruits one after another. Today, the two generations of disciples, Yu Yu and Zheng Kaixin, have several apprentices under their seats, which together add up to more than a thousand.

The two giants adhere to the same principle of training: Taoist schools focus on good talent and beautiful jade, and those who are not qualified do not enter the gate. Phoenix Mountain is more relaxed, and is willing to give the world seekers a chance.

After so many years of development, the strengths of the two sides are similar. The few who stood at the top of the tower were basically tied, and the middle and lower levels of the Taoist Academy were better than the popularization of Fenghuang Mountain.

The sky was slightly bright, and the morning mist was misty.

After finishing his morning class, Lu Yuanqing walked alone on the top of the mountain. Quan Zhen's precepts are strict and rooted in his bones. He is a realm of immortals. He still insists on morning and evening classes, and rarely falls.

when! when!

The ringing of the bell means that during breakfast time, hundreds of main roads came out of the courtyards and ran to the dining hall without any noise during the period. Other innate disciples who do not need daily diets are still working hard everywhere.

Lu Yuanqing likes watching this scene very much. Every time he sees it, he is infected with a vigorous vitality and becomes relaxed and happy ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At that time, his biggest wish was to revitalize the door and break away from government control. Today, the goal has been reached. The government is completely hidden behind the scenes, only supporting the martial arts as a representative of action, and the palace view blooms everywhere, almost one city and one view.

The children of Daomen also strictly abide by the precepts, do not accumulate world wealth, do not confuse the public, harm human lives, and are deeply revered by the masses.

This has reached the limit of his imagination, but it is not over yet. He still has to consider the inheritance of the Taoism. He must consider the survival or death of the Taoism after a hundred years ...

Sometimes he really feels really tired, and he wants to put everything aside and ask for it. But everyone has a different temperament. He was educated in the mysterious gate from an early age, and with this burden on his shoulder, he couldn't easily put it down.

Lu Yuanqing wandered for a long time, stepped down the Baiyun level, suddenly looked, and scratched in the void.


A messenger was held in the palm of the hand, but it was the news of the real person in the world. He looked at him, his face changed, and he hurried back to the inner temple.

(Germany is alive ... optimistic about England)

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