Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 578: Anyway, it's a personal fairy

Jiangnan, Wucheng.

The late autumn season is the most difficult period in a year. The endless stream of rain carried the slight cold and cold that heralded the coming of winter, covering the whole city with dampness, irritability, and annoying mood.

The water system of Tancheng is developed, and four rivers flow through the territory and into the East China Sea. The rain is small, but it lasts for a long time. The streets are always wet. Some low-lying areas and poor drainage facilities still have standing water.

Long before the rejuvenation of the Aura, the people in Jiangnan were accustomed to this kind of broken weather, but now it is just the way it was.

However, it has been different in the past two years. At this moment, pedestrians on the street looked up from time to time, and even the driver waiting for the red light occasionally poked his head out of the window, holding the overcast sky, what seemed to be expecting.


"Whew ... wow!"

It rained another day, and suddenly it became heavy in the evening. The rain was in the curtain, and the water was suffocating. It kept knocking on the glass windows, the pergola of the bus station, and the shutter door of the shop, making a crackling noise.

People hurriedly dodging their heads, but at the same time they were very excited. They found a place to stand and stretched their necks together, like an audience ready to watch a big show.

After about 20 minutes, the rain continued unabated and became stronger.

"I'm coming!"

"This time is east!"

"Shhhh, whisper, it will be angry to disturb it!"

Almost everyone in the city is looking forward, looking to the east sky. I saw above the sky, in the rain curtain, a large cloud suddenly rose without wind, floating, and changing various shapes at the same time.

Immediately after listening to a groan, the rain curtain opened in the clouds, walking in full breath, a dozens of feet of green dragon came out of the clouds. The huge body hovered over the city, and the blue scales poured under the rain, as if covered with a layer of three-foot gas armor.

The blue pupils are deep and peaceful, and peaceful and peaceful, far from the tyrannical horrors of the past. It swims in the air for a moment, spit out a cyan ball.

The beads emit a faint light, seemingly containing endless water and energy.

Qinglong took another breath, and the beads began to roll slowly, as if it had become a strong vortex, and the surrounding water and gas were immediately drawn into it.

Dragons, regardless of whether they are born naturally or transformed into shapes, are divided into different types. This blue dragon undoubtedly holds the water of the Five Elements.

The heavy rain in Wucheng is getting smaller at a speed that can be checked by the naked eye, the curtains are thinned, and the sight is restored. After a while, only the dripping water drops remained.

The ball swallowed a lot of water and gas, and the light shone a bit.

Qinglong swallowed it back, wiped the long body, wobbled his tail, broke a few dark clouds, and disappeared into the void.

The night fell, the sky was like ink, and the street lights were lit, and the whole city was washed up again, showing exceptional freshness and tranquility.

Even though they have seen it several times, they still have endless aftertastes, sighing out of the rain shelter, and continue to be busy before.

Hundreds of miles away, the East China Sea.

Qinglong appeared from the void, with a little contentment in his look. Although Gu Zheng told it that it would be raining and raining, Ze was born, but after doing it a few times, he found it very helpful to practice.

That round bead is the natal dragon ball formed by salivation in the body. It has to be continuously processed and tempered, and it can be grown with a lot of water and gas.

Raining and collecting rain are great opportunities for tempering.

The East China Sea is boundless, with fishing boats nearby and warships in the distance. Seen from the sky, it seems like small bugs float on the water. They have also observed the big guys, and they have long been surprised.

Qinglong ignored it and almost flew to the junction of the East China Sea and the South China Sea before diving down to the nest.

"Oh, you are back!"

At this moment, the bottom of the sea shouted with enthusiasm. Qinglong's pupils suddenly contracted, and she was **** peaceful and peaceful.


The sea exploded, and a ray of purple light rushed into the air, blocking the way. A big red shirt, full of vitality, is Jiang Xiaojing, who hasn't seen you for a long time and is wagging everywhere!

"Woo ... hmm ..."

Qinglong had a headache when she saw her, and it was annoying. If you do n’t play with her, she can give you bleeding.

About ten days ago, one person and one dragon encountered each other on a river in the inland, and the goods began to chase after them.

It had to send a divine thought and ask, "What do you always do with me?"

"Well, of course I want to play with you! It's a rare fate to meet, I must have got together, what are you running away? I can still eat you, can't you?"

Xiao Xiong flew in front of her, widened her eyes, and looked at it with a lot of patience: "You say how good you are, I want to have the image of you. I have long been a fool to stand on my own ... hey you Do you have a name? Would you like me to pick one for you? By the way, your mother-in-law's? Do you have a dragon whip? "


Qinglong's wisdom has been opened, and basic communication is not a problem, but it depends on who he is.

This pass of Barabara made it want to swallow the other person's mouth into her stomach, then held her neck with her intestines, and finally excreted it.

It wasn't a fight, but it didn't dare to fight, and then twisted its head, "I have no time to play with you."

"Don't be so stingy! Look at me when I go out, I know from hometown, you must not invite a few meals of seafood, come with three or five bottles of beer, and find a beautiful female water monster to warm the bed!"

She continued to harass.


"Ah, don't go!"

"Don't pester me!"

"That's okay. You can let me ride a lap, and I won't bother you."


So, one person, one dragon, chased me, and flew all the way from the East China Sea to the South China Sea.

"You're welcome to entangle me again!" Qinglong could not bear it.

"Come then, I'm worried that no one is fighting."

Xiaojing biu disappeared in place, and biu appeared a kilometer away, beckoning like a dog: "Oh!"


Qinglong was silent for a moment, and finally lost her only intellect. The dragon ball inside the body turned and sprayed a black water arrow.


Xiaojing is aware of the goods, dare not resist, and want to avoid turning around. The water arrow came with tracking, and he was chasing after him.

When the dragon was still stingy, the power of saliva was obvious to all, and now it has more than doubled. She went around a long time, and she didn't let go. "Oh, it's not over!"

She lifted her little hand, a quaint jade seal flew out, and instantly turned into a purple Xiaolei Mountain, bang!

The water arrow hit the Thunder Mountain, like an egg hitting a stone, it instantly shattered. Immediately afterwards, Leishan rose high again and hit Qinglong fiercely.

Qinglong was also full of anger, spit out the dragon ball directly, a black torrent rushed out, and instantly turned into the black water of the sky, screaming at Leishan.



The vast expanse of the South China Sea, covering the clouds and the moon, the air flow raging, Leishan collided with the black water fiercely, and it made the river tumultuous.

Large chunks of reefs were affected and they burst instantly, and even a few small desert islands were disconnected from it, sinking slowly.

"It's a real dragon, great!"

Xiao Jing's face was somber, she pinched her right hand, and pushed forward, "I've got the real skill, pick me up!"

Qinglong froze, staring at her movements, thinking what tricks to put. As a result, a pink handkerchief flew out of the cuff. Without a half dime's attack power, he flew so lightly.

The handkerchief stopped above Qinglong, and the brush was unfolded, revealing a voluptuous embroidered peach blossom, and then it fluttered gently, covering its head ... on its head ... on its bag ... on ...

Qinglong: "..."

Xiaojing: "Ha ha ha ha ha!"


Qinglong's anger value soared and began various pursuits.

"Ah, you have such a thin face that you can't make fun of it. Is that a handkerchief for you?"



A sweep of the long tail swept a coral reef directly; the black water poured down and one side of the sea completely collapsed. Xiao Xiong ran away in a hurry, and groaned as she ran and turned back, and then glanced over the coral reef, suddenly a meal:

"Well, look at what this little cutie found?"

"Oh, stop! Stop!"

She ran to the pile of tattered wreckage on the surface of the sea, and there was a white light in the ragged pile of reefs. She seemed to be trembling as if she wanted to leave.

Xiao Xiong pinched, swiped with her left hand, brush!

In the palm of his right hand, he held an ancient sword with a familiar style. At this time, the dark clouds receded, and the moon was in the sky, and the moonlight was reflected with the sword body, as if the sword gas was in the millions, the cold moon was cold, and the majesty was killed!

Qinglong chased, stopped his figure, and looked at the sword with curiosity, and asked, "What is this?"

Nana, you finally admitted to playing with her!

"If I didn't expect it to be bad, it should be ..."

Xiao Jing felt her chin, and said, "A sword!"

Before Qinglong became angry again, the goods again said: "It seems to be with the dragon, and my sister's blessings have also increased. Well, I have to go back to the mountain, we will fight again tomorrow!"


Qinglong watched her leave as Lei Guang and said that she would just leave, she could not keep up with the person's brain circuit.

Damn's ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Move now! move!


"At that time, Yushan took treasures and made four swords, three of them (Gu Yan, Long Qiu, Bai Yunsheng, and hidden Song Qilian), seven swords, and four of them (Chiyang, Heishui, plus the government found Two). The rest of the whereabouts are unknown, only in the most secret place, or hidden in the hands of folk monks. "

On Fenghuang Mountain, Long Qiu played with the sword and laughed, "I don't want you to have a good fortune, and you can get a handle when you go out. This should be the Hanyue Light Beam Sword."

"Isn't that what the abbey needed? Should we exchange it?"

"Bai Yunsheng is at the bottleneck, retreating in retreat, even if he is not allowed, because it will disturb his mind. When he is promoted to immortal, it is even more important."

"How to say?" Xiao Jing asked.

"The kind of sword is fundamental. The sword is only an auxiliary tool. It is more important to have a sword repair heart. These seven-handed swords are peerless, but they also divide the realm. The higher the repair, the less it is needed. Bai Yunsheng repaired all the way, I have never used a sword, relying on foreign objects, so I cannot ruin my mood. "


Xiaojing understands it, which is equivalent to the 50th-level gold suit. When you rise to the 60th level, you will become a chicken rib.

"But there are still a lot of disciples in the Daoyuan. They are superficial and learn swords from scratch, but they are very much needed. Let's talk about it at an opportunity."

Long Qiu reassured him, turning his voice and earnestly saying, "Since you are back, don't run around. The past two years are a critical period, and someone must be in town."

"What's the situation?" Xiao Jingxi sighed.

"My brother is going to visit the soul world immediately, my sister wants to guard Daxue Mountain, and she has to take care of her brother's body. Those fish that are leaking the net are about to move. You may be a personal fairy, and it can be used to play a little."

(The words say 520 days, ah, it's a matter of my fart!)

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