Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 563: Results

Daqin Island is located in the northern part of Jiji Island. It has a much smaller area and has four administrative villages under its jurisdiction.

There is nothing special on the island, except that the forest is lush, the flowers are overgrown, the dead leaves are piled up, the stubborn stones are scattered, so that there are many scorpions. These scorpions multiply in large numbers, and dozens or hundreds of them are gathered in weirs or piles of stones, often held together to form strange scorpion balls.

After the environment changed, the scorpion did not know what had changed, but it did not see it, but it attracted a sea creature that likes to eat the scorpion. It was eaten here all year round-not long ago, it was joined by a group of people.

Therefore, the island is very safe, and compared with the island of Muji, it is almost harmless.

"Stop! Stop!"

At noon, a shack built with large stones was erected at the entrance to the southern end of a village. A Liu Renxian screamed exhausted, yelling at the neck: "Can't let them in, give me top ..."


The words didn't end, and a few runes blew away at his feet, followed by a weeping wolf. The guy fell to the ground and screamed with a broken leg.


Several figures broke through the defense, passing over everyone's heads like a few big birds and killing them directly into the village.

The epee has no front, cold moonlight, cold soldiers raging, and Fu Yu's assistance ... There are two powerful melee outputs in hand, and it's just not too cool to lose Fu control at the back!

The five-person group of tigers headed by Tang Bole and He He was rushing into the village hinterland.

"Ah! Ah!"

People were constantly falling to the ground, large buildings collapsed, and the air was filled with heavy blood and stench. Except that there is no real killing, it is no different from the legendary cultivation battlefield.

When the offensive side saw the situation, it was even more morale, and more than two hundred young priests in robes rushed in. A few moments later, another team confiscated to the north entrance also smoothly merged and completely occupied the fourth village.

"Are these guys all mentally handicapped? Are they not defending the country and defending the country, just playing a game every time, and committing so hard?"

Tang Bole reached out with a stroke and wiped off the blood and meat on the epee, feeling very puzzled.

"Liu Ren has a mysterious rune, which can penetrate into the human body and manipulate life and death. This group of people is also a last resort." A Taoist priest who explained the situation was explained.

"I heard Liu Ren's reputation in the folk law school early and acted decisively."

Tang Bole nodded and asked, "Where are they leading?"

"I didn't see it, as if running up the hill."

"Leave some people to clean the battlefield, and the rest will follow me!"


The responses were loose and the organization was chaotic, but in terms of their nature and time, rounding was prohibitive.

It is said that a few days ago, the people of Muji Island landed on Daqin Island.

He He first went to Chongxuguan, simply and rudely, and even picked seven good players, so that more than two hundred people in Daomen were surrendered. Why do n’t you say it?

Please! Daomen speaks the rules, and people are the true story of the Daoyuan. Where is the identity?

Tang Bole went to Liurenxianjiao and observed it secretly for a few days. The gang had some means to make Xiaomen and Xiaoxiufu cling to each other, willing to work hard.

Under certain circumstances and rules, human psychology can be rapidly changed.

For example, there is a movie based on real events. A group of people is divided into two groups for experiments, a group of prisoners, and a group of prison guards. In just a few days, both sides have taken on new identities, with distorted human nature and degraded morality, which is terrible.

This is the case of the leading guy, who took up the territory, hundreds of men, and two sleeping monks. Ouch, King Shan is so cool!

What if I want to ask a task?

Humph! Chaffinch knows Hongzhi's ambition!

Immediately, Tang Bole took someone to chase him, and after a short time, he took him back. The man's scalp was shaved off a large piece, and the blood was on his cheeks, as if crying instead of crying, laughing instead of laughing, and looking funny and funny.

On the contrary, they are two female cultivators, with low eyebrows, secretly looking from time to time, showing a different meaning.

Tang Bole ignored it for the time being, and asked, "Are you finished counting?"

"We have a total of 753 people, slightly injured 260 people, and seriously injured 68 people. The other party was completely defeated, everyone was wounded, and there was not a perfect fighting force ... Well, if they were not the two women, . "

Meishan's Longtao No. 2 report was completed and asked, "Brother, what are they going to do?"

"Of course we all kicked it out."

Speaking, Tang Bole came to the invigilation teachers of the two islands and saluted: "Several seniors, we are at war, all of you are following along, all in the eyes. Dare to ask, can we have any violations?"

"There are no violations!"

The proctor teachers twitched the corners of their lips and kept this guy in their hearts. Fenghuangshan has more people, and one generation is stronger than the other!

"Okay, I'm sorry to ask some to call the ship and return them."

After that, he turned to the seriously injured area again.

Serious injury means that you have to rest for a while, and you ca n’t participate in the next stage of the competition. The sixty-eight were paralyzed on the ground, and the wounds had been bandaged.

His expression was full of frustration and great anger.

Tang Bole came over, it was still a great gift, his tone was extraordinarily sincere, and he said, "You are sorry, please feel relieved to go back to the nursery. Not much to say, I remember each of you, and I can call every name . When the game is over, I will definitely come to visit. Although everyone gets along shortly, but they are interested in each other, I hope to have long-term exchanges and help each other. "


Not much to say, the meaning is very clear: I have written down this relationship, and will be friends in the future!

The gang listened and turned in their hearts, their minds were not stupid, and suddenly there was no resentment.

He was already low in strength, didn't hold much hope for the game, and didn't stick to the end. Now I have been fighting with Tang Bole. Although he was seriously injured, his connections have remained.

If at ordinary times, a low-level disciple like himself, or Sanye Sanxiu, where is the chance to get to know Phoenix Mountain?

Immediately, one by one became very polite and harmonious. Tang Bole greeted them one by one, and took out his own medicine to help one or two.

Then he turned to the guy led by Liu Ren. When the other party's eyes touched, an excitement immediately appeared, and only a few short-handed tricks emerged again.

madman! What a freak!

As if wandering in the wilderness and a hungry lone wolf for a long time, he saw food rushing over him. It's better to kill yourself with a knife first.

"Dear friends, let's talk and discuss. After all, it's just a game. I can guess how many points you have. Liu Ren is not as good as Phoenix Mountain, but also has some strength. We are willing to join you and let it go.

After he was quite calm, Tang Bole only dropped one sentence: "No, your game is over."

"Brother! Brother!"

At this moment, the two women also shouted, "We are not in the same group as him! They are very powerful, and we are not good either. Please be pitiful and take us together."

The two were twin sisters. They were eighteen or nine years old, one was dignified, and the other was delicate and pathetic. But Tang Bole always felt awkward. They were like wearing a delicate mask to show a certain state that liked men.

"You still have the qualifications to participate, you are not allowed to stay on the island, you can go anywhere!"

He is not Shi Lezhi, and puts two time bombs in the team. The sisters heard a bit of disappointment in their eyes, but there were gains in the trip, at least a few good men's versions were developed that could not stand it.

Monks! Physical fitness is not too bad.

The 2.0T turbo is full of power, the gears are smooth, the accelerator is stepped on sensitively, and the braking rhythm is particularly good. The steering wheel is precisely controlled, wind noise and tire noise are small, the seat is wide, and the interior is odorless. After driving to seventy miles, the back push feeling is very strong when accelerating, and it can last for a long time.

What a pity! I wanted to hook up with the strong man of Fenghuang Mountain, but people didn't hook up ... Well, the little women's crown of the Taoist Academy was also very annoying, it was too cold to dare to go up.

In this way, Tang Bole successfully grabbed the first island, and the team's confidence increased greatly.

The people waited for about half a day, and the fleet that cruised along the coast of Jiaodong drove over to pick up a large number of wounded.

In fact, many people in Liuren suffered minor injuries and are still eligible for the game. However, Tang Bole did not stay, and he could only rely on himself to move the position. There was nothing he could do and he could only withdraw.

In the end, only the two sisters used any method and transferred to another island to continue the game.

Tang Bole left 200 people, with more than 500 streamlined masters, and began the journey to the sea of ​​stars.


After 50,000 contestants, Mojijima is an example after all. In other battlefields, most of them are step by step, honest.

In fact, I am very lucky. I am lucky. I chose a safety island and quickly solved the problem of quotas. The efficiency is naturally fast, and the rest is the survey task.

The two-month deadline. When the month passed, Zhangzi Island along the eastern coast of Liaoning first returned the data. After passing the examination, it became the first batch of passers.

Everyone in Zhangzi Island can go directly to the East China Sea for the next stage of the competition. At the same time, everyone was informed and knew the rules of the second stage.

The East China Sea is the region with the largest number of islands in the Xia Kingdom.

In the first phase of the ninety islands, there were 18,000 people left, and they were scattered over 1,000 islands. Exploration missions as usual ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The number of places has been greatly reduced, to three, and the period has been increased to three months.

After the exploration is completed, you can rush to a big island in the central area of ​​the East China Sea, where there are one hundred jade cards hidden, and each person can only get one.

Most people are still struggling at the last stage, and the severity of the new rules is making them more and more unlovable. And immediately followed, the top 100 rewards were announced:

It helps to break through the innate Dan Wan, a bottle of detoxification Dan, a bottle of water and fire avoidance pills, a magic weapon, a vest, five charms of all kinds, and a cub


Great gift delivery, one-second dress up and upgrade! The mourning contestants were rewarded with a stimulus, full of chicken blood, and were about to reach the top 100.


Kunlun Mountains.

The two figures were fighting in Xuefeng, no spells, no blades, pure boxing and kung fu. You come and go, flying up and down, all are beautiful and beautiful, as if shocked.

After dozens of strokes, Xiaozhai suddenly reached out and grabbed each other's wrists. The crotch and legs of the lower body were pressed tightly, leaving no room for movement.

Folding up fiercely again, he would break it.

At this moment, Xiao Jing's wrist seemed to soften into a noodle-like shape, clattering with flesh and bones, breaking through the common sense of the human body, and twisting into a large angle.

Move your **** together and move forward.

Xiao Zhai didn't expect her to break free, she just had to lean over her head, hey! Fingertips ran across his cheeks, leaving a light bloodstain.


Xiao Jingxi seemed to be stunned by this scene, watching the blood drops dripping on her sister's face for a moment, then shouted: "I hurt you! I really hurt you! Hahaha, come again !!! "

(It's really old. I get sick when I get cold and depressed ...)

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