Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 160: Gathering fragrance

The next day, Gu Ji went down to meet Zhang Hongru.

That spirit stone is okay and can be mass-produced, but he is very concerned about what to do with the leftover material. Zhang Hongru detoured, the research team is preparing to experiment with residual materials to cultivate various ecological chains.

For example, it is ground into powder, sprinkled in ordinary soil, or used to raise fish. Or, you can directly make the culture medium to see if it can further catalyze biological activity and so on.

Well, anyway, Gu Yan doesn't understand.

The two talked for a while, and he returned to the mountain with seeds and farm tools. Generally, early rice of double cropping rice is harvested in July, then late rice is sown in mid-June, seedlings are transplanted in July, and harvesting in November.

The valley is not like a plain. It is impossible to mechanize. You let him drive a tractor to the farmland, which is almost out of style. Anyway, the area is also small, and at most a few acres can be demarcated, using relatively traditional techniques and appliances.

Late rice planting takes some time, but peach trees can try.

The best time for cutting and grafting of peach trees is in early March, because the buds of peach blossoms begin to sprout and grow, and the nutrition is very active, which is conducive to survival.

However, this is a general rule. When exactly will it take place depends on whether the buds on the branches are budding.

It's June now, the common peach trees are in fruit and no flowers at all. But Caohekou is different, one by one, the flowers bloom like peony.

This work could only be completed by Gu Xun and Xiao Zhai, Long Qiu was taken far away. After all, the peach branch is poisonous. If she accidentally inhales it, is it necessary to burn it?

The two men found seven wild hairy peach trees in Neishan, sharpened the sides of the peach branches, and left a little skin. Then make a cut in the mother tree and slowly insert the peach branch into it. Wrap the wound with a film, wrap it round and round, and finally secure it with a rope.

This is a very simple grafting method, which will germinate in about half a month, and can be removed in 3 months.

Cuttings are more complicated. The 5-10 cm long branches are immersed in a universal culture medium and then inserted into the perlite matrix. Watering properly and paying attention to shade will take root in more than a week.

Once rooted, they can be transplanted into the soil and formally cultivated.

Seventeen of these "filtered" peach branches were grafted and ten cut. The two attached great importance to them and took care of them every day. For a while, they seemed to be farmers and peasants, and lived the day when you brought water to my garden.


Quiet room.

Gu Yan sat before the case. There were a few things on the wooden case. There were pots, boxes, plates, bowls, tweezers, and so on. Each one was strictly regular, and there were many, but not chaotic.

He prepared a lot of raw materials before going to Tianzhu Mountain, and came back to study for a long time. Today, he felt something, and then tried again.

The fragrant powder includes more than ten kinds of lobelia, licorice, chrysanthemum, and white peony, all of which are good medicines for neutralization and neutralization, and are packed in small jars. The sticky powder used to use elm bark, but he found that the bark of the old tree was better and contained aura, so he cut it a little and grinded it.

Poor old tree, lived quietly in the valley for many years, as a result, this guy came to be covered with bruises.

Gu Yan first took a porcelain bowl and put in the prepared powder one by one. This is the best ratio after repeated experiments. After that, pour it in with fresh water from the river while pressing on the hand.

The fragrant powder, sticky powder and water blended, just like noodles, quickly became a dough-like piece, about the size of an adult's fist.

Immediately, he picked up the small gourd and took a deep breath. From the mouth of the gourd, a ray of pink mist floated and floated in the void.

Gu Yan dare not neglect, while controlling the powder mist with his sense of mind, while holding the incense ball with both hands, he began to rub repeatedly. Then I spit again, "Hoo!"

The powder mist was stimulated by this, as if coming alive, blowing into a thin line on the incense ball.

And between his hands, there seemed to be a small airflow field. The aura enveloped the powder mist and slowly penetrated into the incense ball. I saw him rubbing smaller and smaller, rubbing smaller and smaller, it took a long time before he suddenly made a meal.

Gu Min's palms spread out, revealing a fragrant pink fragrant embryo, which was reduced by half. Through constant squeezing and rubbing, this thing is extremely dense, and the skin is smooth and flat, so that it has a round and transparent feeling.

He tore off a piece, pressed it under his fingers, and entered the realm of looking at me alone. Divine consciousness is like a bright moon, observing from the top of your head, and yourself, just under the bright moon.

As the fingers rub, the incense ball gradually stretches, becoming thin and long. About ten minutes later, a new line of incense was finally formed.

This fragrant body is well-proportioned, it seems to have a little powder meaning, but there is no powder enchantment, it seems to have a little white, but it is more ambiguous than white.

"I used to think that the awakening **** of incense was the pinnacle of my life. I didn't expect to break through ..."

Gu Yan shook his head and sighed. If Xingshenxiang is a work of art, this fragrance is completely beyond the level of ordinary products, because it carries an indescribable quality: spirituality.

With successful experience, the next step is to become familiar with it. Until he ran out of incense sticks, he made a total of twenty sticks and carefully packed them into wooden boxes.

Gu Yan adjusted his breath for a while, without rest, but continued to make another kind of incense.

This is based on the improvement of Danfang. The materials are still those materials, that is, the year and the medicinal properties have been greatly reduced. There are 18 kinds of ginseng, ganoderma lucidum, Poria, Dendrobium, lotus seed, etc.

With regard to these things, if it is boiled into soup, people can make it to death by drinking it. So he was still not assured, and added several supplementary and reconciling herbs, a total of twenty-five.

He painted cats and tigers, and made another twenty incense sticks according to his previous state of mind and technique. To put it simply, it is to use consciousness and aura to integrate the medicine and eliminate impurities.

With all this done, Gu Min glanced up and realized that it was dark. He stood on the floor, trying to stand up, and then made a plop, and fell back again.


He smiled, but his energy was too great and his body was weak.

However, he was in a happy mood. Looking at the two boxes of string fragrant incense, one box was called peach blossom fragrance and the other was called Juqixiang. The former is just casual, the latter is the focus.

The effect of Qiqidan is to increase the speed of practice. If Juqixiang has a similar function, even if it is one-tenth, one-twentieth, it can replace the spiritual stone to a certain extent.

And with this vein of Phoenix Mountain, he will have the most solid foundation!


At the end of June, Jiangzhou Railway Station.

This is a big station. There are countless passengers who pick up and drop off every day. Each of the more than 20 waiting areas is occupied by black people.

In the waiting seat heading for Yingtan City, although everyone said that they were busy, they all looked with a touch of curiosity and look, and they aimed at one direction from time to time.

In a seat in the middle, a skinny old priest sat with his eyes closed. He is very old, but it feels weird ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It seems that even the wrinkles on his face show a magical vitality.

This person is inconsistent with the style of the surrounding paintings. He is in a gray robe, white socks and shoes, without a suitcase, and only has a bag on his hand. That's right, it's the kind of burden often seen in costume dramas.

This veteran is naturally Tan Chongzhen, the head of the Qiongshan School.

Today is the 19th, and the 20th is the Dharma. There is no airport over there, and I can only take the high-speed rail for about ten hours. The Taoist Association sent him to the station, leaving them with tickets and travel allowances.

Qin Yunfeng was generous and gave 50,000 yuan. He may have heard some rumors. What a big move will happen soon. Tan Lao Dao is the representative of Jiangzhou.

"Please note that the G808 train from Jiangzhou to Yingtan has begun to check in ..."

Along with the sound of the broadcast, Tan Chongzhen stood up, like a green pine, straight and straight. The momentum was bright, and he immediately surprised others.

Lao Dao looked slightly condensed, stepped onto the platform, and headed to the 2,000-year-old South Daomen Holy Land, Longhu Mountain!

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