Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 966 Red Dragon Girl's Thoughts

Red Dragon Girl quickly made hand gestures with both hands, and with a sharp movement of her fingers, a strange gray light shield burst out, forming a restraining force that covered Ye Han...

This guy's aura was too much like that of the bastard Ye Han, she must kill this guy to avenge herself...

Thinking of the horrible days of that year after the failure, she could hardly suppress her killing intent...

Red Dragon Girl suddenly released such a terrifying magical treasure, and Sha Tianzun and Yin Mo reacted very quickly...

Sha Tianzun's evil spirit burst out, and he opened his mouth and spit out his life-saving magic weapon, the God of Evil Sky Spear, and suddenly the blood-red evil spirit face rolled and surged in it, bursting out with a thunderous evil spirit...


With a roar from Sha Tianzun, he pointed his finger, and the Sha Shen Tian Gun spun and burst out a murderous aura, which turned into a dazzling and terrifying spear light that was hundreds of feet wide, and crushed and bombarded Ye Han's head...

At the same time, the sound demon also released his demonic energy and pointed his finger, opened his mouth and spit out a swirling sound wave storm, and a swirling gong and drum treasure exploded and burst out, all of which were bells...

As the power of the sound demon surged, the bells on his body kept ringing like a violent storm, and countless sound wave magic powers drilled into it...

Boom! ! ! ! ! ! The gong and drum life treasure vibrated and exploded with a storm sound wave, and a terrifying demon sound wave figure a hundred feet tall exploded, crushing and bombarding Ye Han's figure...

The three black water demons released the strongest treasure magical power in a tacit moment, and besieged Ye Han...

The other four Jindan period also reacted, and released magical treasures one after another, crushing and bombarding Ye Han...

Buzz! Ye Han's figure froze, and his magic power was imprisoned a little bit. Then the terrible evil spirit spear rushed down, and the demon sound wave figure rushed over...

Ye Han's eyes burst out with brilliant golden light, his arrogance burst out, and the sword intent burst out like a sea of ​​​​overturning the world. The imprisoned magic power rushed out instantly, and the sword crushed and bombarded out instantly...

Da Geng Sword Technique!

Sword breaks the sky! ! !

As an extremely terrifying sword intent rushed out, the dazzling golden sword light crushed everything and burst out, forming a golden sword light hundreds of feet long, and the world flashed a flash and seemed to stop moving!

Bang! ! !

A thunderous explosion of gold and iron, the boundless dazzling golden sword light and the Sha Shen Tian Qiang's life magic weapon collided with each other, and Sha Tian Zun's life magic weapon trembled and was shaken up dozens of feet...

Then came the sonic boom demon figure of the sound demon, which was distorted by the impact. The sound waves were like a circular storm, continuously exploding, and the air was shaken into circles of storm ripples, crushing the world and distorting...

This terrifying Jindan period sword cultivator actually blocked the full-strength attack of the Black Water Three Demons?

The three demons looked at this scene in disbelief...

The other four Jindan-stage magical treasures also attacked, and they crushed and bombarded Ye Han...

Ye Han's face changed, and suddenly a dazzling golden sword light burst out from his body. He and the sword merged into one, and a sword light burst out...

Clang clang clang clang clang! ! ! ! ! A series of violent storms of dazzling sword light and treasure mana bombarded each other, and Ye Han's figure turned into a golden sword light. Thousands of sword lights surrounded his figure and rushed out. He actually killed the siege range of the three black water demons and four Jindan stage immortal cultivators and appeared hundreds of feet away...

Ye Han shouted coldly: "You are quite capable! I will deal with you next time!"

With Ye Han's angry shout, he pinched the magic formula with both hands, and the sword intent burst out against the sky and drilled into the sword light. The long sword instantly burst out a dazzling and suffocating sword intent, which swirled around Ye Han's figure, turned into a golden sword light, and flew away...

Swish! ! ! ! ! The dazzling golden sword light flashed in the air, and flew thousands of feet away in a flash.

Seeing this, the Red Dragon Girl angrily cursed: "Damn it! Sword Escape Technique!"

The other Jindan Stages had no intention of chasing him. This guy's swordsmanship was so terrifying. If they chased him, they would be defeated one by one. It would be a loss. Moreover, the other party's swordsmanship had reached such a high level that the speed of using the sword escape technique was extremely fast...

Even if they chased him with all their strength, they couldn't catch up with him.

Damn it, no wonder this guy dared to rush up alone!

The Black Water Three Demons and the others looked miserable and aggrieved. This sword cultivator with a sword technique that defied the heavens was really terrifying...

The Sound Demon couldn't help but say to the Red Dragon Girl, "Senior Sister! Could this guy be Sword 29?"

Sha Tianzun said coldly, "Impossible! Sword 29 was injured by the ancestor and is hiding at the gate of the Yin Yang Sword Sect!"

A Qianshan Sect Jindan Stage followed up and said, "That's right, this sword cultivator's sword technique is not the Yin Yang Sword Sect's sword technique at all, but a sword technique that has never been seen before!"

Another Green Mountain Sect Jindan Stage cultivator said gloomily, "Damn it! If it's not a Yin Yang Sword Sect sword cultivator, then where did he come from to mess things up!"

Listening to the words of these guys, the Red Dragon Girl's face was terribly gloomy. She could feel that when this so-called mysterious sword cultivator used his sword technique and sword intent, there was a familiar breath, which was the sword intent breath of Ye Han who made her embarrassed...

This bastard, not only made her lose face, but also made her punished by the ancestor and went to the Black Water Pond for a year, making her suffer a lot...

Thinking of this, the Red Dragon Girl's face was filled with murderous intent, causing everyone else to look at her in awe. Could it be that this Red Dragon Girl had such terrible murderous intent?

However, Red Dragon Girl said, "No matter who is the troublemaker! Kill them! Kill all the bastards in Jinrang! Enter Jinrang first!!!"

Following Red Dragon Girl's order, she also rushed towards the city wall with murderous intent...

Seeing this, the others also rushed towards the city wall one by one...

Yes, their goal is to break through the city wall and open Jinrang's defense line. If the other party recovers and repairs the defense ban line, then their attacks in the past few days may be in vain...

That guy has left, and the only obstacle is gone. Of course, we must kill all the other party's living forces and destroy Jinrang...

And Red Dragon Girl thinks that the other party is Ye Han from the damn Qingxuan Sect, but she knows that once other people know that the guy is Ye Han, others will definitely chase Ye Han with all their strength. At that time, the good things and treasures on this guy are likely to fall into the hands of others...

Very good, this guy actually dared to appear in Jinrang, he must have other intentions, and there is only one way to report to the master and let the master take action!

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