Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 878 Pleasant Changes

This imitation of the purple tripod, along with the appearance of that terrifying mysterious existence, fully proved Ye Han's guess that this imitation of the purple tripod was indeed made by that existence to find the real purple tripod.

Master Yong and others were just cultivators controlled by him. They used the search for the purple tripod, but when they felt it was useless, that existence destroyed them without hesitation.

It can be seen that this terrifying existence is not a kind-hearted existence...

It can be seen that the real purple tripod is a heaven-defying treasure that the terrifying existences in the outside world are looking for...

Moreover, this imitation of the purple tripod should have been made within two or three hundred years.

This made Ye Han a little worried.

The reason why the other party did not have the earth realm was that they were definitely not sure about the location of the real purple tripod. If they knew it was in the earth realm, with that guy's ability to cross the realm to contact the cultivators, there must be a way to enter the earth realm...

Just like how that damn demon king entered this earth realm, that existence must be able to do it...

It may even trigger the next cross-border race war.

Ye Han was a very young foundation-building cultivator, but he had experienced so much and read so many books. It can be said that his knowledge was no less than that of cultivators who had cultivated for thousands of years...

He knew the consequences of a race war between this world and the outside world, which would definitely be a disaster for all living beings and people's livelihood...

More than half of the cultivators would perish in it...

And the purple tripod imitation in front of him could still attract the purple tripod. It should be that person who added some materials or treasures that could attract the purple tripod when refining the purple tripod imitation...

And the other party's aura disappeared, and the purple tripod imitation was still there. That guy couldn't take it away.

This made Ye Han a little entangled. How to deal with this thing? If he let the purple tripod absorb this thing, would the other party find out?

If he took it away, would he become the second Master Yong and be controlled by the other party?

Of course, it would be a pity to discard it. Although this imitation of the Purple Tripod is not as good as the Purple Tripod, the imitations of the Purple Tripod that Ye Hanyong had absorbed before were all a significant improvement over the real Purple Tripod...

So it was very hard for Ye Hanyong to discard this imitation of the Purple Tripod.

After all, the more powerful the Purple Cauldron is, the more powerful his cultivation will be...

However, thinking of the Purple Cauldron replica he had absorbed before, Ye Han suddenly made a decision. He looked at the Purple Cauldron replica with a sharp look and said in a deep voice: "Can I refuse the treasure that is delivered to my door?"

As he said that, Ye Han's eyes showed a decisive look. He pinched his fingers, and the magic power surged. With a wave of his hand, the Purple Cauldron replica turned into a purple light and flew into his hand...

Then, Ye Han drove the Purple Cauldron in his sea of ​​consciousness without hesitation. The purple rune vortex that was ready to move formed a surge, and swallowed the Purple Cauldron replica in an instant...

He had decided that it would not be dangerous to let the Purple Cauldron absorb this Purple Cauldron replica...

On the one hand, he had already let the Purple Cauldron absorb two Purple Cauldron replicas. The time span of refining those two Purple Cauldron replicas should be very large. After absorbing them, the Purple Cauldron has made considerable progress and changes, making him unable to resist the temptation of the Purple Cauldron becoming stronger after absorption.

On the other hand, the reason why he judged that there should be no problem for him to absorb the imitation of the Purple Tripod now is because he judged from the last tone of the existence of the Purple Tripod imitation that this guy had not only given up the imitation of the Purple Tripod, but also cut off the connection with the imitation of the Purple Tripod.

Why did he judge like this? Because this guy said that it was not in this realm, which means that this guy released not only one imitation of the Purple Tripod, but also placed it in not only one interface...

It was placed in many interfaces. Naturally, he could not control every imitation of the Purple Tripod. If it was not there, he would just give up directly to avoid wasting energy and mana.

It is very difficult to control anything across boundaries, and the consumption is very large, even if this existence is powerful and terrifying.

The Purple Tripod replica that Ye Han found before probably has the same function. It may be controlled by different beings. The Purple Tripod replica that has been abandoned can only be regarded as a good ancient treasure...

In this case, there is no danger for him to absorb this Purple Tripod replica now...

Even if the other party senses that the aura of the Purple Tripod replica has disappeared, he will only think that the reason why Master Yong did not answer him just now was that he was killed by the immortal cultivator, and the Purple Tripod replica was also destroyed...

He will not think that the real Purple Tripod has appeared. After all, if the real Purple Tripod appears, it should directly absorb the Purple Tripod replica...

The other party will definitely not think that he can control the real Purple Tripod and find out the trick of the Purple Tripod replica. He does not absorb the Purple Tripod replica but puts it aside.

If the other party knows all this, the other party must be an immortal, and the probability of this situation is even smaller.

So Ye Han also made up his mind to let the Purple Tripod absorb the Purple Tripod replica...

Of course, if the Purple Tripod replica was absorbed before this existence appeared, the result would definitely be different. The other party must have discovered that the real Purple Tripod appeared.

Sure enough, the purple cauldron sucked the purple cauldron replica into the sea of ​​consciousness. As the purple runes surrounded it, the purple cauldron replica gradually split apart and turned into purple runes. Like a purple liquid, it surged towards the purple cauldron and turned into a purple spiritual light that penetrated into the purple cauldron...

The purple tripod was humming with purple light, and its aura was changing dramatically. It became more crystal clear purple jade, with a trace of space aura swirling on it...

At this time, his purple tripod space was also agitated, and purple runes were constantly surging, and the entire purple tripod space began to expand.

The space of 120 feet had expanded to 130 feet...

It is worth mentioning that although the purple tripod space was enlarged this time, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the space did not become thinner. Instead, a mysterious and profound space aura appeared, and a trace of space aura surged in, increasing the spatial strength of the purple tripod space, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was much more abundant...

This situation surprised Ye Han very much. It seems that the level of this purple tripod imitation is much better than the purple tripod imitation he got in the past...

What's more surprising is that he feels that the purple tripod now has a trace of space power, that is to say, the ability of the purple tripod imitation used by Master Yong before to open the teleportation space channel, now his purple tripod can also...

And it feels that the effect should be much better than the purple tripod space.

Just when Ye Han was in a state of surprise, he suddenly felt a strong aura rushing towards him, causing Ye Han's face to change...

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