Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 818 Detoxification

The purple cauldron appeared on the floor of the secret room.

Ye Han frowned, pointed his finger at the purple cauldron, and a circle of purple runes swirled, and the vortex space door of the purple cauldron space appeared...

Ye Han and Fairy Yulan turned into a beam of spiritual light and drilled into the purple cauldron...

There was no other way!

The poison in Fairy Yulan should have been caused by the bite of a blood-thirsty poisonous mosquito. This is a poisonous insect on the list of strange insects, and its power is absolutely extraordinary...

If Fairy Yulan had not taken some life-saving elixir, even Ye Han would not have much to do now.

But the crisis has not been resolved.

Ye Han can only take Fairy Yulan into the purple cauldron space and help Fairy Yulan detoxify...

If Ye Han wants to enter the purple cauldron space by himself, he must release the purple cauldron from the sea of ​​consciousness, and he cannot put Ye Han's body in.

So in order to save Fairy Yulan, this is the only way...

The figures of Ye Han and Fairy Yulan appeared in the purple cauldron space.

Time was running out, Ye Han frowned, looking at the pale and black face of Magnolia Fairy...

He swept Magnolia Fairy's figure with his spiritual sense, lifted up Magnolia Fairy's long skirt, and revealed her snow-white right foot. There was indeed a black wound on it, and the surrounding snow-white skin had turned dark green...

Ye Han's face changed, and a soul-severing sword appeared in his hand. He actually cut open Magnolia Fairy's white calf with one sword...

He pointed his finger, and it swooshed!

There was a rustling sound, and blood-spotted ants came out from the insect room in the distance...

These blood-spotted ants all had golden spots on their bodies, and there were traces of purple-gold runes on them...

Yes, these blood-spotted ants were the latest batch that successfully evolved. Their size did not grow because of this, but became more slender and smaller, but the breath they emitted was much stronger than before the evolution, and it was already the breath of a fourth-level monster...

Such a small body, but it contained such a powerful breath, which was more difficult to deal with than ordinary fourth-level monsters...

Although the blood-spotted ants were ranked higher than the blood-sucking poisonous mosquitoes, Ye Han's blood-spotted ants had evolved so many times and had eaten the flesh and blood of the demon king, so they were actually much stronger than the blood-sucking poisonous mosquitoes.

However, the blood-sucking poisonous mosquito that bit the Magnolia Fairy was not an ordinary thing. It was obviously cultivated in a very complicated way, and it was not an ordinary blood-sucking poisonous mosquito.

Just see!

Following Ye Han's command, these blood-spotted ants all went to the wound of Magnolia Fairy. They sucked a mouthful of poisonous blood from Magnolia Fairy's wound and then went around...

The blood-spotted ants that sucked the poisonous blood all felt weak and trembled when they walked...

There was no other way. The best detoxification pill on Ye Han's body had been taken by Magnolia Fairy.

But the poison in this wound cannot be expelled by mana and spells. The only thing to do is to let the blood-spotted ants suck it out mouthful by mouthful...

You should know that although the blood-spotted ants are not poisonous, their saliva has a special detoxification ability. It's just that the poison of this blood-sucking poisonous mosquito is too special and has been cultivated. If a blood-spotted ant sucks too much poison,

This blood-spotted ant will also die. This is a fourth-level blood-spotted ant. Even if it cannot be completely resisted, if Ye Han is hit, it will not be much better...

Fortunately, Ye Han has enough blood-spotted ants. If each of them inhales a small mouthful, it can resist...

Seeing that the poison of Magnolia Fairy is getting weaker and weaker, Ye Han breathed a sigh of relief, walked to a special ground in the center of a medicine garden, and pointed his finger.

Swish! A small hole was dug out of the ground, revealing the Haoling fertile soil inside...

Then Ye Han put Magnolia Fairy's poisoned leg in, pointed his finger, and the Haoling fertile soil buried it. Ye Han pressed Magnolia Fairy's back with one hand, driving her mana to operate, absorbing the breath of Haoling fertile soil, and entering from the wound...

Ye Han took Magnolia Fairy into the purple tripod space to detoxify and heal her wounds. It was completely impossible to rely on blood-spotted ants to detoxify.

Besides, if the blood-spotted ants could detoxify, Ye Han wouldn't have to release the Purple Cauldron and bring Fairy Magnolia into the Purple Cauldron space...

Although he had a very good relationship with Fairy Magnolia, if it wasn't such an emergency, Ye Han would still be reluctant to bring her in...

Because the most important thing, to completely detoxify, you have to rely on the Haoling Fertile Soil and Danxian Grass in the medicine garden...

These two treasures, the Haoling Fertile Soil has been integrated with the ground of the Purple Cauldron space, and the cost of taking it out is extremely high, and the gain is not worth the loss...

As for Danxian Grass, once it leaves the Purple Cauldron space, it will wither immediately.

Ye Han picked another Danxian Grass nearby, and his magic power swirled, refining it into a very pure spiritual liquid, which he dripped into the mouth of Fairy Magnolia.

To be honest, if someone else was poisoned, Ye Han might not necessarily help to detoxify if he had to expose the many treasures in the Purple Cauldron Space, but Fairy Yulan was gentle and devoted to studying the art of formations...

Because of the favor of giving her the Small Mitian Formation, Ye Han took the risk to help Fairy Yulan detoxify...

Sure enough!

After taking the Danxiancao, Fairy Yulan's originally pale and black complexion gradually recovered, and the Haoling fertile soil in the ground also began to play a role, allowing Fairy Yulan's wounds to continuously absorb the special Haoling fertile soil...

Danxiancao is a treasure that defies the heavens, and even the seven elders who are breaking through the Nascent Soul stage need it very much. It is naturally impossible to be so simple to improve the advancement to the Nascent Soul stage.

Of course, without the assistance of Haoling Fertile Soil and Blood-spotted Ants, more Danxian Grass would have to be used to cure Magnolia Fairy, which would cost even more.

This thing uses one less plant...

Watching Fairy Magnolia absorb the breath of Haoling Fertile Earth, the special spiritual energy of heaven and earth around her is slowly decreasing...

Ye Han smiled bitterly when he saw this. In this way, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in his Ziding space and the growth of elixirs would be reduced again...

But since you decided to save people, don't regret anything.

About an hour later, Fairy Magnolia's eyelids trembled slightly. She opened her eyes and saw Ye Han in front of her. She saw a large medicine garden and boundless beauty. She couldn't believe what she saw before her eyes...

This... is he still having an illusion? Is this fairyland?

However, Ye Han appeared in front of her and said calmly: "Junior Sister Yulan! Are you awake?"

When Fairy Magnolia saw Ye Han, she was surprised and said, "Senior Brother Ye, was it you who saved me?"

Ye Han smiled bitterly and said, "Well! Just hope you're fine!"

Fairy Magnolia looked at Ye Han gratefully, and suddenly felt that her legs were buried in a warm and comfortable land. She couldn't help but look down and said in surprise: "Haoling Fertile Land?!"

Seeing Fairy Yulan recognize the Haoling Fertile Land, Ye Han frowned. He didn't want to expose such a treasure...

However, Fairy Yulan said again: "Senior Brother Ye! I have a treasure that can make your Hao Ling Fertile Soil evolve!"

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