Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 762 Headless Blood Demon

The fourth elder screamed miserably, his body was completely unable to withstand the flames...

Damn it! The fourth elder gritted his teeth, and suddenly his body exploded into a blood mist, and he actually broke away from the siege of the Fire God Chain.

The Fire God Chain actually failed to lock the fourth elder of Qianshan Sect.

He is really worthy of being a great cultivator in the Jindan period, and he actually has such a life-saving magical power.

However! The fourth elder also used this special secret magical power to escape, which consumed a lot of energy, and his breath suddenly became weak, at least half weaker.

The fourth elder escaped and shouted angrily: "Qianshan Sect disciples! Come on! Kill these two bastards!"

At this point, he was still trapped in this terrible sword formation, and there was also the attack of the terrible fire chain treasure. Although he escaped this time, it was not easy to continue to block it. He could only let the disciples of Qianshan Sect come together and use the human sea tactics to kill these two guys...

After all, if these two guys really ran away...

No! These two guys didn't intend to run away at all, but to lure him into the sword formation...

In fact, he was lured by Ye Han to chase him and fell into the sword formation, which was already a big loss.

Damn it! As an elder, he is in a very bad state now, but if he continues like this, he will only die, so how can he care about anything else?

When the fourth elder came out to chase him just now, he had already reminded the lurking disciples of Qianshan Sect...

Now there is so much noise outside, many disciples of Qianshan Sect have already controlled the flying treasures and are ready to come out to help...


Hua La La!

I saw that one by one, metal puppets with blue runes trembling all over their bodies, about ten feet high, holding long swords and shields, came out from the ground, cliffs, and even under trees, and emitted a cold and creepy murderous aura.

Seeing the sudden metal puppets, many disciples of Qianshan Sect were horrified. What kind of puppet is this? It looks amazing.

Not bad!

While investigating the movements of these Qianshan Sect disciples, Ye Han had already deployed all his metal puppets...

And let the Ice Lotus Puppet be the core to command these metal puppets.

You know, the last time he got the broken hand of the Sha Yin Patriarch, although Ye Han later blew up the hand when he plotted against the Sha Yin Patriarch, Ye Han still refined a new hand.

Later, when he killed the Sha Yin Patriarch, he also got the other hand and foot of the Sha Yin Patriarch.

Ye Han also fused the arm and foot with the Ice Lotus Puppet. Although the fusion was not completely successful, the current Ice Lotus Puppet is equivalent to the strength of half of the Golden Core Stage.

And with strong intelligence, Ye Han arranged more than a hundred metal puppets in advance to deal with these lurking Qianshan Sect disciples.

Sure enough, as the puppets around rushed out...

The surrounding cliffs followed a series of magical spiritual lights, forming a series of mist surges...

One after another, large dragon-trapping formations appeared around...

The disciples of Qianshan Sect rushed out frantically and were immediately trapped in the formation, while the Ice Lotus Puppet burst out with murderous intent in its eyes, waving two golden sword beams, killing the disciples of Qianshan Sect.

The metal puppets were seen waving golden swords and shields to block the attacks of the Qianshan Sect. Suddenly, the whole valley was a terrible melee, with earth-shaking shouts of killing, magic power everywhere, and the brilliance of treasures trembling...

Many Qianshan Sect disciples were trapped in the Great Dragon Trapping Formation. The metal puppets killed them and made those Qianshan Sect disciples extremely miserable...

On the other side, the fourth elder of the Qianshan Sect saw this scene and his eyes were almost bulging with horror...

Even though he had been in Tianlan for many years, he had never heard of any immortal cultivator who could control so many metal puppets, and looking at these puppets, they could still cast formations while advancing and retreating, and the Great Dragon Trapping Formation trapped so many Qianshan Sect disciples.

This is over! Where did this bastard come from? He could actually control so many puppets...

If there was a problem with the Qianshan Sect team along the way, the entire plan would be greatly affected.

But now he couldn't care so much.

He was now trapped in the sword formation, and in order to break free from the chains of the God of Fire, he activated the secret method, which consumed a lot of energy. Originally, he could have called out the disciples of Qianshan Sect, more than a hundred of them in the foundation-building stage, and they could have killed these two guys.

In fact, whether he could save his life depended on the actions of the disciples of Qianshan Sect.

As a result, the other party had already made plans and arranged formations and puppets around him...

This time, he was doomed.

No! I can't die!

The fourth elder's eyes showed a crazy look, and suddenly he slapped the storage bag, and a black token flew out. As the fourth elder pinched his fingers and chanted a spell, a shocking and suffocating blood-light mana rune burst out and drilled into the black token.

Buzz buzz buzz! ! The entire black token burst out with circles of blood runes, and it actually grew flesh and blood arms, turning into a headless figure covered in black and red blood runes...

As soon as this headless body appeared, it expanded rapidly, and the air was shocked by circles of terrible bloody breath...

Damn it! In order to save his life, he could only release the headless blood demon. This was originally the secret method of the Qianshan Sect that was supposed to be used when attacking the Qingxuan Sect.

Now he had no choice but to take it out. The fourth elder's figure immediately drilled into the body of the headless blood demon and protected his whole body.

Sure enough, when the headless blood demon appeared, the entire Zhuxian Yin-Yang Sword Formation was stirred up by a visible blood storm, which continued to surge in all directions, shocking the space to be distorted, and the bloody aura burst out disgustingly.

The headless blood demon turned into a size of several dozen feet, with blood-red runes on both arms and circles of metal rings, each of which vibrated with shocking and suffocating blood light...

The headless blood demon waved his fist and heavily blasted towards the sword of the Zhuxian Yin-Yang Sword Formation...

The golden sword aura of the Zhuxian Yin-Yang Sword Formation burst out violently, blasting out countless golden sword auras to kill the headless blood demon.

Clang clang clang! ! Countless golden sword auras bombarded the headless blood demon, and actually made a sound of metal clashing, sparks flew everywhere, and were actually blocked by the body of the headless blood demon...

Even with the power of the Zhuxian Yin-Yang Sword Formation, it could only leave a trail of blood on the headless blood demon...

Boom! ! With a roar that shook the heavens and the earth, the bloody waves rolled and exploded, and the sword energy of the Zhuxian Yin-Yang Sword Formation was actually blown apart by the headless blood demon's punch.

Ye Han's breath was greatly impacted, his blood and qi rolled up, his body shook and he spit out a mouthful of blood...

Tsk! This headless blood demon is too scary! I don't know how much manpower and material resources the Qianshan Sect spent to refine it...

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