Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 73 Late stage of Qi Refining?

Ye Han opened his eyes leisurely, and his eyes flashed with an astonishing aura, like two glowing eyes...

He felt that his body was filled with surging mana. Compared with before, the mana was in the sky and on the ground.

He carefully felt this powerful magic power.

It feels like my body has grown taller again, and my head is almost reaching the top of the cave.

Both his breath and strength have made amazing progress.

Ye Han carefully felt the spiritual power and cultivation in his body, his eyes were indescribably excited, he looked at his hands and said in surprise: "Is this the late stage of the Qi refining period?"

Yes, although Ye Han didn't know how many levels of the Qi Refining Stage his cultivation had reached, he must have broken through the fourth level of the Qi Refining Stage and reached the seventh level or above.

Because he felt that his mana had increased at least several times compared to the past, and his whole person felt ecstatic and in extremely good condition.

What's more important is that he feels that although he has not practiced the blood technique, the purple tripod should also have an effect on the blood technique.

Otherwise, his body would not have grown so much. He felt that his blood practice should have almost advanced to the second level. The blood and mana in his body were so strong and abundant that he had never seen before.

He carefully experienced the feeling of improving his cultivation, as if he had become another person. This feeling of having power was really addictive.

In the past, when Ye Han was at the peak of the fourth level of his Qi refining period, although he felt that he had some magic power, he felt that he was unable to do anything, and it was difficult to cast even a vine soul spell.

Now it is very easy for him to cast the Vine Soul Technique, and if he uses it with all his strength, he may be able to cast the second level of the Vine Soul Technique...

Ye Han suddenly remembered Ziding, and took out Ziding from his arms to see if he woke up because he absorbed the breath absorbed by Ziding...

It was shocking to find that although the purple tripod looked like crystal clear purple jade, the bottom was still a little petrified.

In other words, he didn't wake up because he absorbed the aura of Ziding. Maybe his body and cultivation reached the limit of the current stage, so he woke up.

There was a lot of dust on his body, and his face felt dry with a lot of dust stuck to it. It must have been contracted during his cultivation.

He didn't know exactly how long it had been, but he could feel it. This time the meditation should not be as long as the last time specified for absorption. The last time was more than three months this month, and this time it should be less than three months...

With a flash of inspiration, he put the purple tripod into his storage bag.

This actually made him feel at ease. The space in the storage bag would not leak out.

No matter how powerful the immortal cultivator is, he cannot peek into the space of other people's storage bags to see what is there.

He pushed aside the stone slab, got out of the cave, moved his limbs, and felt more comfortable than ever before, but his body was covered in dust, and he used his magic power.

call! !

A circle of shock appeared on his body, mana surged, and the mana was released so much that it shook away the dust on his body...

Now he is able to release his magic power, which he couldn't do at the fourth level of Qi refining stage before.

It can be seen that his progress during this period is really amazing.

But he didn’t have time to appreciate his own changes!

How is Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan doing? !

Ye Han looked towards the cave where Zhang Qingshan was with great concern. Fortunately, the sealed stone door of the cave where Zhang Qingshan was located was still in good condition.

Therefore, Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan should be fine...

However, Ye Han's expression suddenly changed, and he felt keenly that there was a very powerful aura in the cave where Zhang Qingshan was.

His heart moved, and he stretched out his hand to move the stone slab.

The moment he opened the stone slab, Ye Han was surprised to see that although Zhang Qingshan was still sleeping, he was no longer as shriveled as before.

Instead, it has become a very normal figure, but it is not what it was before Zhang Qingshan shriveled up.

Before Zhang Qingshan used his secret method to fight the water demon, his muscles were quite strong and well developed.

Now it is just a normal body shape, and it can be seen that it is a lot smaller than before.

However, the aura coming from Zhang Qingshan was very powerful. In the past, he could not feel the difference between the monks because his cultivation was too weak, and his spiritual sense could not distinguish the strength of other monks...

Of course, unless the other party deliberately releases his breath, he can feel the other party's strength...

Otherwise he wouldn't feel it at all.

Now he felt that Zhang Qingshan's aura was much stronger than his own.

And he had a feeling that Zhang Qingshan's cultivation level should have broken through, and it was much stronger than when he came to the Black Demon Mountain Range.

This situation made Ye Han also happy!

After all, he gave Zhang Qingshan the purple pill from Ziding. If he couldn't save Zhang Qingshan's life, it would harm Zhang Qingshan...

That was also a big psychological impact for him.

Although it was a pity that he did not take this purple pill, Ye Han felt that as long as the purple tripod was in his hands, sooner or later he would get this purple pill again...

Although Ye Han's own cultivation has improved a lot, he still hopes to go back safely. At the same time, he also needs Zhang Qingshan to teach him more cultivation methods, because although his cultivation has improved, the spells he knows are still the same. There is only one vine soul technique...

So Ye Han tried to shout to Zhang Qingshan: "Senior Brother Zhang! Can you hear me?"

While shouting, Ye Han gently shook Zhang Qingshan's feet again...

But Zhang Qingshan still didn't seem to wake up.

This made Ye Han a little speechless. After so long, Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan still couldn't wake up? It looked like his injuries should be healed.

He couldn't wait here for Zhang Qingshan to wake up...

After thinking about it, Ye Han decided to hit Zhang Qingshan with an axe. If Zhang Qingshan didn't wake up through the pain, he could only make other plans.

After all, he got some secret books from Zhang Sanlei and others. Although no one was guiding him, he could also try to learn some spells by himself, and then find a way to take Zhang Qingshan away and return to Qingxuanmen.

If he had a few more spells to defend himself, plus Zhang Qingshan's battle axe treasure, and the defense of the cold iron shield...

It's a pity that he hasn't learned how to refine magic tools yet. If he can refine this cold iron shield and control it freely, it would be the best.

Thinking of this, Ye Han picked up the golden axe and gently stabbed Zhang Qingshan's thigh...


The golden axe was indeed extremely sharp, and the sharp spike on the axe pierced in at once...

At this moment.


Zhang Qingshan screamed and bounced up from the cave. His head hit the stone wall, and many stones on the stone wall were broken. He covered his forehead and cried miserably: "It hurts so much...!"

Seeing Zhang Qingshan wake up, Ye Han shouted in surprise: "Brother Zhang, you are awake."

But Zhang Qingshan covered his forehead and looked at Ye Han in confusion and said: "Who are you?"

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