Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 694 Evil Shadow in the Clouds and Mist

Ye Han felt a powerful mysterious aura erupt from the hexagonal cube in his hand, dragging Ye Han's body into the sky.

As soon as he entered the fourth level, Ye Han felt that this fourth level had air restrictions and spiritual consciousness restrictions. It was impossible to control the flying treasures to escape. The spiritual consciousness was also suppressed very much, and the spiritual consciousness could only Sensing a range of hundreds of feet around...

However, when he took out the hexagonal cube, it flew up with him regardless of the restrictions...

What is very troublesome now is that he has been carried flying by the hexagonal cube. He has not thought of a way to control the hexagonal cube to stop...

Don't let go. Once you let go, won't you fall?

It was okay if he landed on those pillar platforms, but if he landed in the mist below, he would be in big trouble.

He had just tested it, and the mist clouds below had a very powerful restriction. Once touched, his magic power would be completely restricted and he would not be able to get out. He didn't know what was going on below.

Of course you can't fall down.

Now he can only grab this hexagonal cube and let it fly away with him.

If he had known this, he should not have taken out this hexagonal cube.

It was all because of the cube pattern on the small black map that she couldn't help but take it out to see what was going on.

The cube was wrapped in circles of gold and silver runes, and it flew away despite the air restrictions...

He was strong enough to hold on to the cube.

However, the flying speed of this cube is not very fast, it is much slower than him driving the wind-chasing boat...

He looked down!

Suddenly he saw a huge pillar directly below the figure where he was being carried away by the cube...

When his body flew over this huge pillar.

Boom! ! !

The huge pillar exploded into pieces, and the bricks and stones fell down...

What's happening here?

Ye Han's face changed, and he turned around and looked back. Only then did he see that the pillars behind him had all collapsed and scattered. Huge stone bricks of ten thousand kilograms fell down, hitting the foggy clouds, and the fog continued to roll... …

Seeing this scene, Ye Han's expression changed. It seemed that the pillars on this floor would trigger the collapse of the restrictions as long as he passed by.

What does this mean?

This does not mean that as soon as Ye Han starts to move forward, the pillars he passes will automatically collapse, so he has only one way to continue moving forward.

Because the pillars behind them collapsed, there was no way to turn back.

The arrangement of these pillars is disordered, and there are high and low. There may be only one way to go forward. Once he goes wrong, he may not be able to move forward.

He could only be trapped on that pillar, and all that was waiting for him was to fall into the misty clouds that imprisoned his spiritual consciousness and magic power.

Once it falls, it may really be a dead end.

This tower of inheritance, where is the inheritance? It's obviously used to kill those cultivators who enter the Tower of Heritage, right?

And the current situation is that Ye Han is being carried forward rapidly in the air by the cube. Doesn't that exempt him from this level of test?

This is not yet certain.

After all, we haven’t reached the end of this level yet.

At this time.

Boom! !

An astonishing buzzing sound shook out from the misty clouds below...

what is that?

Ye Han suddenly found that the foggy clouds directly in front of him were rolling violently, and the boundless clouds and mist were rippling in all directions.

In the fog, a huge figure surged out of the fog. This figure was thousands of feet long, with no head visible at a glance, rolling and surging in the fog.

The appearance of this thing filled the entire foggy cloud with terrifying evil energy, rushing under Ye Han's figure.


Boom! ! ! A huge claw passed through the foggy clouds and broke out of the clouds, violently rolling the fog.

These claws are full of terrifying evil energy, and are black and blue in color, with ferocious grooves all over them...

This huge claw clawed out towards Ye Han's location. The thousand-foot-long arm was covered with huge scales, emitting an aura that made Ye Han's scalp numb.

This guy is definitely a monster that exceeds the level of a monster king!

The claws he clawed out reminded Ye Han of the huge claw marks on Optimus Prime that he saw when he first arrived on the fourth floor!

It's clearly the traces left by this guy.

Crap! He is now in mid-air, with nowhere to hide. He is watching the huge claws impacting up, and the pierced air stirs up a boundless terrifying storm...

The huge claws hit the air and almost caught Ye Han...


The huge claws suddenly seemed to be stuck, unable to break out through the foggy clouds...

Ouch! ! ! An extremely revealing roar resounded in the mist clouds. The mist clouds rolled violently, stirring up waves of clouds and mist...

It continuously attacks in all directions, looking like a tsunami of clouds and mist, constantly rolling violently, and the suffocating evil energy surges out...

The extremely shocking and terrifying evil energy made Ye Han feel his scalp numb, his head buzzing, and he almost couldn't help but let go of the cube...

The boundless evil energy turned into a series of evil shadows, overwhelmingly attacking Ye Han's figure...

not good! Ye Han's face changed drastically, and he started to run the Thunder Technique violently, sizzling! ! The purple-gold arc of electricity continued to rotate on his body, turning into an arc light shield that destroyed the demon god's thunder!

Boom boom boom! !

Those evil demon shadows wildly bombarded the light shield of Ye Han's Demon-Breaking God Thunder, exploding terrifying purple-gold arcs and evil storms one after another...

The Demon-Breaking God Thunder is the nemesis of evil spirits, even though there are so many shadows of evil spirits.

The bombardment on the light shield of the Demon-Breaking God Thunder did not cause much actual damage!

But this consumes a lot of mana.

Ye Han complained endlessly that he almost used up all his elixirs to deal with the evil ancestor...

This thunder spell is the most mana-consuming spell. This terrifying huge black shadow will obviously knock itself down if it attacks continuously like this.

Before, I only knew that if you fall into the clouds, your mana and spiritual consciousness will be restricted, and you still don’t know what is under the collective clouds!

Now I know that the huge black shadow below is the answer.

If he falls down and is imprisoned to cultivate his magic power and consciousness, he will definitely be killed by this guy...

At this moment, a huge black shadow rolled in the clouds and mist, and was about to launch the next attack!

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