Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 64 Senior Brother Zhang! I'll help you

Seeing that Zhang Qingshan suddenly had an axe treasure in his hand, and it was extremely powerful, it blasted away the siege of the blood-light long sword and the chain evil weapon...

Qinshan Erxun stared at the axe treasure in Zhang Qingshan's hand with greed...

Yes, this is definitely not a magic weapon.

That is not an ordinary treasure.


After Zhang Qingshan had the axe in his hand, he took the axe and hit the chain with all his strength...

Bang! Bang! Bang! !

The chain was continuously trembling due to the bombardment, and the blood-light and cold air on it were all blasted away...

Qinshan Daxun was seriously injured in his mind, his body shook for a while, and he opened his mouth and spurted out blood...

Zhang Qingshan's body was like a golden storm, and he took a few steps directly to dozens of feet and rushed in front of Qinshan Daxun!

"Die!" Zhang Qingshan roared, swung the axe, and smashed it on his head...

Qin Shan Da Xiong's face turned pale. He didn't expect Zhang Qingshan's magical power to be so amazing, and he also had a treasure like an axe...

Blood escape talisman!

He gritted his teeth, and a blood light suddenly trembled on his body. Circles of blood light runes surged, and a blood-red rune surrounded his figure...

Seeing that he was about to escape from Zhang Qingshan's attack again!

At this moment.

Huh! !

He suddenly felt his feet tighten suddenly, as if they were entangled by something.

He didn't have time to look down...

He saw a golden axe light, which directly chopped down on his head...

Puff! ! !

Qin Shan Da Xiong was split into two, his eyes full of horror and confusion. What was going on? Why couldn't his feet move suddenly?

What was going on?

Qin Shan Da Xiong's eyes were full of unwillingness...

The thin Qin Shan Xiao Xiong only saw that his elder brother's feet suddenly had a circle of vines entangled his body.

This made Zhang Qingshan chop his elder brother with an axe.

Blood escape talisman!

Qin Shan Xiao Xiong didn't have time to think about it. His face turned pale. He slapped his body and a blood rune surged out. The rune wrapped his whole body. His body instantly turned into a blood light and flew towards the valley...

In an instant, he was a hundred feet away.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Qingshan's face showed helplessness. This guy cast a blood escape talisman.

That is an escape talisman that consumes the essence and cultivation of the cultivator. Once cast, the speed will increase several times. It is a good thing for escaping.

Just now, Qin Shan Da Xiong wanted to use this thing to escape, but he really didn't have time, because at the moment of activation...

His feet were suddenly entangled by a vine.

The only one who can activate this vine entanglement spell is Ye Han.

This clever guy is really good at timing!

But if the other guy gets away, it will be troublesome...

Qin Shan Xiao Xiong escaped a hundred feet away, turned back and glared at Zhang Qingshan and cursed: "Zhang Qingshan! You wait...!"

Before he finished speaking.

Roar! !

The rocks in front of Qin Shan Xiao Xiong collapsed, and a huge figure rushed out from the rocks. Two huge claws instantly crushed the rocks and slapped Qin Shan Xiao Xiong hard...


Qin Shan Xiao Xiong's entire body was crushed into several pieces, and his eyes were full of unwillingness. Why was he so unlucky...

It was so aggrieved!

He had obviously escaped so far!

It turned out that the escaped sharp claw beast rushed out from here and directly crushed Qin Shan Xiao Xiong's body...

This guy hated the cultivators because they killed their partners and immediately attacked when they found a chance.

After killing this guy, the claw beast suddenly drilled into the cave and ran away...

With the death of Qin Shan and the two villains.

The soul-refining corpses that besieged Zhang Sanlei and the other two suddenly seemed to lose control and stood there motionless...

The heads were directly cut off by Zhang Sanlei's three men and fell crookedly.

Zhang Sanlei and the other two looked relieved. Although these six soul-refining corpses were not as powerful as their cultivation.

But the three of them had consumed too much mana and were already at the end of their strength. If they continued to besiege, they would only die.

As a result, the soul-refining corpses did not move.

It seems that the two villains of Qin Shan who controlled them were dead.

Zhang Sanlei and the other two looked at Zhang Qingshan and saw the axe treasure in his hand. The light and aura emitted by this treasure were definitely not ordinary magic weapons...

Damn it, when did Zhang Qingshan have such a good treasure?

No wonder this guy was seriously injured, but he could still kill the other party and come back alive when facing the siege of five casual cultivators.

The three of them showed greed in their eyes, but they quickly restrained it. This Zhang Qingshan was much more powerful than they had imagined.

However, they also knew Zhang Qingshan. He was a good guy. If they said a few good words, they could get away with anything.

So, Zhang Sanlei said to Zhang Qingshan: "Brother Zhang! This time it's really...!"

Before Zhang Sanlei finished speaking, Zhang Qingshan shouted: "Be careful!" and rushed towards Zhang Sanlei...

Zhang Sanlei's face changed drastically when he saw this. He thought Zhang Qingshan was going to attack them, and suddenly released the dagger magic weapon...


Boom! !

The ground where Zhang Sanlei and the other two were suddenly collapsed...

The three of them fell into the collapsed ground before they could react.



A sharp claw beast came from inside, roaring angrily.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Ah! !

The dirt inside flew everywhere, followed by the miserable screams of Zhang Sanlei and the other two, and blood spurted out from the ground...

This clawed beast had no intention of letting go of the three murderers who killed its partner...

And its nest was actually connected in all directions inside, and it attacked Zhang Sanlei and the other two in an instant...

Zhang Qingshan rushed over but couldn't save them in time, and watched Zhang Sanlei and the other two being killed by the clawed beast!

At this moment.


The huge clawed beast rushed out of the cave, staring at Zhang Qingshan with fierce eyes...

What was surprising was that this guy's injuries had improved a lot, and a violent aura burst out of his body.

What happened?

This clawed beast was even more powerful than before the injury! The blue veins on his body burst, and the demonic aura emitted made Zhang Qingshan feel terrified!

Such a strong demonic aura! It was definitely not a normal situation.

Zhang Qingshan was stared at by this huge clawed beast, and his heart was chilled...

He had used all his means in the battle with Qin Shan and the other two fierce men, and had used all the axe treasures at the bottom of the box...

In fact, the consumption was already very huge.

Now he had to face this clawed beast!

Zhang Qingshan was not a cowardly person. He clenched the battle axe in his hand and roared at the clawed beast in front of him: "Come on!"


The clawed beast looked at Zhang Qingshan's provocative gesture, let out a piercing roar, and rushed towards Zhang Qingshan...

At this moment.

Ye Han shouted: "Brother Zhang! I'll help you!"

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