Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 6 The gentleman just went to give a lecture to the girl

Ye Han struggled desperately and shouted in panic: "Let me go! Damn it!"

But he was just a half-grown child, thin and weak, and was pinned down.

"Don't worry, I promise to break your leg." The lame beggar sneered and walked towards Ye Han with a brick.

"Help! Someone!" Ye Han shouted in fear.

The people of Qingniu Village were simple and honest, and had never seen such a sinister person...

If his legs were broken, he would be disabled for life and become a tool for these beggars to make money, that would be terrible...

"Hehe! You can scream, but no one will come to save you!" The strong beggar sneered.

Although he was dressed like a beggar, he actually knew martial arts and was a small leader of the Beggar Gang. He didn't beg at ordinary times, but broke the hands and feet of these children, let them beg, and make money for the gang...

Looking at the lame beggar walking towards him, Ye Han was filled with panic.

A few people heard the noise, but they didn't dare to intervene. They just took a look and ran away...


Puff puff puff...

Three muffled sounds.

The strong beggar and the two beggars who held Ye Han down suddenly had their heads moved and flew out...

Blood spurted out like a stream of water, and the blood scattered.

The lame beggar was immediately scared and ran away, but after running a few steps, his body suddenly froze, his head flew out, blood spurted out, and he fell to the ground motionless.

Ye Han didn't see clearly how these four guys were killed. He only saw four heads hit the ground, their faces suddenly turned ashen, and they jumped up in fear...

Are they all dead?

Then he saw a middle-aged scholar in green clothes and a square scarf on his head, standing in the alley...

"Mr. Lan Qing!" Ye Han immediately ran towards him as if he saw a relative.

Yes, the person coming was Mr. Lan Qing.

His expression was cold, and he was completely different from the gentle and elegant he had been in the past. He waved his sleeves.


Ye Han only felt his body being swept up by a gust of wind. The next moment, his eyes blurred and he and Mr. Lan Qing appeared in an unfamiliar alley.

Ye Han looked at Mr. Lan Qing with wide eyes in surprise and couldn't help asking: "Mr. Lan Qing, are you also an immortal?"

"Hmm?" Mr. Lan Qing frowned and said in a deep voice: "Huh, did you lead that woman here? What did you say to her?"

Hearing this, Ye Han's face trembled, and he suddenly understood why Mr. Lan Qing suddenly left Qingniu Village and came to the city.

It was because of the goddess who defeated the monster...

After reacting, he immediately said: "Mr. Lan Qing, I... didn't say anything."

Mr. Lan Qing narrowed his eyes and stared at Ye Han, emitting a terrible breath that frightened him...

Ye Han was frightened by his stare and explained: "Mr. Lan Qing, I met a terrible cow-eating monster in the mountains. It was the goddess who drove the monster away. I didn't talk to her, I just ran away..."

Before Ye Han finished speaking, Mr. Lan Qing suddenly reached out and grabbed the bag on his body.

Ye Han's face changed. There was silver and the book, the token, and the small tripod in the bag...

Without asking Ye Han anything, Mr. Lan Qing opened the package and saw the token. His eyes moved and he said in a deep voice: "Qingxuan Order? Where did you get it?"

"I found it in the cave of that monster." Ye Han calmed down and replied.

He was scared by Mr. Lan Qing's current appearance.

Mr. Lan Qing picked up the wrapped cloth, his eyes suddenly showed a hint of surprise, then looked at the book, flipped through it, showed a hint of disdain, then picked up the stone tripod, threw it down casually, looked up and down at Ye Han, his eyes became strange...

Ye Han saw that Mr. Lan Qing's face was not right, and explained: "Mr. Lan Qing, I originally took these things to find you, but I didn't expect you to be away, so I took these things to the city."

He paused, and then said: "I just came to the city and saw you go into that place, so I waited for you here..."

Suddenly he asked curiously: "Mr. Lan Qing, what is Yihongyuan for? They say it is a place for adults to play, where is there anything fun?"

Mr. Lan Qing's face suddenly changed, cold sweat overflowed from his forehead, and he said very embarrassedly: "What do you know, a child?"

He said, patted Ye Han's head and said: "The teacher is just giving a lesson to a studious girl inside."

"Really? Then...!" Ye Han felt that Mr. Lan Qing was lying, but he didn't ask more questions.

"Actually, you saw it." Mr. Lan Qing interrupted him and said, "There are extraordinary people in this world. The female fairy you saw is called a cultivator."

After hearing this, Ye Han was surprised and said, "Cultivators! Are they really immortals? Mr. Lan Qing, are you also a cultivator?"

"I guess so." Mr. Lan Qing smiled slightly.

Ye Han pleaded, "Sir, can you teach me how to cultivate immortals? Look, I have tuition here." As he said that, he pointed to the silver.

Mr. Lan Qing shook his head and said, "No."

Hearing this, Ye Han looked disappointed.

Seeing his disappointed look, Mr. Lan Qing said with emotion, "Cultivating immortals is about cultivation resources, skills, and opportunities. It's not that I don't teach you, but I can't afford it."

"Can't afford it?" Ye Han looked at Mr. Lan Qing with a strange look on his face, not like he was lying to him.

"Do you really want to cultivate immortals?" Mr. Lan Qing said again, "If you want to go, I can show you a way."

Ye Han said in surprise: "Really! Mr. Lan Qing, please tell me, and I will definitely repay you."

After taking a deep look at him, he said solemnly: "You have to know that cultivating immortality is a road of no return. Once you step on it, there is no turning back. Moreover, those who cultivate immortality must have spiritual roots. Although you have it, I feel Your qualifications are very average. Even if you go there, you may not achieve much."

After hearing this, Ye Han was silent for a moment, and said with determination: "Mr. Lan Qing, what do you think I will do when I go back to Qingniu Village? Or can I live a decent life in this city?"

The four beggars restrained him effortlessly, making him understand the cruelty of reality. He wanted to make his way out of the city. Confidence and hard work alone were useless. Two beggars showed up at random. He was able to restrain him, let alone a martial artist with swords, fists and kicks.

Only when you become an immortal cultivator, like that goddess, who can fly into the sky and escape from the earth, even such a big monster is no match for the goddess, and you can learn such skills, then you can be considered successful.

After hearing this, Mr. Lan Qing was stunned and understood what he meant, then said: "You are the smartest child in Qingniu Village, so I will tell you."

As he spoke, he picked up the bronze medal with Qingxuan written on it and said: "If you have spiritual roots, this thing is very important. However, even if you cannot cultivate immortality, it can still give you wealth. It depends on how you grasp it." "

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